UK Newswire Archive
Against the Liberal Instrumentalization of Auschwitz
06-04-2006 22:13
Auschwitz becomes the pretext for diverse atrocities, the incentive for preventing what is worse.. Auschwitz has become an export-hit. What an achievement! Language, community, truth and logic are threatened when offense becomes defense and ends justify means.Tel Rumeida Prepares for an Uneasy Shabbat
06-04-2006 18:09
These posts are from a Brighton based activist spending April in occupied Palestine with the International Solidarity Movement, a network of international activists set up to support Palestinian non violent resistance agaisnst Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. In these posts I will be writing short accounts of aspects of the occupation and resistance…Palestine RESISTS! (by Latuff)
06-04-2006 16:56

Say NO to Enforced Mass Medication
06-04-2006 16:40
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) wants to have all bread compulsorily "fortified" with folic acid - this would be enforced mass medication.Lyme Disease Cover-up
06-04-2006 16:19
Lyme disease is a sensitive matter for the US (and associated governments') military. They would prefer the public to believe that the illness is "hard-to-catch", "easy-to-cure" and totally unsuitable as a neurological incapacitating agent. This is a lie.Now a simple microscopy technique might help many patients confirm what the government-backed health agencies deny.
Assassination attempt on Griffin a load of BNP lies!
06-04-2006 16:10
When is an assassination attempt NOT an assassination attempt?When there isn't one!
Viva Zapatero! media wars tonight!
06-04-2006 15:41
In just a few more days Italy will have what some people are describing as the most important election in the history of the country. For five years the country has suffered plundering intimidation and sadness. Berlusconi, a multi billionaire media tycoon is turning the full force of his media empire to the efforts of winning a second term. Opposing him is the majority of the population and a growing alternative media movement from Indymedia, pirate TV, social centres and bloggers.First Peace Protestors to Challenge New Law
06-04-2006 14:01
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament activists Helen John (68) and Sylvia Boyes (62) were arrested at Menwith Hill Spy Base on Saturday 1st April, the day the new Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 came into force.US style welfare programmes arrive in U.K
06-04-2006 13:31
Some may say New deal, Pathways To Work is US style welfare, but this most certainly is, note the 'much more disciplined and intensive approach' ....BAN POULTRY, Bird FLu&scapegoating wild birds
06-04-2006 13:17
Poultry industry is a major cause of Bird flu H5N1 & eating poultry is definetely not safe, preparation is how its been caught in many cases in EurasiaEat healthily,take vitamin c, avoid foods, avoid foods with harmful acids like most meat&junk food & eat more alkaline more fruit & veg,drink plenty of water,eat garlic crushed within one hour
Bus drivers come out over pay
06-04-2006 13:02
With pay stagnating and conditions under constant review by management workers have voted three to one in favour of industrial action with three days of action planned for 22nd April, 28th April and the 8th May many services across the midlands will grind to a halt causing massive disruption. The workers have taken there demands time and time again to the management but after the last talks broke down the workers have decided to take action.Bayer: Disinformation on Climate Protection
06-04-2006 11:45
The company Bayer publicly boasts about its pioneering role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. But the corporation´s assertion that the emissions of climate gases decreased significantly is untenable.Gaza Shelled at dawn today
06-04-2006 11:42
Brief descriptions of yet more Israeli incursions in the West Bank, thursday the 6/04/2006 as reported to the International Middle Eastern Media Centre in Beit Sahour, Bethlehem.Thursday Morning round up of Israeli Military Invasions & arrests in Palestine
06-04-2006 11:22
On the ground 06/04/2006 brief round up of Israeli Military actvities in the West BankNorth Staffs NHS-SOS Needs Your Help!
06-04-2006 09:40
Upcoming events in the campaign against jobs cuts at the University Hospital of North Staffordshire.Spodden Valley - green gateway opens for walkers, wheelchair users and cyclists
06-04-2006 08:02

G8 Diaz trial latest - Police tamper with video evidence, witness threatened
06-04-2006 03:18
New video evidence released. Cameraman testifies the video was cut. He is then stopped and searched on a train leaving Genova and threatened.Il Manifesto - 26/03/06
Translation is not 100 percent, due to time and state of health problems.
struggle against the CPE - view from a french young protester
05-04-2006 22:32
the movement is rising day after day. the demo of the 04 april has been considered by everyone in France as the summit of the contestation. direct actions are now occuring every day in all important cities : road and streets blockades, train station occupations ...Bela Lusconi's Dead. Notes on the Crisis of Berlusconism - by Wu Ming 1
05-04-2006 22:29
by Wu Ming 1, April 20061. Five Days Before the Election
2. Too Small a Rug and Too Much Dust
3. Strung to the Extreme
4. Dario Fo and the Two-Headed Anomaly
5. RAIot. Weapons of Mass Distractions
6. Radio Alice at the Venice Film Festival
7. Berlusconi is Overestimated