Hireling McBride | 01.04.2006 18:10
Compiled and sent out by Rising Tide UK:
To receive this News Sheet monthly, email
with the subject line 'subscribe' (without the quotes)
This News Sheet is a one-off in that it deals with only one subject. (We think it’s of key importance!) Look out for more snapshots of climatic resistance in early April…

To receive this News Sheet monthly, email

with the subject line 'subscribe' (without the quotes)
This News Sheet is a one-off in that it deals with only one subject. (We think it’s of key importance!) Look out for more snapshots of climatic resistance in early April…
“The future is unwritten - inaction is the tragedy.”
Camp for Climate Action, August 26th-September 4th;;
Climate change is happening now and is set to get much worse, while governments and corporations dream of growth without end, of economy without limits. When the answer to the ecological crisis is said to be nuclear power, you know there’s a problem. Fortunately, there is a growing
grassroots movement that fundamentally challenges the fossil fuel economy. The Camp for Climate Action will be a place for this movement to get together, but it will also be a place for new people, people who have never been ‘political’ before but who want move beyond concern into activity. And it will be a place for experienced activists: old and young,
cynical and hopeful.
Climate change casts a long shadow over the future. But we believe this moment is an opportunity, a moment when people can come together to say 'enough!' and begin to build a truly sustainable future.
August 26- Sept 4th: book your holidays now.
Rising Tide is helping to organise the camp, and we would love to see as many of our friends and allies as possible there, or even better at the next organising gathering:
The next one is at The Commonplace, 23-25 Wharf Street, Leeds, LS2 7EQ.
Date: 8/9 April, 10:30 for 11 start - 6pm Saturday,
9:30 for 10 start - 5pm Sunday.
Accommodation is available and free if you contact this address in advance:
Please also contact them if you have any access, dietary or creche needs.
Food for the whole weekend will be about £10 per person, all other meeting costs will be covered by donations from the people who come, we will be trying travel pooling so that people who have to come a long way on public transport can afford to come.
Future planning meetings:
* 13/14 May - Bristol.
* 10/11 June - London, (hosted by London Rising Tide, venue tbc. There's lots to do for this, so get in touch with us if you'd like to help out.)
* 8/9 July - Scotland or Newcastle, (venue tbc.)
* 12/13th Aug – Midlands, (venue tbc.)
* October – (date and venue tbc.)
Other ways to get involved:
- spread the word - tell everyone you know about the climate camp
- if you’re in London, come to a London Rising Tide meeting - we talk about the camp every week!
- the camp needs money, equipment and other stuff - see for an equipment wishlist or send a donation, by cheque or money order payable to ‘Camp for Climate Action’, to: CCA c/o Box 10, Room 1, EOCC, 44b Princes Street, Oxford, OX4 1HU.
What will a social movement for climate justice and against the fossil fuel economy look like? We don’t know exactly, but if we get together with the people who’ve made a start, if we can take experience and mix it with the ingenuity and energy of the new, if together we can engage with the
issue in both heart and mind, then we can begin to really fight for - and love - our future.
See you there or before!
Please send anything you'd like included in this news sheet to
To view previous editions of the Rising Tide News Sheet, visit the News Sheet Archive at
This News Sheet was brought to you by Rising Tide, a grassroots network of groups and individuals committed to taking action and building a movement against climate change.
For more information...
Phone: +44 (0)845 458 8923 / +44 (0)7708 794665
Address: 62 Fieldgate St, London, E1 1ES
Web site:
To subscribe or unsubscribe visit:
Camp for Climate Action, August 26th-September 4th;;

Climate change is happening now and is set to get much worse, while governments and corporations dream of growth without end, of economy without limits. When the answer to the ecological crisis is said to be nuclear power, you know there’s a problem. Fortunately, there is a growing
grassroots movement that fundamentally challenges the fossil fuel economy. The Camp for Climate Action will be a place for this movement to get together, but it will also be a place for new people, people who have never been ‘political’ before but who want move beyond concern into activity. And it will be a place for experienced activists: old and young,
cynical and hopeful.
Climate change casts a long shadow over the future. But we believe this moment is an opportunity, a moment when people can come together to say 'enough!' and begin to build a truly sustainable future.
August 26- Sept 4th: book your holidays now.
Rising Tide is helping to organise the camp, and we would love to see as many of our friends and allies as possible there, or even better at the next organising gathering:
The next one is at The Commonplace, 23-25 Wharf Street, Leeds, LS2 7EQ.
Date: 8/9 April, 10:30 for 11 start - 6pm Saturday,
9:30 for 10 start - 5pm Sunday.
Accommodation is available and free if you contact this address in advance:

Please also contact them if you have any access, dietary or creche needs.
Food for the whole weekend will be about £10 per person, all other meeting costs will be covered by donations from the people who come, we will be trying travel pooling so that people who have to come a long way on public transport can afford to come.
Future planning meetings:
* 13/14 May - Bristol.
* 10/11 June - London, (hosted by London Rising Tide, venue tbc. There's lots to do for this, so get in touch with us if you'd like to help out.)
* 8/9 July - Scotland or Newcastle, (venue tbc.)
* 12/13th Aug – Midlands, (venue tbc.)
* October – (date and venue tbc.)
Other ways to get involved:
- spread the word - tell everyone you know about the climate camp
- if you’re in London, come to a London Rising Tide meeting - we talk about the camp every week!
- the camp needs money, equipment and other stuff - see for an equipment wishlist or send a donation, by cheque or money order payable to ‘Camp for Climate Action’, to: CCA c/o Box 10, Room 1, EOCC, 44b Princes Street, Oxford, OX4 1HU.
What will a social movement for climate justice and against the fossil fuel economy look like? We don’t know exactly, but if we get together with the people who’ve made a start, if we can take experience and mix it with the ingenuity and energy of the new, if together we can engage with the
issue in both heart and mind, then we can begin to really fight for - and love - our future.
See you there or before!
Please send anything you'd like included in this news sheet to

To view previous editions of the Rising Tide News Sheet, visit the News Sheet Archive at

This News Sheet was brought to you by Rising Tide, a grassroots network of groups and individuals committed to taking action and building a movement against climate change.
For more information...

Phone: +44 (0)845 458 8923 / +44 (0)7708 794665
Address: 62 Fieldgate St, London, E1 1ES
Web site:

To subscribe or unsubscribe visit:

Hireling McBride