UK Newswire Archive
24-02-2005 14:30

Gay Muslim fights bank harassment
24-02-2005 12:40
OutRage! backs fight for justiceA gay Muslim business manager is bringing a claim of racial victimisation and homophobic harassment against the London division one of the world’s biggest financial institutions, the German conglomerate, Deutsche Bank.
Letter from Austrian activist in Turkish prison
24-02-2005 12:02

Please sign on-line petition for Azim Ansari
24-02-2005 10:42
Please visit
Communication, Miscommunication and Propaganda - CIF Seminar series starts today
24-02-2005 10:32
The CONTEMPORARY IDEOLOGY FORUM seminar series (semester 2) starts today (24 February) with Andrew Smith (MP) talking on 'Political campaigning and its effectiveness: Getting the Message across'UZBEKISTAN: WHAT'S THE PURPOSE OF THESE REPRESSIONS?
24-02-2005 09:48
18th February of this year was Friday. The day of the week the Muslims consider it as the blessed and the joy. Though, any day free of repression and persecution is considered as the blessed for the Muslims of Uzbekistan…Opportunities for Women
24-02-2005 08:58
Workers Educational Association (WEA)Margaret Sanders Branch
invites you to celebrate the achievements of women.
Report with photos of Public Rally in Glasgow on Wednesday 23rd February 2005.
24-02-2005 05:07

Mars. Red planet, Misread planet
24-02-2005 04:55
The finest data and the worst interpretation in the history of ScienceMars. Red planet, misread planet.
24-02-2005 04:30
The finest data and the worst interpretation in the history of ScienceExplorer Will Steger stuns audience with climate change evidence, blames CO2 emi
24-02-2005 02:33
Minnesota explorer Will Steger told an audience of senators and congressmen at the state capitol on Monday that policymakers need to be more informed about climate change.Phoney'CaJone'Gate- Exorcism* of Extremism Utilizing Synergism of Truism's
24-02-2005 01:20

TruSTING in the TransManifestation of Malignant, metastasizing , Machevellian, MaleCultMatrix
Cathartic & Comprehensive OverView of ' Message ' of Integration Revealed by GannonScandal
What's Going On Here? Why Does This matter??....,Oh, Just UNhealthy BigGov/BigPress concentration and collaboration in a DisInfo campaign directed at American citizens!, scandalously using manufactured-reporters and manufactured news, restricting growth and change, as an inevitable becoming frustrating, sinister and not allowable, cuz! - restricting InFo and 'spinning' insults & insulates Americans from reality and new tomorrow's. Democracies BREATHE upon in-formed consent of the ShareHolders.
This story is, in addition a hopeful, healing, holoGraphic look at the issues of concentrated wealth/media, concentration of facts, Public Right to Know concerns, new Citizen-Media surveillance, Gov accountability, Press credibility, homophobia, bigotry, blackmail, payola & UnderMining democratic consent by masterMinDinG artificially mis-created fantasy groupthink, demographic SuperOrganisms.
it is said the 3 top money-industries are oil, arms and drugs, it's time to ask the '4th estate' if we should add a 4th..., sex.
STILL,.. it's also about this!..., ancient, archetypal, 'holding pattern' because of Individual & Collective, UNre-solved, UNconscious, impulses, conflicts and repression, but Historic chance & challenge for Awkening, Redeeming & UNiting CUZ amazingly...,
It's a gesture from the Universe, beckoning us, demanding us to integrate it and thereby receive its
...if the world is given ya' lemons..., make lemonade.
A Career In Management Consultancy - seeking all bright young graduates
24-02-2005 00:07
Ever considered working in the field of Management Consultancy?Fast-track training schemes are open to graduates with a 2:1 from any elite university.
A16.2///All Out Against the IMF/World Bank!! April 15-17 Washington, DC
23-02-2005 22:36
A New World is Under Construction!!final concious fashion report
23-02-2005 22:19
(a little late) report from the final day of conscious fasion week ...
Brussels photos
23-02-2005 21:51

Fair Trade Market this weekend
23-02-2005 21:08
A Fair Trade market will be held in Gloucester Green this weekend.GENOA G8 TRIALS: Genoese MEP and journalist: criticizes organization
23-02-2005 20:39
Translation of selected Italian coverage of Genoa G8 trial. February 8, 2005: Thirty-seventh hearing in trial of 25 protestors and activists over destruction and sacking of Genoa during 2001 G8 Summitguilty of war crimes
23-02-2005 19:49
The BBC reports that "two British soldiers have been found guilty of abusing Iraqi prisoners at an aid camp after a five-week court martial."