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TOMMY ENGLISH JOINS BLUEHAND #antifa @slatedl @slatukip @JLRFB @misscheeky666

23-10-2015 22:14

Former EDL "LGBT leader", scrawny hoodierat Tommy English, who left the EDL after learning it was crammed full to the rafters with homophobes, has joined one of the most homophobic far right internet organisations on the planet, #bluehand. The whinger from Yorkshire who nicknamed himself after a notorious loyalist murderer, Tommy English, used to claim the EDL were tolerant towards gay and lesbian people. Now he is living in Manchester and hanging out with all manner of Bluehand white supremacists, Combat18, KKK and white power types, he has removed all trace of his homosexuality, presumably for his own personal safety. Those #bluehand types don't partiularly appreciate difference of any kind.

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EDL PRICKS #ANTIFA #edl @misscheeky666 @slatukip @JLRFB @bradfordAFN @slatedl

23-10-2015 10:25

After years of Muslamic Ray Guns and "What's That Symbol" ranting, the feckless little "footsoldiers" of the EDL admit what we knew all along - they are seriously lacking in grey matter. There's dumb. There's dumber. Then there's EDL. Radicalised by Pam Geller and friends, and brainwashed with cheap, tasteless lager and adulterated coke, it is now openly acknowledged that nationalistic intellects turned to Jelly. Even Spiked Magazine (AKA "Living Marxism" now Libertarian Capitalism), who inanely decreed nobody must laugh at the EDL, have now fallen stonily silent. EDLers have always been, and still are, the idiots of the Global Village, backwards, racist, misogenistic caveman opting out of the advancing multicultural civilisation which makes their ugly views irrelevant.

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European Integration without the EU. Nordic dream of Swedish nationalists

23-10-2015 09:59

Unfortunately economic, immigration and cultural repercussions of the long drawn out European experiment are most often criticized from the perspective of sheer nihilism. As if Brussels’ failure meant that any integration initiatives were invariably doomed and everything should be started from the beginning.

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#ANTIFA: #EDL COME CLEAN @slatukip @bradfordAFN @slatedl @misscheeky666 @JLRFB

23-10-2015 08:29

After years of Muslamic Ray Guns and "What's That Symbol" ranting, the feckless little "footsoldiers" of the EDL admit what we knew all along - they are seriously lacking in grey matter. There's dumb. There's dumber. Then there's EDL. Radicalised by Pam Geller and friends, and brainwashed with cheap, tasteless lager and adulterated coke, it is now openly acknowledged that nationalistic intellects turned to Jelly. Even Spiked Magazine (AKA "Living Marxism" now Libetarian Capitalism), who inanely insited nobody must laugh at the EDL, have now fallen stonily silent. EDLers have always been, and still are, the idiots of the Global Village, backwards, racist, misogenistic caveman opting out of the advancing multicultural civilisation which makes their ugly views irrelevant.

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Why Do Labour Keep Getting Iraq Wrong?

22-10-2015 16:12

Hussein Al-alak is the chair of the Iraq Solidarity Campaign UK

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Campaign Intelexit: "Exit path back to democracy" for members of secret services

22-10-2015 15:01

As "the world’s first exit program for the intelligence community" the campaign Intelexit started last month. Employees from the secret services like the National Security Agency (NSA), the UK Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) and the German Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) are to be supported to leave the institutions. A video with Bruce Schneier and Thomas Drake, the Vienna-based therapist Angelika Schneider and the former Stasi officer Walter Eichner explains the backgrounds, a flyer gives more details.

Intelexit is directed to all employees, not only those who work on surveillance programs or take part in drone wars. Concerned people, who see themselves in moral conflicts, should be helped to receive counselling, therapy and legal support. Those who have hesitations, can try a selftest on the campaigns website.

This interview was conducted with some of the organisers briefly before the start of the campaign.

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How Muslims & Christians are working together to help refugees in Iraq and Syria

21-10-2015 09:07

An insight into how Iraq's diverse community are working together to help those who were forced to flee from the terror of Daesh.

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American secret services: “Pravy sector” is training IG fighters.

21-10-2015 08:40

According to the recent post of the EU delegation in Ukraine, American secret services are in possession of the data revealing the fact of the exploitation of the bases belonging to the nationalistic “Pravy sector” by IG to train their fighters.

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ISDA is threatening Ukraine.

21-10-2015 07:43

Kiev hopes to stabilize the economic situation by massive wage cuts.

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The Fifth International

20-10-2015 14:58

It is time, comrades, to announce to the world the formation and existence of a new international.
The first international, the second, third and fourth Internationals have all run their course. Yet, there is now a fifth international, which is very important for people to learn about.

The fifth international is truly international. It is time for people to seriously start to support the League for the Fifth International.

We support Left Unity.

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Update - London Anarchist Bookfair - Stalls & Meetings - 24th October

20-10-2015 12:34

Bookfair programme cover
London Anarchist Bookfair on Saturday 24th October, 10am – 7pm
Central Saint Martin’s (University of the Arts London), Granary Building, 1 Granary Square, Kings Cross, London N1C 4AA

Welcome one and all to the 34th London Anarchist Bookfair, welcome to the full spectrum of anarchist thought & practice! Here's details of Stalls & Meetings.

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Demonstration – No Local Health Cuts / No Hospital Closures

20-10-2015 09:53

12:30-1:30 pm on 5th November
East Coast Community Healthcare, Common Lane North, Beccles, NR34 9BN,(near Morrisons and Brand of Beccles)

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"Alternative and Activist New Media" Book review

19-10-2015 18:56

In 2011 prof. Leah Lievrouw published this guide to the study of the alternative and activist new media. Four years later it is still one of the best books for academics, students and enthusiasts. This review has the aim to present the book's main key points as well as some sparks for future researches it suggests.

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PAUL WARREN ENGLAND'S WIBBLE @slatedl @nottssolfed @JLRFB @misscheeky666 #ANTIFA

19-10-2015 17:17

Tonight, the Nottingham fascist march honcho "Paul Warren England" of EDL fame, (until recently, believed to be resident in Australia) is trolling the antifascist counter-protest page, trying to claim he is not racist, just as Matthew Pope of Pegida tried on in the past. He has stupidly challenged anti-racists to come up with anything near an insane racist rant he posted on Facebook. It didn't take long to expose his wibble. On an EDL page, he has posted a particularly paranoid rant about Muslims taking over Britain in 30 years time.

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Huge rally in Dover, Kent to support refugees & migrants

19-10-2015 16:01

A turnout over well over 300 people in Dover Kent, saw local groups and people from Brighton and London show their support for the refugees and migrants in contrast to the recent far-right rabble demos here.

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Bono Collaterally Slashes Virgin Arrangement

19-10-2015 15:02

The Irish musician famous for his rat-herding of United Nations bureaucrats today turned down what analysts termed a frivolous offer by media giant Virgin Records. The artist management conglomerate had offered Bono a tour organisation treaty including large scale state-sponsored concerts, which would have given visitors a guarantee that stage-diving was to take place in all of the events. United Nations Special Representative for Cultural Affairs Tevik Breibarz said the bureau regretted the decision, as customers would have been offered a money-back clause in case there was no stage-diving in some of the corporation´s presentations.

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#NAZIS TARGET #BRADFORD @slatukip @JLRFB @misscheeky666 @bradford_indie #ANTIFA

19-10-2015 01:30

On Saturday the 14th of November, the EDL return to City of Sanctuary, Bradford, inviting their Hitler-loving NEI neo-nazi friends to make up the numbers. The NEI are the Hitler-loving scum who stood alongside SS and Blood & Honour flags in Preston. Overall numbers might be smaller on EDL marches, but the danger of fascists visiting Bradford must never be underestimated. Fascists see every visit to Northern England's most multicultural city as a potential to harass Asian, black, Eastern European, LGBT and other minorities. Complacency must not happen! THEY MUST BE OPPOSED!

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National Demo: Free Education, November 4th 2015

18-10-2015 21:03

Free Education Flyer (front page).
There will be a national demonstration in London on November 4th 2015 for free education, and against financially crippling tuition fees.

Below you will find resources to assist in promoting this event, including both sides of an A5 flyer and a sticker design.

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Stop The Agency Rip Off (Flyer)

18-10-2015 20:19

Stop The Agency Rip Off Flyer Design.
this a flyer design for a new campaign against the use of employment agencies in the teaching profession, something which is both expensive for cash-strapped schools and colleges, and exploitative of the workers having to use them.

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#EDL DEFEND DEATH THREATS: @tellmamauk @misscheeky666 @slatukip @JLRFB #ANTIFA

18-10-2015 14:03

The EDL have become more and more hardcore neo-nazi week by week, as they venture from Islamophobia to National Front-like anti-immigrant fervour. Using the NE EDL's twitter account, Alan Spence chillingly justifies death threats by his own members towards landlords willing to help Syrian refugees, which is an out-and-out nazi-istic stance - classic fascist intimidation of anyone willing to help minorities. Oswald Mosley, who is former BNP-candidate Spence's spiritual hero, approved of similar tactics against the housing of Jewish refugees fleeing from Nazi tyranny.
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