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(G8) blockade of hotel

16-07-2006 07:46

Today in the morning around 30 people who are involved in the Network Against G8 (NAG8) blockaded the entrance of a hotel which is used by participants of the G8 summit in St. Petersburg. They blockaded the street for a while, carried banners, distributed leaflets against the policy of G8 and made noise with a trumpet and by shouting slogans like “No G8 anywhere” and “it is the end of G8 as we know it” in Russian and English.

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Lidice 1942 Beirut 2006 (by Latuff)

16-07-2006 06:01

Lidice 1942 Beirut 2006
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

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Uranium bombing in Iraq contaminates Europe

16-07-2006 01:22

Nine days after the start of the American president's 2003 "shock and awe" uranium bombing campaign in Baghdad, an invisible radioactive uranium oxide gas cloud swept through Britain's towns and countryside and throughout Europe.

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Diabetes and Depleted Uranium - Italian Embassy Cover up

16-07-2006 01:09

(San Francisco Bay View) Dr Mishra described June 29th to June 6 as "A week from Hell." International radiation expert Leuren Moret talked to Dr Mishra, a famous surgeon from India, the afternoon of July 7, 2006. Dr. Mishra's report was grim. I had tried to reach him by phone and email for a week. I was concerned about his safety. On July 10 Dr Mishra stated "I will not be cowed down."

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Depleted uranium: Dirty bombs, dirty missiles, dirty bullets

16-07-2006 01:03

A death sentence here and abroad
by Leuren Moret
At an April press conference, a group of New York Army National Guard vets raised their hands when asked if they have health problems. The soldiers, all from the 442nd Military Police Company, are complaining of headaches and fatigue after what they think is exposure to depleted uranium during their recent tour in Iraq.

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East End Mobilises against Monica Ali 'film'

15-07-2006 22:46

A community meeting in the East End held over two days to stop the filming of the Monica Ali 'book' 'Brick Lane'
has told film makers to not go ahead

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G8 2006 : State Control : Special Measures

15-07-2006 21:13

St Petersburg Times : G8 Article : Page 1
As more information comes out of St Petersburg, it seems that the special measures to police and control people in the city are more intensive than first thought. In the words of one correspondent "a waste of time and resources" (from embedded contacts).

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Close Guantanamo Bay Protest - Video & Pics

15-07-2006 19:09

Video Outside American Embassy
This is a short description of the Protest from Marble Arch to the American Embassy on Juy 15th 2006.

We marched to highlight the ongoing torture and illedla imprisonment by the Americans in Guantanamo Bay.

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The “cash for peerages” scandal and the decay of British democracy

15-07-2006 19:00

Many will no doubt view the police investigation into allegations that peerages were granted in return for loans as payback for the complete subservience to big business that has characterised the Labour government of Prime Minister Tony Blair.

This, however, would be a serious mistake. Though few will mourn should the loans scandal claim Blair’s political scalp, it is not a matter of indifference how this comes about.

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Manchester cyclists occupy the city in carnival protest against the G8.

15-07-2006 18:26

Yesterday evening Manchester cyclists held a protest bicycle carnival in solidarity with anti G8 protesters in Russia. This was part of a global protest against the G8 meeting in Moscow this weekend called for by the Peoples Global Action (PGA). The 3 main themes of the G8 summit this year are Energy security, education and aids/health care.

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AF ASBO in London

15-07-2006 18:11

Well they've done it again. Some dick with a can of spray paint and nothing better to write or prove has sprayed the initials A F (circle A anarchy style no less) outside the rampART. This wouldn't perhaps be so annoying if A F meant anything in terms of the rampart by virtue of indicating that a group known by those initials actually have anything to do with running the space, but they don't. It wouldn't be so anoying if the letters weren't deliberatly sprayed over a piece of art work that was actually commisioned by those who do run the space....

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London Rising Tide targets Drax power station's PR firm for climate/G8 DOA

15-07-2006 17:45

July 15th was an 'International Day of Direct Action for Climate Justice, against Climate Change and the G8' called in part by Rising Tide North America. London Rising Tide (LRT) decided to take action the day before - a weekday, as well as being a more general day of action against the G8 and in solidarity with those on the streets of St. Petersburg and across Russia.

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Anti-G8 activists in Russia need your urgent support!

15-07-2006 17:40

While massive violations of basic freedoms were reported already weeks before the summit of the G8 in St.Petersburg, Russia, today as the summit opened more protesters were arrested in Russia and we urgently need your international support.

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On the Ground - St Petersburg G8 summit

15-07-2006 16:43

The first days of action were halted by police before any demonstrations could begin.

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London G8 Arrests Update - Both Released Now

15-07-2006 14:03

Both of the activists arrested at yesterdays anti-G8 action in London, have now been released.

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G8 Summit 2006, Russia, Tony & Repressive States

15-07-2006 13:50

Today the Group of Eight (G8), the unofficial "world government" of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, will attend the 32nd G8 Summit in some suburb of St.Petersburg, which is in Russia somewhere.

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films on Nuclear Power & Depleted Uranium

15-07-2006 13:40

for the final evening of
'8 Days Against The G8'
London Indymedia presents...

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SCHOOL STUDENTS - You Are Needed SSAW Emergency Protest

15-07-2006 12:45

School Students Against War are having an urgent protest about the progresively worstening state in the Middle East. Israel out of Gaza, West Bank and Lebanon. On Sunday in Parliament Squ at 1pm.

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Press Release: Global Day of Action Against G8 and Repression

15-07-2006 12:08

The following is a press release issued by the Berlin-based G8 2006 Info and Press Group. For more information, check out our website. Also see:

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No charges for gunslingers who murdered menezes

15-07-2006 11:33

There we go, it's official the cops are going to get off with it not that anyone expected anything other than a total white wash and more of the same to come in the vvery near future.