UK Newswire Archive
Freenet - The Free Network Project
22-03-2005 00:47

International Day of Action Against the Arms Trade – Brighton
22-03-2005 00:13
Brighton arms dealers EDO MBM were visited today by a Citizens Inspections Agency (CIA) team who demanded access to their weapons manufacturing facility. EDO MBM manufactures release mechanisms for the Paveway series of bombs as well as other military hardware. They are a wholly owned subsidiary of the American EDO Corp, and have a multi-million pound contract with the UK MoD related to the Paveway bomb.Blunkett - Your Crimes Are Not Forgotten
22-03-2005 00:04
Prisoner Paul Sullivan addresses the former home secretaryend of hunger strike
21-03-2005 23:27

Action Medic Training in London, 1-3 April
21-03-2005 23:25
*** CORRECTION: The training is Friday evening through to all of Sunday, NOT Saturday to Monday as previously advertised ***The medics group will be holding a 2 and a 1/2 day action medic training in London on the first weekend in April (the evening of Friday the 1st to Sunday the 3rd).
21-03-2005 22:42
America 'vigils' while it destroys the World. From Vermont, THE VIGIL STATE. "Over 10 million candles sold!'Films at Institute for Autonomy
21-03-2005 21:43
Outfoxed and Igniting the Revolution kicking off regular film nights at new Central London Social CentreUganda Fedayin Storm British Embassy
21-03-2005 21:33

Dokdo in the East Sea of Korea
21-03-2005 21:15

Destroy DSEi: REED office targeted in the Netherlands
21-03-2005 19:54
REED's head office in the Netherlands was decorated with slogans and found it's locks glued last night. A translation of the press-release follows:Campaigners claim victory as UK water company pulls out of African privatisation
21-03-2005 19:36
Anti-poverty campaigners today claimed victory as UK water company, Biwater Plc, announced it has withdrawn from the bidding process for a controversial water privatisation in Ghana.Day of Action Against the Arms Trade - London report
21-03-2005 18:51
Report from the 21st March Day of Action against the Arms Trade...VIGIL
21-03-2005 18:49
Poem about American liberal Yuppies vigiling for Peace while their lifestyles are causing the wars and injustices (and Bush administrations) that are destroying the World.This is from Vermont--The Vigi State, Home of the TRULY Ugly American.
Pix of 'Bring Home the Troops' Demo, Sat 19 Mar 05 - Set 1 of 4: Placard Art
21-03-2005 18:02

For permission to copy and use, see CopyLeft at the end of the story below the photos.
For links to the other sets of photos, see one of the comments at the foot of this page.
Facing Global Warming & Other Great Adventures
21-03-2005 17:49
experiential activities to harness heart as well as head - workshop almost full but evening talk is free and takes 400 people.Sainsburys Action Alert *3 - Sainsburys Family Charitable Trusts
21-03-2005 17:40
Third in a series of emails calling on people to take action against Sainsburys encouragement of GM foods.Pix of 'Bring Home the Troops' Demo, Sat 19 Mar 05 - Set 2 of 4: Plac's+Banners
21-03-2005 17:12

For permission to copy and use, see CopyLeft at the end of the story below the photos.
For links to the other sets of photos, see one of the comments at the foot of this page.