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Anarchism against alcoholism

03-06-2014 13:56

Against all form of slavery!!! For total liberation! For Anarchy!!!

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Sanctions protest in Stanley County Durham

02-06-2014 18:57

Tuesday 3rd of June is going to see another protest by Durham Unite Community - this time an anti Sanctions protest to spread information about the horrendous regime enforced by the DWP, in Stanley, County Durham. 1030-1230. Stanley Job Centre, 2 Front Street, Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 0LT

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Class war Banner graphic

02-06-2014 18:29

Class war Banner graphic - 5m by 1.5m

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Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign Mass Picnic and Festival

02-06-2014 16:36

Mass picnic and festival at Orgreave on 14 June 2014.

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Leaked CIA Report Warns of Military Coup in Ukraine

02-06-2014 01:15

A Central Intelligence Agency report written by top European Analyst Steven Woehrel for the U.S. Congress Foreign Affairs committee has cast doubt about the future of the Ukraine current government and exposed the US role in the removal of the elected government.

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Protest and Street Theatre in Newport against NATO

31-05-2014 21:25

Roll up Roll Up, the NATO Circus is coming to town

Some photos from today's Newport Rising events in Newport City Centre. Cameron, Obama and other world leaders put in an appearance, along with the leader of Newport City Council, Bob Bright, all working together to make money for corporate warmongers by hosting the NATO Summit in September at the expense of the people of Newport and all the victims of NATO wars. Today's events, which included earlier banner drops, are part of efforts to raise awareness of the Summit taking place at the Celtic Manor in Newport.

There will be a public meeting about the Summit at 95-96 Commercial Street, Newport from 4pm tomorrow, Sunday 1 June.

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Harry Matz EDL member and fascist

31-05-2014 21:23

Harry Matz runs the TIFRIB website and campaigns against Muslims

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March for Dignity Arrives in Newport

31-05-2014 20:44

The march arrives in Pill just after 8pm

Bristol - Chepstow - Newport - Cardiff.

29 May - 2 June.

"Walking together to end the injustices of the UK asylum system."

The march arrived at St. Michael's Church in Pill, Newport at around 8.15 this evening after a 17 mile stretch from Chepstow. Tomorrow the march continues to Cardiff, with a demonstration at the Home Office on Monday.

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Banner drop in Newport today against EADS

31-05-2014 13:12

As part of Newport Rising, there was a banner drop today off the footbridge and at the top of the Kingsway car park against warmongering Newport company EADS.

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Hindu Supremacism – A Spent Force of Casino Capitalism

30-05-2014 17:42

When some commentators termed the numerical outcome of the recent Indian election historical, it reminded a bit of the pompous theatrics of North American democracy: There, every election is of “historical” dimension until the next item in the news cycle kicks in. But one can find a grain of truth in the comparison: Like for the current Unitedstates president, Modi´s biggest achievement is not being his predecessor. And with India having tasted gold austerity and women´s liberation, it is an easy temptation for any empty agitator to keep his loyalists happy with frog-marching “bitter clingers” through the global village until the rest of the world has better things to do with its time, such as it is an obvious clue that this very tactic has arrived at a dead end in Unitedstates where the phoney klan blamefest is over and any appearance of charisma finally spent. The farce set to follow the tragedy would be futile from its very outset. But in a deeper sense, the Indian election rather resembles an European pattern: The “winning candidate” is only the second choice, the religious conservative could take the ballot because the openly fascist “first choice winner” was spoiled out of it, in this case though not by splitting the vote along some virtual fault line but by material force of armed insurgency (see May 29, 2013). The place of the assassinated “Salva Judum” leader was taken by a replacement mirroring the same hierarchy in the state religion. Instead of an organiser of genocide came an apologist of genocide. As history knows when the automatic spy planes of imperialism saw that tactic, the first thing they did was to copy it, targeting their guns along succession speculations. The only remarkable thing about the predicted outcome of the Indian election is that the Naxal decided it a year ago.

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Starting a help account for cats in need of help

30-05-2014 12:18

Hardly glamorous topic. But in London there is a desperate shortage of helpful places that cat owners in low income can access.

Cats matter too much.

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Leaflet distribution at Green St market Thurs 29th May

30-05-2014 09:10


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Rathlin Blitzkrieg About to Hit East Yorkshire

29-05-2014 22:22

West Newton, Well Site
Lorries Arrive to Pave Rathlin Energy's Empire into East Yorkshire.

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Who Should the Average American Blame for CIA Torture?

29-05-2014 22:17

Blaming primarily people in the CIA and the military for egregious torture and murder doesn’t recognize these acts fall within this far broader set of corrupted cultural realities (even as we realize the very egregious nature to this globally expanded clandestine archipelago of secret prisons and hundreds if not thousands of renditions). And yet a lot of this stuff should be pegged to the many political figures and pundits who are not employees of CIA or the Pentagon, but because of a great deal of government and media deceit became the prime movers in getting our country involved in illegal wars.

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The S.H.I.T. Party

29-05-2014 17:50

The Social Harmony Intelligent Technology Party believes that governments worldwide should focus on developing the abundant source of human waste and sewage for a safe and reliable energy power.

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UG#683 - The Standardization of Mind & Body (DSM-5, Disabilities & Fruit Trees)

29-05-2014 15:07

Last time we looked at how mass communication technologies were shaped into the propaganda tool that big media is today. This time, a look at how the medical profession has responded to similar systemic pressures, gradually refining technologies and public expectations about physical and mental health so as to buttress the status quo. After Jess Martin's talk on 'disability' we hear Gary Greenberg on the DSM-5. We conclude with an alternative perspective from Tony Wright - that modern society, far from being a healthy norm from which any deviation is suspect, is itself a deeply dysfunctional result of millennia long changes in human brain biochemistry.
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