UK Newswire Archive
giving life to faslane peace camp
03-03-2006 22:16
Faslance Peace Camp a beautiful position in the landscape and ANTI-NUKE resistance has been going strength to strength since 1982 but now needs some TLC and life and laughter to RESIST some more. - this is news - your help is neededThings coming up , read on.......
Solidarity for Matan Cohen
03-03-2006 19:58

Local Government Ombudsman Watch
03-03-2006 18:43
Exposing the Ombudsman's pro-council bias and whitewashing of maladministration.'Disabled People and Justice'in the Courts and legal advocacy'
03-03-2006 18:23
Urgent meeting to be called and organised within the representative individual voices and organisations within the disabled people's, survivors, neurodiversity, independent and inclusive living movements.Support detained asylum seekers
03-03-2006 16:37
leeds based prision and detention centre visiting group startingup, please come to talk re:prison support2006 FIFA World Cup and villages for Children: that’s a scandal!
03-03-2006 14:38
The World Soccer Championship 2006 are approaching. FIFA has promoted a questionable initiative to build 6 villages for orphans. But they still have time to change their proposal and build 500 together with 50 hospitals to grant free health service all over Africa.Student Peace Conference :: University of Nottingham
03-03-2006 12:32

The Peace Conference took place from 2pm-10pm on Sunday (26th Feb) on C-floor in the Portland Building.
Indymedia cinema London
03-03-2006 12:04
The Fourth World War- Directed by Big NoiseFilms, is a powerful new film from the makers of 'This Is What Democracy Looks Like', 'Zapatista', and 'Black & Gold'. It weaves together the stories of movements against empire from Palestine, Iraq, Chiapas, Argentina, South Africa, South Korea to Quebec City and Genoa.
Eye Of The Storm
- indymedia argentina's inroduction to the global network [short]
Do not fund the war
03-03-2006 11:20
Is your money keeping war criminals in power ?Filmnight: Radio Alice postponed
03-03-2006 11:04
Salt Of The Earth Film Festival presentation: Radio Alice, now postponedSTOP THE EXTRADITION OF ONDER DOLUTAS!
03-03-2006 10:57
FIGHT BRITISH COLLABORATION WITH THE FASCIST REGIME IN TURKEY!Demonstration outside Bow Street Magistrates Court, London WC2
Tuesday 14 March 2006 – 10am onwards
ANIMAL LAB OXFORD (new thread) continue here.
03-03-2006 10:28

is pretty full so lets continue here...
Demo Tuesday 7th March
Meet 10am at the edge of the exclusion Mansfield Rd
2nd Renaissance -12
03-03-2006 07:01

Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
March March March March on 18th March
03-03-2006 03:24

Tail Pursuits: The meandering of men
03-03-2006 03:11
We laugh when we see a dog chase its tail, yet are we so superior? Do we not seek what we already possess? The dog’s tail is not elsewhere or ‘external’, the dog thinks/believes its tail must be captured though it was never lost or disconnected. When people chase externals, Gods, religions, ideologies they seek that which they already possess (solace/identity/security/redemption/joy/harmony) yet it is the same canine ignorance that deludes people as deludes the poor dumb beast. To seek what one possesses is to lose it through the process of seeking – seeking is not possessing!The SHORTWAVE REPORT 3/3/06 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY!
03-03-2006 01:39
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Cuba, China, and Russia.Global Poultry Industry is the Root of the Bird Flu Crisis
03-03-2006 01:38
It turns out Factory farming is the root cause of Bird Flu[USA] All SHAC 7 Defendants Found Guilty on All Charges
03-03-2006 00:47
Minutes ago, all the SHAC 7 (Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty) defendants were found guilty on all charges.New London infoshop now open
03-03-2006 00:25