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After Brighton - a new strategy for the anticapitalist movement?

rupert marsh | 01.10.2001 21:09

Why bother getting wet outside an irrelevant conference with some irritating paper-sellers when we could start the revolution by living it up a little?

It occured to me that if I went into Niketown and stole some trainers, tested out their performance enhancing qualities by eating at Granita and then doing a Lindford and then took out a business start-up loan using a false identity this would be effective anti capital(ist)direct action because I would be putting the slogan "to each according to their needs" into practice. It would also be quite exciting and I might even get on the telly.

If we (the 'movement') were to advocate shoplifting, credit card fraud, throwing sickies, illicit photocopying and taking a very long time on the toilet at work we might gain new allies in our struggles for a better world.

What do people think?

rupert marsh
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Display the following 6 comments

  1. Dont forget bunking the tube! — Fare Dodger
  2. slogan slogan slogan, chant chant chant — Christopher Spence
  3. Non-Co-operation — Tony T
  4. Columbia??? — hangtuff
  5. collective action — richy
  6. Fare dodging etc — sceptic