UK Newswire Archive
Food not Bombs in Gdansk / Poland
12-01-2004 10:42

According U.S. defecation is now terrorism (by Latuff)
12-01-2004 01:15

london noborder event
11-01-2004 20:58
The wombles are inviting for a noborder event on January 17th, in Kentish Town - 93 Fortess Road. And on Jan 31, there is a european day of noborder action.More about the day of action here:

and background info here:

Que viva Chavez! Que viva Venezuela!
11-01-2004 18:06
Venezuela's Chavez Hits Back at U.S. Before Summit11.01.2004 [12:47]
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez told the United States on Saturday to stop "sticking its nose" in his country's affairs in a scathing rebuttal of U.S. criticism days before a regional summit.
Venezuela's Chavez Hits Back at U.S. Before Summit
11.01.2004 [12:47]
The Grenades Are Old!
11-01-2004 17:15

But couldn't they have found something a little newer...? Acc. to Reuters, the grenades they found in Iraq are from about the time Rumsfeld shook hands with Saddam.... and - eh - who provided this gas anyway????
Support Manchester's Striking Electricians
11-01-2004 16:22
5th Febuary 7:30pm Friends Meeting House (Mount St by the central library)Strike Spotting UK 25/12/03 - 10/01/04
11-01-2004 15:14
Summary of Strikes in the UK - For Proletarian Self-EmancipationHow to Cover Up War Crimes: Kissinger and Chile
11-01-2004 13:24
Kissinger and Chile, or, the Mechanics of a Propaganda Cover-Up. Commentary has recently published a column by a “scholar” from the American Enterprise Institute rehearsing some well-worn arguments concerning US involvement (or lack, thereof) in the coup which replaced elected President Salvador Allende, a self-professed “Marxist” with dictator General Pinochet. In the main, it involves a spurious defense of Henry Kissinger, based partially on a reading of telephone transcripts not currently in the public domain but which the impish Kissinger has kindly allowed him to peruse in advance. Drawing selectively on declassified documentary evidence, he claims to construct a case against Kissinger’s indictment and against any blame being apportioned to the Whitehouse either for the death of General Rene Schneider or the coup attempt in 1973. He compares his suggestions to Christopher Hitchens’ book The Trial of Henry Kissinger and also a BBC documentary with a similar name. Unlike Falcoff, I’ve read the book and watched the film. So the gaps that emerge in his account prove relatively simple to fill.Stop TOP-UP fees - topple Blair
11-01-2004 13:21
TOP-UP fees are shite.... Tony Blair is shite, we may be able to stop them both at once.Please tell your MP by visiting
or phone them on Parliament's switchboard number is 020 7219 3000.
Any and all good direct actions on the issue are very welcome!
Dissent! A Network of Resistance Against the G8: National Gathering in Brighton
11-01-2004 12:04
National Gathering @Brighton, Feb 7-8Baby Killer Ziombies (by Latuff)
11-01-2004 02:36

Latest on the Bill to Ban Hunting
11-01-2004 00:27
MPs to be given vote on Hunting Bill before EasterBy Marie Woolf, Chief Political Correspondent
09 January 2004
London indymedia convergence
10-01-2004 21:59
InvitationIndymedia London Convergence
Friday Jan 30, 7pm: Roundup of the World Summit of Information Society
Saturday Jan 31
12am - 6pm: London Visions
7pm - 11pm: Chill out, film screenings, bar and music
Limehouse Townhall, 646 Commercial Road, London E14 7HA
This is an invitation to a convergence of London-based media workers, artists, techies, DIY'ers, producers, writers, culture jammers and mischief-makers for a chat about the concept of an Indymedia London project and how we might collaborate and shape it. The convergence will start in the evening of Friday, Jan 30th with an exchange on the recent world summit of the information society event in Geneva. Saturday is entirely dedicated to info, visions, workshops and plans for Indymedia London.
Racist scum in N.Ireland
10-01-2004 21:35
Racist war of the loyalist street gangsAngelique Chrisafis, Ireland correspondent
Saturday January 10, 2004

"Display shoplifters in cages"
10-01-2004 20:02
No judge, no court case, just put them in a cage in the shop window....
Empire strikes out
10-01-2004 18:50
First publicated on the trotskyist review Marxism Alive 6Kilroy apology 'not good enough'
10-01-2004 18:46
I don't think in a country with a free media and a plural society and a commitment to a right of reply, you ever solve anything by banning, removing, censoringJudith Vidal Hall, Index on Censorship
10-01-2004 16:25
Trident costs 1.5 billion squid a year. that could pay for every student in the UK to go to Uni for free. In other words, Blair reckons plotting genocide is more important than my education and the education of students everywhere. Tell your MP to vote NO to FEES, (use where it takes 2 secs) and to tell Blair and Clarke they've got their priorities wrong. To Stop Fees, Stop Trident.DIRECT ACTION DAY AGAINST CAMBRIDGE PRIMATE LAB
10-01-2004 16:06
1000 join Demo against Mr prescotts Primate research lab planned for CambridgeAnti-asylum legislation demo in Leeds- photos
10-01-2004 15:52