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Art of War : Washington DC Protest

Larmee | 25.09.2005 01:40 | Anti-militarism


Washington DC
Washington DC

The protest was huge....over 200,000....a sea of anti war, anti Bush gridlock of protesters...couldn't move....the parade stretched out as far as the eye could see.....a sea was very impressive....and very moving. Bush can try to ignore it....the press can try to ignore it...but it was.... it is...very was BIG.

...and a feeling in the air...the protest is growing....America is tired of Bush, and tired of his war...a watershed has been reached, the mood has changed.



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US UK, coverage

25.09.2005 08:47

Nice one Americans (nice drawing too!!). The UK turnout was probably the smallest yet, but there were still 10s of thousands - perhaps 60,000 people. Whilst we can still be pleased at the size, we need to really push for the next one.

Does anyone know what TV news coverage of the demo was like in the US?

Lee Salter

"they” call it "journalism"

25.09.2005 13:00

I’m not sure about the TV coverage….but the print coverage is always disappointing….the pictures are always of individuals, rather than of the crowd as whole…so one never gets the sense of how massive it really was. And then, of course, even though there were hundreds (and hundreds) of thousands of people protesting the government policy of war….there’s always that one individual who is counter protesting (who is for the war), and the article always ends with his comments, thus giving this one individual equal weight to the hundreds of thousands of others, and, of course, giving him (and the government) the final word on the matter.



25.09.2005 15:17

Well Done, Lovely picture, sounds like you had a great day, just so sorry we let you down a bit 8-(

But don't worry, you'll inspire us for the next.


Streets A Beach

...just a little more time, and then...

25.09.2005 18:26

Let us down? Don't be guys are great..(!) who had more than a million people on the streets of London before Bush and Blair committed this immense, immoral blunder...this catastrophe: this unwinnable war (or let's be more precise: this invasion and occupation of another country).

No, yesterday in London was just a blip on the radar screen...the peace movement is still recovering....licking its wounds, but as Washington shows...the anti war movement is soon about to re-emerge, stronger, more committed than ever.



25.09.2005 19:54

On Sunday (the next day), in Washington DC, a well-publicized protest to show support for the war drew less than 400 people.

Saturday = 100,000 + Anti-War protesters

Sunday= - 400 Pro-War protesters

Maybe this should be the new strategy....everytime there's to be an anti war protest......encourage/organize a pro-war protest the following day..(hey, it's only fair!)...and let the numbers speak for themselves....and get the added publicity when the media compares the two events.


Eye 4 Detail

25.09.2005 22:58

yeah great to see that not everyone is too busy consuming to get out an demonstrate and really like the image which i s'pose is of the White House but would like to point out you missed a very important land mark namely the obelix the twin of which is in London.. it's quite a relevant detail

all seeing jockey