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Beam me up Scottie - ID Cards and Biometrics.

25-09-2005 20:15


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Sights and sounds from stop-the-war demo, London, 24 Sep

25-09-2005 19:54

Audio Banner hanging from stage
Photos and audio from the demonstration held in London on Saturday 24th September 2005, called by Stop the War Coalition, CND and MAB. Includes MP3 files of two speeches, the samba band and a jolly tune which was playing on the Rinky Dink. A short report is included. More photos coming soon.

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National Demonstration to Stop the War, London, 24 September 2005.

25-09-2005 19:23

Images of Stop the War Demonstration in London, 24 September 2005.

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Peace and Liberty

25-09-2005 18:27

The Peace and Liberty march organised by The Stop the War Coalition and the Muslim Association of Britain attracted 10,000 people across communities, races, ethnicities, cultures, religions, sexes and ages illustrating how values of justice and democracy can unite across differences.

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One day workshop on facilitation and decision making

25-09-2005 17:24

A one day workshop on How to Facilltate Consensus Desisionmaking

Friday 14th october 2005 10.30-5.30 pm at the sumac centre ,Nottingham (the day before the Autumn Gathering) Facilitated by Kathryn and matthew of seeds for change.

This workshop is for you if you want to build up yuor confidence and skills to facilitate dynamic and productive meetings in you co-ops, local action groups or at radical routes.

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Bournemouth Critical Mass

25-09-2005 16:47

Critical Mass in Bournemouth -

Wednesday the 28th of September.

Meeting at the Lansdowne roundabout [near the uni] at 9 am, if you miss us and want to find us call this no 07745789258.

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Blair at rally

25-09-2005 15:49

Blair in disguise
Blair in disguise at rally

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25-09-2005 15:03

Blair slaughterer.
As Blairs falls over he slaughters more.

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Cambridge Peace Procession

25-09-2005 12:22

Peaced and Trolleyed...
Not quite as spectacular as what was happening in London and Washington, but nonetheless significant was a Peace Procession which took place yesterday afternoon in Cambridge, headed up by local Samba Band Arco Iris, and opened by Mayor John Hipkin (himself a member of Campeace), speaking about his recent visit to Hiroshima and the impact that the Atom bomb has had not only on those that were killed at the time, but also the generations that followed.

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Rough Music In Scoundrel Times

25-09-2005 12:16

After seeing four people carrying a yellow paperback in Hyde Park I decided to investigate further.

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New Reports of Abuse of Detainees Surface

25-09-2005 11:56

[reposting] [update] ongoing

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The Washington March: Falsified Numbers

25-09-2005 11:52

On our mainstream TV's and radios all over the world a different and false picture was mostly shown and heard, but it is safe to say that there were HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE marching against the US neocon government and the genocidal war in Iraq, yesterday in Washington.

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Tips on how to 'divert' student radicals

25-09-2005 11:49

"Glees and Pope make a number of recommendations including the screening of student applications, having a constant police presence on campus, reviewing all course content to check it doesn't harm national security and the close monitoring of students societies"
Phil Chamberlain in Big Issue North Sept 19-25 (586)

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Redditch Cyclists Celebrate International Car-Free Day

25-09-2005 10:35

On Thursday 22nd September, a group of Redditch cyclists celebrated International Car-Free Day by cycling round & round the streets during rush hour.

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Wa? Did avex commit plagiarism to 2-channnel based character?

25-09-2005 04:39

Sorry for sudden e-mail, but we have a problem with a giant company in Japan and we wish you to make some comment for us. we are frequent user of the biggest BBS site in Japan named 2-channel. (". This website has verious kinds of BBS threads that is used about eight million people from world wide.

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Anti-war rally held in Washington and worldwide

25-09-2005 01:35

here is an update on the global-anti-war protest organised for today.. peaceful protests...... and links

with respect, this is a sample of the available media.
roderick aka fishbotAi aka fish...........

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Forum of Organized Anarchism - Declaration of Principles

25-09-2005 01:21

A process in the building

The Declaration of Principles of the Forum of Organized Anarchism, an initiative which is seeking to foster greater cooperation and unity amongst organized anarchist groups in Brazil.

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Fit Team vs the Grey Bloc.

25-09-2005 00:41

Plucky pensioner's placard prevents police photographer from snapping speakers.
Today the Forward Intelligence Team (FIT TAX WASTERS) found themselves faced by a new enemy. Local peacenik pensioners took offence to the FIT's camera pointing at Stockwell station. The FIT were trying to photograph the speakers at the demo.