UK Newswire Archive
Law Lords Rule Against 'Fairford 5' and 'Marchwood 14'
02-04-2006 15:46
People have been asking me what happened with the appeal of the ‘Fairford Five’ and the Greenpeace activists in the House of Lords. Others will know by now that the law lords unanimously ruled against us. Aggression, they said - the crime of attacking another nation - is a crime in international law, but cannot be said to be part of British domestic law.Solidarity with Brian Haw at the High court, Monday 10am
02-04-2006 13:15
BRIAN HAW IS DEFENDING HIS AND EVERONE’S RIGHT TO PROTESTLydd Airport (Romney Marsh,Kent) Launches public meetings blitz
02-04-2006 12:47
The owener of Lydd Airport on tranquil Romney Marsh, Kent are to lauch a series of high-profile public meetings to 'explain' their expansion plans. They want to extend the runway and have twin engine jets on short haul flights & up to 2 mill pax per year... All right next door to 2 nuke stations !!THE WAR DRUMS ARE BEATING AND SENDING A CLEAR MESSAGE
02-04-2006 11:34
AN ACCOUNT OF LIKELY US MILITARY OR OTHER ACTION TO OUST HUGO CHAVEZApril 8th Noborders Demo: Get on the bus to Harmondsworth from Birmingham
02-04-2006 09:14

Birmingham Noborders has arranged transport from Birmingham to Harmondsworth and back. Tickets for the coach to Harmondsworth are going quickly so please get in touch with Birmingham Noborders if you'd like to come to the protest and join the Birmingham Noborders mailing list if you'd like to get more involved.
Channel 4 airs Washington fed propaganda against Chavez: call for action
02-04-2006 02:44
On March 27, Channel 4 aired a propaganda report on Venezuela aimed at softening up the scene for a future US attack. Action is recommended, before all major corporate media follow the lead.Transport from Reading to 8th April NoBorders Demo!
01-04-2006 23:11
Transport available from Reading to 8th April NoBorders demo @ Harmondsworth Detention Centre:Tickets are £13 (cheaper than public transport!) and are available by emailing ragecollective(AT) (replace (AT) with @) or by phoning 07833 758317 (please leave a message)
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police crash Brighton bike party
01-04-2006 23:00
Critical Mass Brighton has always been an extremely postive experience. However, the party got somewhat dampened last week when the police decided to break the spirit of it all by turning up with an all round bad attitude.JULY 7th 2005, LONDON : WHEN CORRUPTION BECOMES TREASON
01-04-2006 22:12
Many of the same patterns of deception and players involved in the 9/11 Cover-Up are present in the 7/7 Cover-Up.Reclaim Fool's Day video.
01-04-2006 21:21

Fools' Paradise Parade - London
01-04-2006 21:06

Who Really Runs Leeds? Event
01-04-2006 20:56

01-04-2006 19:07
Small update on the situation on prisoners from the 4th and 9th of february in barcelonaMore Sensitivity and Less Prejudice
01-04-2006 18:33
Since journalists influence the political and social climate in the subject of migration, they should show more sensitivity toward racist exclusion.. Integration is not a one-way street but can only succeed when we create the prerequisites and grant minorities equal rights and equal social opportunities.CLIMATE ACTION NEWS SHEET 57-a, March 2006
01-04-2006 18:10
Compiled and sent out by Rising Tide UK:
To receive this News Sheet monthly, email

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This News Sheet is a one-off in that it deals with only one subject. (We think it’s of key importance!) Look out for more snapshots of climatic resistance in early April…
Words As Weapons - the Poet as Anarchist
01-04-2006 13:38
A talk about anarchism and poetry as part of the Cambridge Conference of Contemporary Poetry 16Dr Frank Ellis - another UAF Whitewash.
01-04-2006 12:23
A student of Dr Frank Ellis - the Leeds lecturer suspended for his racist views - asks why the university couldn't handle a heated argument, and nothing to do with the cretinous claims made by UAF.More Condi protest pics
01-04-2006 12:03

An amazing 2000 people turned out to let Condoleeza Rice, Jack Straw et al know that Liverpudlians don't want to be nice & hospitable to a high-ranking representative of an imperialist aggressor, responsible for the needless tragic deaths of a hundred thousand Iraqis, two thousand-plus of their own soldiers, and hundreds of British soldiers. Not to mention the continued detention without trial of British men, along with hundreds of others, in Guantanamo Bay, and the deliberate rendition of prisoners for torture in countries with terrible human rights records.
There was a huge amount of energy, good humour and determination in the crowd. Banners made every possible word play on Beatles references and 'Rice'. A sound system blasted out "Give Peace a Chance", Steve Earle "The Revolution Starts Now" and the Star Wars theme. Even after Ms Rice entered, many of the crowd stayed around, and were even joined by latecomers.
Add your own pictures - hit the "Publish Your News" link! Were you at the front of the crowd? Show the rest of us what we were booing at!
Rice visited BAE arms factory?
01-04-2006 11:39
In the BBC Have Your Say discussion about Condoleeza Rice's visit a couple of comments mention that she visited BAE Systems arms factory.
However, couldn't find any reports about this - if anyone read any, please add links/references below, ta