UK Newswire Archive
photos from BP banner drop
26-04-2005 16:47

26-04-2005 16:46
Celebrate mayday with the Peacenik Pirates in bath. Activities include info stalls, music, poi lessons and bucaneer antics. DROP ANCHORS NOT BOMBS!Dissent! website compromised?
26-04-2005 15:24
The Dissent! agaisnt the G8 website may have been compromised. The URL returns a longish error message.Candlelit vigil at Rochdale Town Hall...
26-04-2005 14:59

Americans believe "they are coming to get us"....
26-04-2005 14:47
The lies mount and mount...the followers of Messiah Bush still don't listen...what is wrong here?London Anti-Authoritarian Festival
26-04-2005 14:45
London Anti-Authoritarians festival on 29th and 30th April at The Institute For Autonomy in Central London. On Friday there'll be a benefit from 8pm until 1am, with Rhythms of Resistance, bands, djs, vegan food. On Saturday there'll be an afternoon of films and discussions from 1-7pm.Piles of crushed asbestos factory of immediate concern...
26-04-2005 14:32

Official concern has been raised about large piles of crushed rubble on the site of the former Turner Brothers asbestos factory.
Tony Blair in liverpool today!!
26-04-2005 14:31
Tony Blair will be in Liverpool this afternoon. Protest called!FUCK THE BNP Benefit Gig
26-04-2005 13:30

Smash EDO Press Release
26-04-2005 13:27
Don't forget to come to the demo this Thurs 4-6 pmClimate campaigners scale Prescott's roof + fit solar panels
26-04-2005 12:48

26th April 05
Greenpeace volunteers fitted solar panels to John Prescott's roof and hung a huge banner across his house this morning that says: Oi 2 Jags! Hit targets, not voters.
The Deputy Prime Minsiter is putting Britain's climate change targets at risk by failing to make UK homes more energy efficient. According to the UN, climate change kills 150,000 people every year, and Tony Blair has described the threat as the gravest we face.
Sainsburys Big Brother Con
26-04-2005 11:35
Sainsburys has been caught out deliberately lying to its customers. Digital cameras at it petrol stations are not "linked to the police" as big warning signs claim. Often there are no cameras there at all! Now the fake "poloce" signs are coming down.Concerned Squirrels target 'Blair Petroleum' in tree protest at record profits
26-04-2005 11:32
Protesters have today occupied trees outside BPs corporate HQ to protest the company's parlous environmental and social record, on the morning that they announce highest ever profits for their first 2005 quarterly financial results.Israel Shamir exposed! A fake or a plant?
26-04-2005 11:21

Have I Got SchNEWS For You! - Reading...
26-04-2005 11:12
HAVE I GOT SchNEWS FOR YOU!The SchNEWS tour comes to Reading...
Landless Movement against Green Desert needs support
26-04-2005 06:38
letter from a friend travelling in South America; concerning a settlement of the Movimento Sem Terra (MST, landless workers' movement) in Brasil that is fighting the growing ecological menace of eucalytpus monoculture as part of their own struggle for land and justice. We all need to know about this situation, and they all need our support. thanks.BNP unplugged
26-04-2005 05:13
Nick Griffin et al deliver a risible CD to homes in the Keighley area, including a song penned by the Great Chimaera himself!Kurdish blogger's open letter to George Galloway
26-04-2005 04:29
An Iraqi Kurd has recently written an open letter to Respect Party candidate George Galloway in the lead-up to the British general election.INSURGENTS ARE US: death squad capitalism
26-04-2005 04:15
US MILITARY CORPORATE COMPLEX NEEDS THE INSURGENCY like the fish who needs water. Therefore, US has financed, created and supported thousands of individul terrorists and hundreds of militias to terrorize Iraqis Shiis'a into accepting the US slates for vital cabinet posts. This is a radical departures from the corporate media which falsely propagates that Iraqi resistance is responsible for atrociies in Iraq.Insurgents are US is in dialectical opposition antithisis of this view.