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report on palestinian prisoners

03-08-2003 23:35

This is a short list of highlights of Michael Tarazi's excellent report on Palestinian Prisoners, which might be useful to those who, like most of us, were too inundated to read the full text!

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03-08-2003 23:14

Cambridge residents will protest at the gates of Oakington Refugee
Detention Centre today at 9.30am. The protest will support action by
refugees in the centre, who have been protesting against their illegal

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Discriminative law applied to asylum seekers

03-08-2003 22:38

Who needs the BNP when you've got HM New Labour?
If you're an asylum seeker or a Muslim, preferably both,they come for you first
'These children lived here for years. Now they're being frogmarched out of Britain'

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US Military Study to Improve US Air Travel Security that Took Place in 1976.

03-08-2003 20:57

In 1976 the US Congress conducted a Military Study to Improve US Air Travel Security.

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PNAC: Philosophy of Deception

03-08-2003 20:07

A short, interesting article about Leo Strauss, the 'father' of the neo-conservative (PNAC) ideology. Deception, religion, nationalism, all for the benefit of the elites and to control the masses.

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Benefit for Simon C

03-08-2003 15:59

Flyer for BRIXTON benefit for Simon Chapman.

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Whats latest on Simon C?

03-08-2003 13:38

Update on Simon Situ anyone?

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New Labour in bed with Microsoft

03-08-2003 13:10

I am a teacher. I was appalled at the Government's Framework for ICT for a number of reasons but this article is about the way it promotes Microsoft.

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Peace and Justice at the Fringe

03-08-2003 12:53

The Peace and Justice Centre has put together a flyer about events at the Edinburgh Festival, which might be of particular interest to activists.

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03-08-2003 12:08

Mr Rumsfeld welcomes your comments on his foreign policy. His number is 1 703 6927100. You will get put through to his personal assistant who will note your views and says she will pass them on.

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Iraqi resistance comics 2 (by Latuff)

03-08-2003 08:25

Iraqi resistance comics
Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Iraqi people and their struggle against U.S. occupation.

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U.N. Peacekeeping Troops in DRC to Stay Until July 2004

03-08-2003 05:30

Even as the newly formed transitional government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) announced that ethnic troubles in Ituri province were its first priority, more people were dying.

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Audio interviews with and pictures of ISM activists Leila and Chris

02-08-2003 23:37

Audio Leila Sansour, filmdirector, and Chris, both ISM activists
Leila Sansour is currently touring through Britian with her latest film "Jeremy Hardy v. the Israeli Army". Her film got shown in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Sheffield and London last week and at many cities she answered questions after the film.
ISM activists also organised ISM Orientation days with training to nonviolent Resistance of Occupation.
Here are interviews and pictures with Leila Sansour and Chris, both committed and passionate activists for the International Solidarity Movement.

More information:
International Solidarity Movement, Electronic Intifada

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NAGASAKI NIGHTMARE - Paintings by Atom Bomb Survivors

02-08-2003 20:13

August 2003 marks the 58th Anniversary of the Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Those who survived the blasts became known as hibakusha (Atom Bomb Survivors). Many hibakusha have created Paintings and Drawings based on their experiences that vividly illustrate the horrors of Atomic fire.

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Demonstration at Dungavel Detention Centre on Saturday 6th, September

02-08-2003 18:29

Poster and call for demonstration against Dungavel Detention Centre
The STUC, the Scottish Trades Union Congress, is organising a demonstration to take place at Dungavel Detention Centre on Saturday 6th September at 12 noon.
This event aims to build on the growing public concern in opposition to Dungavel and will coincide with the second anniversary of its opening.

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IOF brutally represses atempts to damage Apartheid Wall in Tulkarem region

02-08-2003 18:23

Deir al Ghassoon, north of Tulkarem

At 11:30 approximately 200 farmers from Deir al Ghassoon, at least 50
internationals, and many television cameras, started their march from
the center of the village to the fence that has prevented access to
the fields of the village for two weeks now.

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ZAPATISTA / 13th stele, part 7 an invitation..

02-08-2003 17:42

...the final invitation...

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Adventures in a Bath

02-08-2003 11:46

Zapatista women
Edinburgh Festival play including content about the Zapatistas
Adventures in a Bath by Ysabel Collyer
Freda wants to create a revolution from her bath.
Directed by Morven Gregor

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Sharon and the wall (by Latuff & Oren)

02-08-2003 10:53

English version
Copyright-free artwork, originally published on Gush Shalom web site, by Latuff & Oren.

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ZAPATISTA / 13th stele part 6, a good government..

02-08-2003 09:51 which Marcos announces a good government...