UK Newswire Archive
Michael Crichton in London to promote Anti-Environmentalist novel
10-12-2004 15:39
Jurassic Park-author and climate change-denier Michael Crichton is in London signing copies of his new novel State of Fear, about Eco-Terroists who use machines to fake environmental disasters56 Human Rights Day . 10 Dec 2004
10-12-2004 15:16

FAX ACTION: Coca-Cola: STOP Destroying Lives, Livelihoods & Communities in India
10-12-2004 15:01
On November 24, a peaceful march of over 1,000 community members in Mehdiganj rallying against Coca-Cola's crimes in India was violently attacked by police and the army. In a disturbing trend, we are witnessing more and more violence directed against communities who have organized themselves against Coca-Cola's crimes in India.UK BACKS USA AGAINST TRIBAL PEOPLES
10-12-2004 14:56
Tribal peoples are appealing to the Britishgovernment on UN Human Rights Day (December 10)
to stop following the USA in opposing their
rights. The UK and the USA are together blocking
an historic UN declaration on indigenous rights,
claiming that collective human rights do not
exist. Collective rights are essential for the
survival of tribal peoples.
end the silence, latest and new meeting
10-12-2004 12:24
reportback on the successful meeting on disability benefits cuts/changes and new meetingChechnya
10-12-2004 12:00
Portrait of war: one girl, ten years of conflict in Chechnya AFPDecember 9, 2004
Redecorate London
10-12-2004 11:53
Calling all artists, culture jammers, anarchists, activists, nihilists, punks, and other radicals to...Terrorist graffiti at London Army Recruitment Centre?
10-12-2004 11:36
Small group blocked the entry to Charing Cross, London, Army Recruitment Centre this morning with banner and fliers to amuse the commuters.oil war and...
10-12-2004 10:48
One third of Chechnya is- according to Russian military assessments- an ecological disaster zone. The soil is soaked through with oil several meters deep. In mountainous regions- rivers of oil.End Human Rights Violations in Colombia Picket Tonight Friday 6-8pm in Whitehall
10-12-2004 10:45
INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS DAY - DECEMBER 10THThe Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was approved by the UN General Assembly in 1948. Yet 56 years later, and despite the ratification by Colombia of all the International Covenants that followed the UDHR, the Colombian people continue to suffer gross violations of their civil and political rights, but also of economic, social and cultural rights.
Two “Palestinian States” à la Sharon*
10-12-2004 09:42
All the talk about "disengagement" has masked more than it has revealed. That becomes clear from emerging revelations on the implementation of Sharon's plan to establish two "closed areas": the Gaza Strip and the northern half of the West Bank, which will be cut off from each other, severed from Jerusalem and from the southern half of the West Bank.Blair Rules Out Iraq Civilian Death Toll Probe
10-12-2004 06:52
Tony Blair rejected a call Wednesday for an independent inquiry into the civilian death toll in the U.S.-led war in Iraq.Canada Contributes to the Trafficking of Women for Purposes of Prostitution
10-12-2004 02:45
News about the visas granted by Canadian immigration officers to foreign stripteasers, called "exotic dancers", made headlines across Canada. According to the Immigration Minister and the spokepersons of this ministry, "Canadian women do not want to work any more in this profession ".Decriminalize the Prostitutes, not Prostitution
10-12-2004 02:31
In an unprecedented gesture, around thirty personalities known for their social and political commitment asks the government of Canada to reject the decriminalization of prostitution claimed by certain groups and to take immediate measures to to put an end to the harassing of prostitutes and to the sexual trafficking which is practised in Canada.Evidence of USUK war crimes in Fallujah - Thank you Tony.
10-12-2004 02:24
Two weeks ago someone was allowed into Fallujah by the military to helpbury bodies. They were allowed to take photographs of 75 bodies, in
order to show pictures to relatives so that they might be identified
before they were buried.
These pictures are from a book of photos. They are being circulated
publicly around small villages near Fallujah where many refugees are
Local Works Campaign Requires Urgent Support
10-12-2004 02:20

10-12-2004 00:17
A 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Russia, and Cuba.The Corporation - hear this
09-12-2004 22:07
The epic documentary 'The Corporation' is out now showing at cinemas around the UK.If you can't be arsed to visit the cinema you can listen to rampART radio everyday at 4am or 4pm GMT....
Nursery Social Centre Santa Resistance film: Help us RESIST tomorrow!
09-12-2004 20:42
This is a short film of Monday's underhanded eviction attempt by Birmingham City Council to evict the Nursery Social Centre in Selly Oak. This is Brum's first autonomous social centre and it's been occupied since late August 2004. There is a homeless project upstairs housing three homeless people who will be out on the streets if the Council get their way just before Christmas. The Nursery Social Centre resist attempts to evict them on Monday Dec 6th, but the Council will try again on Fri 10th December. Help us RESIST!worldwide climate change conference in Buenos Aires
09-12-2004 20:19
The Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention onClimate Change is taking place in Argentina from 6 to 17 December 2004.
Over 6,000 participants are gathering in Buenos Aires to decide on the fate
of the global climate. After Russia´s ratification of the Kyoto Protocol,
it is now coming into effect on 16 February 2005. Following are the comments of a participant at the conference.