UK Newswire Archive
05-04-2006 22:22
ALDERMASTON BLOCKADE MONDAY 10TH APRILg8 St.petersburg legal group
05-04-2006 19:31
Group for Legal Support of the Network Against G8 (NAG8) was founded at the international coordination meeting of NAG8 in february 2006. The main tasks of group are: - information gathering about repression against people and groups who are suspected of protests preparing for the summit G8 in St.Petersburg - legal and informational support of people who are aim of repression - spreading information about cases of persecution of participants of protests and participants of protests preparation process. We completely share foundations of Network Against G8. We need help of professional lawyers and translators.Contact:

Join the protest against airport expansion at the last event of the Nottingham East Midlands Airport Roadshow on April 7th
05-04-2006 18:52
On Friday the 7th April (at 12 noon until 5pm) Nottingham East Midlands Airport are having their final Airport Master Plan Roadshow at the Harborough District Council Office Reception area in Adam and Eve Street, Market Harborough. So far the Airport has got away lightly with low numbers at the other roadshow events they have held accross the three counties and certainly with no organised opposition.Protest against detention 10 April - Communications House
05-04-2006 16:34

MONDAY 10 April 2006 - Protest at Communications House
Old Street, London, 12.30-2.30pm
In support of USA Day of Action for Immigration Rights
Premiere of play about Simon Jones in Liverpool, May 8th and 10th
05-04-2006 16:33
The Dingle Community Theatre will be performing the play SIMON JONES WAS SOMEONE! on May 8th and May 10th at 8pm at the Casa Club, Hope Street, Liverpool. Entrance is free. Tickets are available from the Casa Club or by phoning 0771 684 8894.Report: Noise Demo at North Shields Immigration Reporting Centre
05-04-2006 15:23

Venezuela: British MP credits women in Parliamentary debate
05-04-2006 15:02
British Parliament, 8 March 2006, Adjournment Debate on VenezuelaM.Howard on new nuke power and waste etc.
05-04-2006 14:57
The 'retiring' M.Howard replies to the Greenpeace anti new nuke power and waste trains campaign letter from a constituent.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
(Fresh!) Manchester Rhythms of Resistance rocked Yorkshire at an Open Workshop
05-04-2006 14:51

Coca Cola Scholarship Scandal
05-04-2006 14:47
Linacre College, Oxford University, is hosting two scholarships on "water sustainability" funded by Coca Cola, which has been condemned as "a champion of the unsustainable use of water globally." Please write letters of protest.Curitiba – Designing a sustainable city
05-04-2006 14:26
Curitiba in southern Brazil recently hosted the UN biodiversity convention COP8 MOP3. Curitiba is also an example of a well-designed city.It is not often we can praise the way our towns and cities are run. They are usually run by people lacking in vision, out for their own self-aggrandizement, mired to their necks in sleaze and corruption. One of the rare exceptions is Curitiba.
Curitiba, a provincial town in Brazil, where sustainable development is not given lip service, but actually practiced, where the people are involved in the planning decisions.
Wednesday West bank round up
05-04-2006 14:19
A round up of news concerning the activities of the Israeli army across occupied Palestinemark barrett found guilty of unauthorised protest today
05-04-2006 14:09
judge anthony evans delivered a written verdict today which he refused to read out in court. he handed down a £250 fine, plus £250 costs, and of course a criminal record. mark barrett will appeal to a higher court on human rights grounds.Design & building the multi-person powered thingy - Nottm's Rinky-Dink Phase 2
05-04-2006 12:55

05-04-2006 12:53

Meet 12noon Clerkenwell Green to join the Autonomous Bloc on the TUC march!
Blair and the Neo-Cons' Permanent World War
05-04-2006 12:50

05-04-2006 11:53
BLANKFORT:"The rest of his comments on the Mearsheimer-Walt essay are the standard boilerplate that Chomsky has repeated in a half a dozen or more books over the years as one can tell from the age of his references. "
Arts and Business Awards infiltrated & disrupted by London Rising Tide, 3.4.06
05-04-2006 11:12
The 28th Annual Arts & Business Awards gala ceremony was held at the (BP-sponsored) Barbican Centre in London on Monday April 3rd 2006. It consisted of free drinks, schmoozing, mutual pat-on-the-backs concerning the 21st Century snake oil that is 'Corporate Social Responsibility', followed by an vain attempt to raise the tone with a performance by the London Symphony Orchestra (LSO).Cross-party support for IDAHO before launch, 7th April
05-04-2006 11:08
Statements of support from UK Political parties have provided a major boost to campaigners for an International Day Against Homophobia, in time for the big launch of IDAHO-UK on April 7th.