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Art of War : Washington DC Protest

Larmee | 25.09.2005 01:40 | Anti-militarism


Washington DC
Washington DC

The protest was huge....over 200,000....a sea of anti war, anti Bush gridlock of protesters...couldn't move....the parade stretched out as far as the eye could see.....a sea was very impressive....and very moving. Bush can try to ignore it....the press can try to ignore it...but it was.... it is...very was BIG.

...and a feeling in the air...the protest is growing....America is tired of Bush, and tired of his war...a watershed has been reached, the mood has changed.



Display the following 6 comments

  1. US UK, coverage — Lee Salter
  2. "they” call it "journalism" — CIA
  3. WHOOP! WHOOP! — Streets A Beach
  4. ...just a little more time, and then... — l
  5. Ps — l
  6. Eye 4 Detail — all seeing jockey