UK Newswire Archive
January 31st- Big Noise demo at Lindholme
10-01-2004 15:47
A Big Noise demo is being planned for January 31st outside Lindholme Immigration Removal Centre in Doncaster.BIG TRIDENT TRIAL, COMING SOON...
10-01-2004 15:21
Three Trident Ploughshares activists will soon be on trial for trying to DISARM TRIDENT at Devonport Dockyard, on 2 seperate occasions. One of the activists, Sue Brackenbury from Faslane Peace Camp, who was involved in both attempts at the Direct Action, is currently in prison.Wal-Mart Is Not a Business - It's an Economic Disease
10-01-2004 14:46
"Wal-Mart is not a company, it's an epidemic disease. Wal-Mart is one of the biggest factors in causing unemployment in the United States.... Wal-Mart is your enemy.... It's destroying our community; it represents globalization; it represents an institutionalization of the values which stink.""Unprecedented" to be screened in Oxford
10-01-2004 13:17

SchNEWS on Bayer Injunction
10-01-2004 11:25
From this weeks schnews:
911 a picture of truth in Action
10-01-2004 03:07

The Argentinian precedent? Troubles in MediaMarkt
10-01-2004 02:29

people were injured, and cash tills and information stands were
destroyed on the night from Thursday 8 Jan to Friday 9 Jan.
Protest Cultures
09-01-2004 22:23
New issue on anti-Iraq War and anti-FTAA demonstrations.Weapons of Mass Distraction (revisited)
09-01-2004 19:14
On Blair's (Freudian?) slip of referring to weapons of "mass distraction"while in Iraq. Plus more in Blair's lies and how these reinforce the
anarchist case against the state.
Labour Party spring confrence
09-01-2004 19:14
Labour Party Spring Conference 2004Greater Manchester Police, 09.01.2004 11:15
Greater Manchester Police, 09.01.2004 11:15
During the weekend of the 12th, 13th & 14th March 2004 the City Centre of Manchester will host the Labour Party spring conference at the GMEX/ICC. It is one of the strategic conference aims of Greater Manchester Police to "permit lawful protest, whilst minimising disruption to persons going about their lawful business".
Ha What do they take us for
Basra Electricity Workers Announce Strike Action - Iraq report
09-01-2004 18:28
Electricity plant and station workers in Occupied Basra fight back against Bremer's slave-wage scale order. Social resistance to the Occupation mounting as workers realise and reclaim their power...CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: The Top 11 Reasons Why Bush Wants to Go the Moon and Mars
09-01-2004 18:26
Bush can't pull off a manned mission to eat turkey in Baghdad, yet he thinks he can pull off a manned mission to Mars! What drives him?URGENT ACTION COLOMBIA
09-01-2004 18:05
Express you disgust to the facist Colombian government and the British its biggest supporterSouth Korea: Repression Against Migrants Movement, more pictures
09-01-2004 17:29

Islamism and the left
09-01-2004 17:26
Why should the labour, anti-war and student movements help to promote and entrench the position of a right-wing political current among Muslims?The Muslim Brotherhood, with which the MAB is politically affiliated ... has played a thoroughly reactionary role, hostile to democracy, the labour movement, secularism and women’s rights.
The BNP - in Stoke on Trent and in Bangladesh
09-01-2004 16:22
His being a 'minority' in a 'Muslim' country, till now had never been an issue as this village has been his home all his life. 'We are living in troubled times' he sighs. The arrival of a new government last year was greeted in some parts of Bangladesh by the raping of 225 Hindu women.movement of the imagination at the ESF 2003
09-01-2004 15:33

who's space? our space...the world is not for sale
Kilroy has Gone Down
09-01-2004 15:26
Kilroy show suspended pending investigations into anti arab rant