UK Newswire Archive
Brighton Labour Conference Demo - Pictures 1
02-10-2001 11:38

Troll Alert - The Enemy Within
02-10-2001 11:18
J18, Seattle, Gothenburg, Genoa . . . all great occasions when the anti-capitalist movement rose up in a spirit of international solidarity to resist police oppression. But now it seems that the days of direct action are numbered. All over Europe, the Trotskyist Bloc are calling the shots. Just who are the real police agents?New York trade unionists oppose war and terror
02-10-2001 10:12
Statement from trade unionists in New York condemning Sept 11 attacks, opposing Bush's war plans and the racist backlash, and calling for justice and aid. Please circulate!Naom Chomsky's Analysis of Situation
02-10-2001 07:48
Naom Chomsky offers a powerful and dispassionate analysis which undercuts the pro-war crusade rhetoric of USA and UK governments.United We Stand! (against stupid nationalism) - Photomontage by Latuff
02-10-2001 04:39

Police Cameras in Brighton - Pictures
02-10-2001 03:42

Autonomist view on the war & how the working class ended the Gulf & Kosovo wars
01-10-2001 23:51
Here are some interesting links. The first is George Caffentzis's autonomist Marxist speculation on the causes of the attacks in the USA.The next two are articles on how army mutinies and working class uprisings ended both the Gulf and the Kosovo wars. The final articles are attempts to understand why the opposition to those wars was so much less impressive in the UK.
******** If you happen to be in London there is a NO WAR BUT THE CLASS WAR public meeting at 5pm, Sunday the 7th Oct @ The Exchange, Sebbon st, Islington, London (E-mail

Police tactics at Brighton - a lawyer's report
01-10-2001 22:39
A witness report (with added rant) from a lawyer of all the arrests at the protest against New Labour's conference in Brighton in the hope of making the record straighter.Brighton - riot police arrests at start - film clip
01-10-2001 21:25

Recruit, Sell! The SWP issues war cry!
01-10-2001 21:22
Hey, war has benefits - Recruit, Sell! This SWP statement says it all - now the CND is a recruiting ground.Saharawis refuse terrorism - forgotten refugees
01-10-2001 21:09
forgotten war, forgotten refugeesAfter Brighton - a new strategy for the anticapitalist movement?
01-10-2001 21:09
Why bother getting wet outside an irrelevant conference with some irritating paper-sellers when we could start the revolution by living it up a little?The Police State of Brighton
01-10-2001 20:02
Blair is building a Police State while we`re sleeping.HOW CAN THE US BOMB THIS TRAGIC PEOPLE?
01-10-2001 19:04
Robert Fisk's article on AfganistanREAD THIS!
Global Day of Action against the WTO: November 9th 2001
01-10-2001 17:04
Here's the text of a leaflet currently doing the rounds in the UKAnother soggy social democratic wank fest...
01-10-2001 15:43
To build an opposition to the impending war must break away from the control of the social democrats, dominated by the Socialist Workers Party, who remain too tied by the umblical cord to the racist, imperialist Labour Party to build an anti-capitalist opposition to the miserty unleashed around the globe, and at home, in our name!Brighton Demo: View from the Argus
01-10-2001 15:10
Report of Brighton Demo from Brighton ArgusWTO : 'Why' they intend to meet in Qatar.
01-10-2001 14:34
Reply to my question as to why the WTO is to be meeting in Qatar. Don't be fooled by this nonsense - the US and Britain want to force through a new round of free trade talks (to head off recession amongst other things, and to privatise, pollute more etc etc). The only places they can do this is where demonstrations are both prohibited and impossible to get to. Later this year people will be standing up against the WTO by blockading the worlds stock exchanges and targetting Qatar based companies and govt. offices. There is some info on the website below, and more on many others.Brighton: We're Wet, We're Tired, But We Will Be Heard!
01-10-2001 14:21
Despite drenching rain, a police officer for every protester and media indifference, 12,000 people made their voices heard at the Labour Party Conference in Brighton.