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Peace and Justice at the Fringe

fwd | 03.08.2003 12:53 | Culture | Education

The Peace and Justice Centre has put together a flyer about events at the Edinburgh Festival, which might be of particular interest to activists.

There are always things in the Fringe that the keen Festival-goer hears about just too late. This flier is an attempt to help 'Peace and Justice' people to catch the items which are of particticular interest to them.

Since it is early in the season this Flier is a Taster. It is the result of a first scanning of the Fringe program, a guess on what might be worth spending time and money on. So if you have guesses- or experience -to offer about what will be worth-while please pass it on. Reports, warnings and - especially- enthusiatic recommendations will be gratefully received. Phone, call in or email the Peace and Justice Centre.

It's fun scanning the program. Which is the most improbable blurb? The most unlikely combination of elements? The most outrageous adjectives? The most incomprehensible outline of a drama? Will it be worth while? Your guess is as good as ours.

that any item listed here is interesting, well-produced or even, you may decide, relevant.

Peace and Justice Resource Centre
0131 229 0993
peace-justice at

This flier is produced by one member of the Peace and Justice Resource Centre team who takes responsibility for its contents.
This Flier is a taster. Later in July and during the Fringe further editions will come out highlighting performances week by week with more detail on when. Though you will always be advised to check the Fringe Program itself for this information.

So, what are the possibilities? What is of interest to 'Peace & Justice' people? Are the plays about war or those that mention September 11th in their blurb a certainty?
If the theatre is about opening our perception and understanding of how other people are experiencing their world perhaps plays like "Mojo Mickybo" (p. 152 in the program) or "I Have Before Me" ... (p. 142) are what we are interested in.
In the first, at the Bongo Club, two young boys from "opposite sides of the bridge" in Belfast develop a friendship. The second, at Theatre Workshop, shows "a young Rwandan woman and her British writing tutor".

"The Interrogation" (p. 142), Bucharest 1950, includes a contribution to Amnesty International. As does "Stand up for Freedom", the annual Amnesty benefit and probably the only comedy program to be listed here. In the Assembly Rooms on August 17th.

Two plays this come highly recommended from last year. Andrew Dallmeyer's "Wanted- Dead or Alive" (p. 173) comments on the contrast between America's wealth and generosity and its determination to see terrorists lurking. And in "Every Blessed Thing" (p.133) Tom Fleming presents-George McLeod, initiator and leader of the lona community. A production that has been very acceptable to those who knew him.

The Peace and Justice Centre especially welcomes the internationality of the Festival. Like the official Festival the Fringe now includes companies. from many countries. This year Brecht can be heard in German - "Der Gute Mensch von Sezuan" (p.127). and a Kosovan company is offering a challenging Fringe experience: "Gjokova. Another War "(p.138) performed in Serbian and Albanian.

Two venues are worth noticing for the variety of their productions.
The American High School Theatre Festival has occupied the Churchhill Theatre for a few years now offering a huge variety of plays, often of very high standard. It will be interesting to see how one of these young companies interprets September 11-th in "Awakening" (p.118); They also take up the challenge of school killings in "Bang,Bang -You're Dead".

Richard DeMarco specializes in building links for us with companies from Eastern Europe. This year, among much else are "The Birds of Sarajevo" (p.119), "Mind the Gap", International Plays from Portugal , Iceland, Estonia and Ireland. (p.151), Slavonic Ukrainian sonqs in "They Are Coming" (p.168) and, as "Young Kozocks of Ukraine" (p.175),the Barvinok children's group singing and dancing in traditional costumes. Rocket @ Demarco happens in three venues @ the Roxy Art House in Roxburgh Place, @ the Apex City Hotel in the Grassrnarket and @ in St John’s Church Hall up above the Centre.

In the 1960s for a while we didn't eat grapes or lettuce. "Chavez - the Rise of a Leader" (p.123) Cesar Chavez in California taught us the value of these.

