UK Newswire Archive
28-04-2005 23:54
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Russia, China, and of arrest while filming
28-04-2005 23:12

BP TREESIT - DAY FOUR!: noise demo Mk II, Friday 5pm + new pix
28-04-2005 22:56

A Super Power Target: Empire to Fall hard
28-04-2005 22:34

anticivilisation gathering
28-04-2005 21:51
ZONE TEMPORAIREMENT SAUVAGE14, 15 et 16 mai 2005, Rencontre anticivisationnelle
Les rencontres vont avoir lieu à Valencia, près de la ville de Valencia, sur le littoral méditerranéen.
Irshad Manji in Oxford
28-04-2005 21:21
Irshad Manji to speak in Oxford May 10thresistance anarchist bulletin issue 73
28-04-2005 21:11

Bristle mag no.19 press release
28-04-2005 20:09

At a loose end on May 5th? Have a cosy lie-in with the latest copy of Bristle, the West Country’s non-profit, independent, radical magazine...and then get out there and kick some politician’s butt.
Crest Nicholson Plc Books Open for Heron International
28-04-2005 19:59

World Naked Bike Ride - 11 June 2005 - various UK locations
28-04-2005 18:34

Odds stacked against Pam.
28-04-2005 18:11
The first daily online British pub talk about The American media by two ex pats in Hollywood.Ashfield: a chink in New Labour's armour?
28-04-2005 16:41

Geoff Hoon architect of our Wars might lose his seat - Ashfield (it's near Mansfield, J27 & J28 M1).
Local apathy and "independentism" could see the back of him
Especially with a little push to the people.
israeli War Crimes
28-04-2005 16:14

TV Nazi (in Hoawrdland)complains of abuse....
28-04-2005 15:53
TV Nazi R. Hylton Potts complain of being called a fascist in local rag (I wonder why?). The front page of paper has story about an attack on a Czech Rep man by racists!!RESIST G8 // 4th South East Assembly
28-04-2005 15:47
28-04-2005 14:26
The unacceptable face of Capitalism – Enron, Worldcom and now MG Rover.The tr(((i)))ke is coming!
28-04-2005 13:45

It is estimated that the gruelling delivery journey will take four days if all goes well. The two cyclists will take it in turns to pedal while the other rest on the back of the trike. Attempts will be made to hitch a lift back to London with the huge trike but it's considered pretty unlikely to work. During the trip leaflets about Indymedia and the G8 bike carvan will be distributed to curious bystanders.
If you happen to be driving from the South Coast to London with an empty van, trailer or a large roof rack, perhaps you could offer a lift. If you live on route then offers of crash space would be much appreciated.