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UK Newswire Archive

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Brave U S Marine snipers shoot women and children

24-11-2004 09:20

Allegations of widespread abuse by US forces in Fallujah, including the killing of unarmed civilians and the targeting of a hospital in an attack, have been made by people who have escaped from the city.

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Stop Aids Event in Cambridge

24-11-2004 09:19

Worlds Aids Day happens next week, on December 1st. To commemorate this fact some fine bands will be playing a couple of days earlier, November 29th, in Cambridge. Your support would be greatly appreciated! The aim of the evening is to support the new Stop Aids Group in Cambridge, to raise awareness in the run up to World Aids Day and to raise some money for the nationwide Stop Aids campaign..

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24-11-2004 05:18

Did he see bin Laden with his own eyes? Did he try and cut him in half with a saw? Or did they have lunch together with George Dubya Bushit and the CIA?

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Council Tenants

24-11-2004 02:19

Enquiry about letter and voting paper for December. This letter is being sent to tenants of council houses in Sheffield.

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24-11-2004 02:17

The scientific community, tired of being
refuted by "corporate scientists", came
up with the definitive report that cannot
be dispelled.

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Business Post dump Sequani vivisection labs

24-11-2004 01:36

A rep from Business Post in Malvern, Worcestershire told activists at a demo at their premises this afternoon that they had severed all business links with Sequani vivisection laboratories. A confirmation email was sent to the campaign shortly afterwards which is to be followed by a written letter of confirmation to the Stop Sequani Animal Testing (SSAT) campaign.

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After GM Food – here comes Nano Food!

24-11-2004 01:04

After GM Food – here comes Nano Food!
UK food regulators challenged to remove Nanotech foods from the shelves.

Publication of new report: “Down on the Farm: The Impact of Nano-Scale Technologies on Food and Agriculture”

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Indonesian police set-up Jakarta man?

24-11-2004 00:14

Makes you want to move to Indonesia doesn't it? Sounds like a great place for a holiday? A great place for civil liberties as long as you don't get set-up, framed and become a scapegoat for the golden triangle the US, Indonesia, and Australia!

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Blunkett tells opponents: if you don't like it, vote Liberal

24-11-2004 00:10

When asked on tonight's Newsnight (23/11/04) about Labour critics of his controversial 'anti-terror' policies, David Blunkett didn't mince his words...

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Cabinet Office die in for Iraq

23-11-2004 23:27

Protesters INSIDE the Cabinet Office

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volantino operazione MITRA

23-11-2004 23:23

In distruibuzione dal il 16 ottobre 2004 dall'evento di cui parla il volantino stesso cioe' al gazebo per il reclutamento di terroristi organizzato dai posti occupati.

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Peace demos planned in Canada

23-11-2004 20:10

Second Falluja USUK massacre
(re-post from Quebec Indy.)

See also..

Ottawa Indy is down.

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Spain says former government backed Venezuela coup

23-11-2004 20:01

the cards are falling...

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South Devon Hunt Violence

23-11-2004 19:31

As news of a forthcoming foxhunting ban hit the news, the hunters, not content with fox/deer/badger/grouse/pheasant/peasant/rabbit*(delete as appropriate) bashing, hit saboteurs on Dartmoor. 3 sabs were injured during the attack.

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Sauce for the goose

23-11-2004 19:16

What's sauce for the goose is not sauce for the gander. That's globalisation, folks !

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Solidarity Action for Nine Ladies

23-11-2004 18:41

Hands off
Early this morning activists blocked Stancliffe Stone a subsidiary of Marshall’s PLC for three and a half hours using two tripods.
The action was done to show that regardless of the camp being evicted from 9 Ladies site, that Marshall’s or Stancliffe Stone are still very easy to shut down and that activists can cause economic damage in a peaceful non violent way.

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Zapatista coffee now available in Leeds

23-11-2004 18:17

Zapatista coffee is now available in four places in Leeds. Communities who support the Zapatistas have long grown coffee, using traditional methods. All coffee is organic and it tastes amazing... Buying this product directly helps rural farmers in southern Mexico to build thier own production, health and medical facilities. It comes in:

500g - filter (around £5)
250g - espresso (around £3)

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Poverty Pimp of The Week Award

23-11-2004 16:54

Poverty Pimp of The Week
Homes For Profit Not People Award (November 2004)

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Liverpool Social Forum- the acorn so far...

23-11-2004 16:42

A group of students from Liverpool University, have decided to begin to take steps towards a new Liverpool Social Forum. First a website and a newsletter, next the world...?

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Prosecutor investigating anti-Chavez coup killed in terrorist attack

23-11-2004 16:29

The explosion of two bombs in his car took the life of 38-year old State Prosecutor Danilo Anderson, late on Thursday night in Caracas, Venezuela. The terrorist attack took place at 11.50 pm in Los Chaguaramos, in south east Caracas, where Danilo Anderson was coming away from evening classes he was attending at the University.From his role as State Prosecutor Danilo Anderson had waged a tireless struggle to get the leaders of the opposition prosecuted for the crimes they have committed and particularly for the military coup they organised on April 11th 2002.