UK Newswire Archive
have a non-commercial xmas at rampART
24-12-2005 18:26
Tonight at rampART (15 rampart street), settle down for a night of mulled wine, vegan xmas cake, Tim Burton films and non-commerical gift exchange.APPEAL FOR RELEASE OF THE CHRISTIAN PEACE ACTIVISTS
24-12-2005 16:29
This is a genuine appeal for the release of the Christian Peace activists held in Iraq.It is requested that Indymedia hosts this item and that others refrain from commenting.
Anarchy and Gnosticism
24-12-2005 16:23
Since Ashcroft is invoking Christianity [circa 2003], I thought this synopsis of the philosophy of early Christians, the Gnostics, might be useful. This mystic message of Jesus's teachings has nothing to do with warmongering.corporal punishment in singapore
24-12-2005 06:00
video of corporal punishment in malaysia and singapore(warning:not for the faint-hearted)
US-elections: Proof that Diebold machines were modem-connected!
24-12-2005 04:55
The public and voting officials have been assured, time and again, that Diebold vote-counting machines are not connected to the iNet. But now we know, based on physical evidence and testimony, that Diebold machines in Georgia were connected to iNet for hacking on election night!No room in Bethlehem for peace campaigners, UK activists in jail for Christmas
24-12-2005 04:45
Peace campaigner hospitalised while in detention in Israel. Delegate prevented from attending a peace conference in Bethlehem.Police Arrest Devotees for Chanting Hare Krishna on Oxford Street
24-12-2005 04:39

Stunning Insights into Bush's lies about illegal domestic spying....
24-12-2005 03:29
To scoff is to remain ignorant in the face of profundity! Blindness is always the result!Let wisdom's seventh chapter unseal the symbols.
SRA International,Mantas Inc.,CIA and Bellador Group
24-12-2005 01:54
Should the CIA be allowed to both invest in U.S. securities and 'anti-money laundering' technology or a company involved in 'AML' that could be used both to detect unusual activities in stocks but also to cover it up ? Note,Mantas was in charge of Charles Schwab's anti-money laundering ops when James Dale Davidson of Agora Inc.,Baltimore and the Beltway's far right National Taxpayers Union promoted the fraudulent Endovasc penny stock 'pump and dump' of Montgomery,Texas through Agora inc.'s 'Vantage Point' and millions of shares were dumped from a Schwab account.(i.e.illegal pump and dump scam.)Does CIA have a stake in Mantas ? It certainly has an investment in its parent company SRA International and its 'NetOwl' web search engine.
Post War Victory Crimes. 1946! - British Atrocities.
24-12-2005 00:59
Testing for establishment moles.Corporate ethics motions passed at York Uni
23-12-2005 21:37
Students at the University of York register their disapproval of Coke and BAE, passing Student Union motions calling for boycott and divestment, respectively. A motion calling for boycott of Nestle barely misses quoracy.INTERPAL WINS LIBEL CASE AGAINST BOARD OF DEPUTIES OF BRITISH JEWS
23-12-2005 18:32
The Trustees of Interpal, the UK-registered Palestinian relief charity, have today concluded a successful out-of-court settlement of libel proceedings brought against the Board of Deputies of British Jews over allegations published on the Board's website in September 2003.ALF liberate 100 wild boar
23-12-2005 18:17

Creative working the way forward - a photo report from Nottingham
23-12-2005 15:58

More and more artists within Nottingham seem to join the recycling art craze, as tetra-packs, plastic bages and cans are brought to new life. In the last few weeks various workshops were organised in the Sumac Centre in Forest Fields and the Old School Hall in Sneinton. The Rubbish Day Out in Sneinton was organised to raise awareness of recycling and waste issues. Here a collection of photo's from people who think creative workshops are fun and the way forward to promote environmental and social issues.
4 Share holders, 3 weeks notice, 2 degrees outside, & an IOU under the tree.
23-12-2005 14:06
ITV, (ITN) Rolling News Ends 6pm Today.Activists' briefing on the politics of the National Union of Students
23-12-2005 13:36
Activists from Education Not for Sale, a network of radical student activists, have produced a dossier on the shenanigans of the National Union of Students bureaucracy at the 2005 NUS conference in April.Crossrail hole Bill - NO CAMPAIGN warns Alistair Darling MP on Xrailk ££ abuse
23-12-2005 13:09
100 Hrs GMT Friday 23 December 2005-12-23To Alistair Darling MP
Dear Alistair,
Questions to ALISTAIR DARLING (MP, Secretary of State, UK Transport Department) about the 'uses' and abuses of the £100M he (A Darling) has just granted for CROSSRAIL promotion
1. The statement made on your behalf in the (UK) House of Lords by your colleague (the peer called Davies) refers in effect to the ‘power’ as being made available in section 6 of the Railways Act 2005 when you had made the grant of £100Million available to the Cross London railway (CLRL).
2. However, the contents of Section 6 of the Railways Act 2005 do not show any requirement that the fund/s made available under the statute (‘The Railways Act 2005’) will have to be publicly accounted for and that a rigourous and independent and publicly inspectable and needed regime of accountability and justification would prevail over and around all the uses of the granted public fund/s.
3. That raises the most obvious possibility that a part (or more) of the fund/s may well be open to abuse and in the context of the FACTS of the many corrupt tendencies that have been shown by the main bands of the anti-society, anti-social, pro-sleaze promoters of the Crossrail hole Bill plans as far as these violate the very future stability, existence of the community in the Brick Lane London E1 Area, the chances of such abuses are very real.
4. As we have shown during the past 2 years in our representations, in our analyses and in the evidence against the plan for a Crossrail hole in the Brick Lane London E1 Area and as we have also highlighted those in our questions put to you against the Crossrail hole plans and against the Crossrail hole Bill,
5. Identified members of the controlling group on the present Tower Hamlets Council have made several totally untruthful statements in the area quite wrongly and unlawfully and dishonestly ‘asserting’ that the Crossrail hole attacks as planned on the community would mean that there would be ‘benefits’.
6. The identified pluggers have all been associated with the controlling group on the present Tower Hamlets Council. Either they have been members of the Council. Or they have been overly paid agents or contractors and employees of the present Council.
7. No member of the public in the Borough of Tower Hamlets who is not linked with the controlling group on the present Tower Hamlets Council has said or implied that there could be anything but disaster for the community unless the Crossrail hole plan in the Brick Lane London E1 Area is stopped completely.
8. Your granting of such a large amount of public cash to the secretly operated CLRL makes it very possible for substantial misuse in promoting the series of lies for a Crossrail hole by temporarily diverting or distorting the focus of the community's attention with the abuse of funds that may well be channelled into the hands of elements that the CLRL and your Department wishes to influence in order that the Crossrail, hole plan would remain as it is in the Crossrail Bill.
9. What is the actual mechanism that is in place to show that our observation and analysis and apprehension are not factually founded?
23-12-2005 12:38

having another this thursday - last one before christmas, then every
saturday evening in the new year. Everyone welcome.
BBC immigration lies
23-12-2005 11:23
Marxist analysis of BBC ruling class propaganda for the free movement of labour