UK Newswire Archive
Hunters killed in hunter rampage - cool!
23-11-2004 05:10
i love this stuff. wish we had more guns in the uk so we had british hunt scum knocking eack other of in the same way...BUSH'S MAY BE SNEAKING INTO BAGHDAD AGAIN, EXPOSED HERE
23-11-2004 02:04
OedipousPresident Bush may be heading to Iraq. He cut short his news conference in Colombia. As of 7:16 p.m. Central Time, he surprisingly has not been reported as landing in Texas. Bush no doubt would consider it a real coup to repeat the surprise visit he made last Thanksgiving to the troops in Iraq. Probably he is more eager this year, after his victory and as he kicks off four more years. Also, it has been a bad year for morale in Iraq. This trip is a must. His schedule and the secret plans for last year provide clues to this year, as explained below.
Demostrations against electoral fraud in Ukrainian presidential elections
23-11-2004 01:43
Following electoral fraud in the counting of Ukrainian votes, massive response has been organised in Ukraine and abroad to protest. More than 500 people gathered yesterday Monday 22nd opposite the Ukrainian embassy in London, demanding fair elections and real democracy in Ukraine.Dirty tricks - no end in sight
23-11-2004 00:45
As TV show does a hatch job on one of the most successful campaigns in modern times, the behind the scenes skullduggery goes on. A summary of another interesting week in the life of animal rights protesting with raids, violence and court cases thrown in for good measure.Manchester NoBorders meeting Tuesday 23rd Nov
23-11-2004 00:41
Tue 23rd Novupstairs at [a new venue] The Green Room, Whitworth St. West.
at the slightly earlier time of 7pm.
U.S. ELECTION: Democracy in Question
23-11-2004 00:17
Interviews with John Zogby and Ralph Nader, plus what's now known about Election Day, suggest something went very wrong on Nov. 2.Pictures from Kiev tonight
22-11-2004 23:56
you can find some nice pics on this site of the square in kiev tonight.This Friday is Central London Critical Mass
22-11-2004 23:52
This Friday is Central London Critical Masstime: 6:15pm ish
place: Under Waterloo Bridge (south side)
The Israeli Beheaders
22-11-2004 23:32
Israel under shock after photos were published yesterday on Yediot Aharonot that show havoc made of palestinians dead bodies. But they don’t seem to be isolated cases. More are reported. Military authority have opened an enquiryUgly and getting uglier in Iraq
22-11-2004 22:59
1227 GI's "officially" killed in Iraq and rising fast. Details below.P.S. The publish function of the indy main page is not working. Please help spread this info on other sites and by other means. The real "bad guys" are working hard to hide the truth. Don't let them. jamie
Justice for Babar Ahmed and Woodhill detainees
22-11-2004 22:33
Milton Keynes Stop the War group in co-operation with Stop Political Terror and CAMPACC are calling a demonstration outside Woodhill Prison/Milton Keynes, Sunday 28th November. Purpose to highlight the detention of detainees held under Anti-Terrorism laws and the extradition treaty signed with the US in 2003.Blunkett's Quest, but is he on drugs?
22-11-2004 21:57

Impeach Blair motion falls
22-11-2004 21:39
The motion calling on Oxford City Council to support the impeachment of Tony Blair (and the amendment to impeach Andrew Smith) fell today, due to abstentions and opposition from the Liberal Democrats.manchester critical mass
22-11-2004 21:30

5pm central library 26th november FRIDAY!
Michael Meacher talk: the new Bush presidency and effect on the Muslim world
22-11-2004 21:24
So what does the Bush victory mean in terms of the threat to world peace?Battle of the Beanfield Film Screening
22-11-2004 21:01

Using video footage, the police radio log, photographs and personal testimony to recreate what became known as the Battle of the Beanfield. This documentary presents horrifying evidence of the semi-military tactics employed by police as they smashed up travellers' homes.
New rumours about location of G8 summit in 2007
22-11-2004 19:10
Tendencies in politics and locally indicate, that in 2007 the G8 summit is likely to be held in the Northeast of Germany, near Rohstock. Officially the location will be announced in spring 2007.mobilisation for protest against EU summit 2005 in Luxembourg started
22-11-2004 18:36
In june 2005 a EU summit takes place in Luxembourg.Mobilisation to protest against the politics of the EU are in preperation, for more information, visit:

S. KOREA. 11.22/Last Week's Struggle Report...
22-11-2004 17:06 migrant workers, now since one year and one week in sit-in strike against S. Korean government's policy of manhunt, mass arrestings and deportations.