The Police State of Brighton
kon4m | 01.10.2001 20:02
I`ll start by saying that I`ve only been living in England for a month but what I saw in Brighton on Sunday was the closest thing to Orwell`s 1984 i have ever seen in my life. I have been to tons of demostrations in my life. I thought what i saw in Genoa was the limit of State repression in the so-called Free World. but i was obviously wrong, and now realise that Blair is wasy ahead than Berlusconi in the creation of a post-modern Fascist State. The power that police have [and abuse, as an officer forced a friend of mine to give his name in, who wasn`t aware he didn`t have to] under Section 60 is unbelievable. I had never seen police actually walking inside our lines [!], coming in and out of the march and targeting single protestors [i actually saw 3 cops pointing at me after which one of them sidelined whith me following me for the entire march!], filming us with a hideous amount of cameras. after seeing this i tried to cover my face with a scarf [i later discovered also this was illegal under Section 60] 5 seconds after which a policeman came screaming into my face that i if i didn`t take it off he would arrest me. the fact that police decide the limit inside which we can move is absurd! a friend of mine felt seriously sick in the middle of the march and deciced to go home but couldn`t because no policeman would let her out of the march. i went to brighton with the intent to organise some Direct Action but found it simply impossible the level of repression and control being what it was. i couldn`t believe my eyes when i saw tons of cops surrounding the carnival band and actually telling them when and where we were suppposed to go. what is gonna be the next move? illegal to wear a certain badge, chant a certain song, dress in a certain way?! as a movement we have to realise what is going on [and make the general public realise] and find a way to fight the repression. they are trying to push us against the wall waiting for some kind of reactions. and we have to give them that reaction, not through senseless violence but through creative Direct Action, going against the law if we have to. now it`a time top get radical and stop playing around. the demo in brighton looked like a police-sponsored march or something and we have to escape from this. any suggestions?
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