UK Newswire Archive
Smash Edo High Court latest
26-04-2005 03:44
Judge Gross yesterday deferred judgement on the injunction being sought by lawyers Lawson-Cruttenden at the High Court on behalf of Brighton war-mongers Edo/MBM.Fuel Protestors Considering G8 Summit Action?
26-04-2005 01:02
Report in yesterday's Transport News Network, following the short blockade / picket of Shell's Stanlow oil refinery in Cheshire. Plans for high-profile demonstrations to demand a cut in fuel prices will be discussed at a meeting in Edinburgh today (tues).Re G8 see report below:
The legality of the Iraq war: time to move on
25-04-2005 23:27
Last weekend, two British newspapers and the Mail on Sunday led with the leaked details of a memo from the Attorney General to the Prime Minister, sent before the war on Iraq, which apparently argued that any invasion might be illegal.Sequani vivisection labs Herefordshire - Supplier update 04/05
25-04-2005 23:24

Manchester Radical Bookfair April 30th 2005
25-04-2005 22:53
MANCHESTER RADICAL BOOKFAIR takes place from 12.00noon-5.00pm on Saturday 30th AprilExxonMobil spends $8M on think tanks and eco front groups re climate change
25-04-2005 21:32
Put a Tiger In Your Think TankExxonMobil has pumped more than $8 million into more than 40 think tanks; media outlets; and consumer, religious, and even civil rights groups that preach skepticism about the oncoming climate catastrophe.
See the run down group by group in latest issue of motherjones:

Triumph of Spirit: Israeli Whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu April 2005
25-04-2005 21:08
It is one year since Israeli Whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu was released from a cruel and barbarous imprisonment into a 1948 British Mandate that keeps him further imprisoned by a state that does not want him but does not wish for him to go free or live free.Jack "Dodgy Dossier" Straw besieged in Blackburn
25-04-2005 21:03

25-04-2005 19:13
Last chance to quiz candidates from all parties and all 3 constituencies over the war.Bomb making factory closed down
25-04-2005 19:01
DSDA Beith in Ayrshire was blockaded and invaded today by a delegation from Glasgow Against War. They closed two gates and hung a anner from the tallest building on the site. The factory makes cruise missiles, "bunker buster" bombs amongst other offensive weapons. See the press release sent out this morning...Mayday WMD Festival in Blair's back yard
25-04-2005 16:45
Come to the Sedgefield Mayday Festival... WMD (Wingate Music & Dance)Party in Tony Blair's backyard
Mark Thomas confirmed for the sunday!
May 1st and 2nd 2005.
MAYDAY - Anarchist White Bloc
25-04-2005 16:21

Cucumber sandwiches and tea will be available to all participants and well dressed spectators. As an Anarchist team, the White Bloc has no captain, and therefore all interested, and correctly attired, parties are perfectly entitled to join the match. The only condition is that players act with dignity and play a good clean game.
boaters on the allotments NOT to be evicted!
25-04-2005 16:21
GOOD NEWS today as Oxford City Council votes unanimously not to evict boaters moored illegally on allotments in Port Meadow.Indymedia/antiG8 Party
25-04-2005 15:59

Derby G8 arrestees' bail dropped
25-04-2005 15:30
The 12 people arrested at the Derby G8 protests last month have had their bail dropped.New research shows public libararies at threat under GATS
25-04-2005 14:23
Publicly-owned, publicly-accountable libraries in the UK could be under serious threat unless citizens wake up to the planned liberalisation and expansion of international trade in services being negotiated behind closed doors in the World Trade Organisation (WTO), according to a new book by respected British academic and information expert, Ruth Rikowski.Longbridge and St Modwens
25-04-2005 14:16
The collapse of MG Rover, the last remaining British car company, has left many facing financial ruin, and yet in addition to the Phoenix Four, who appear to have milked the company for millions, one company, St Modwens the Destroyer, has done very nicely out of the collapse of MG Rover.