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UK Newswire Archive

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Blair Invokes Emergency Powers against Fuel Tax Protests

13-09-2000 13:43

Police commandeer fuel trucks and trick farmers
Truckers Block much of Central London
Domestic Fuel Supplies very Low

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WTO Disco mp3

13-09-2000 07:55

Here is a wonderful little tune about the WTO by artist that brought us Cows With Guns... a must listen. Pass it around!

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Ad company destroys ancient culture

12-09-2000 22:39

Profit-hungry advertising company J Walter Thompson has destroyed a significant part of the ancient Peruvian citadel Machu Picchu while fiming a TV ad for a beer company

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Summer of Plebian Protest: Left Must Take Note !

12-09-2000 16:32

Whilst the left have been concerned with Mayday and Prague, certain people who are not at all concerned with the world, outside their own little doorstep ,have been mobilizing

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Prague Independent Media Center - S26 - Call To Action

12-09-2000 03:50

The Independent Media Center of Prague calls you, journalists, media activists, and rabble-rousers of the world to join us in creating democratic, grassroots and political coverage of the S26 protests in Prague and around the world.

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Picture - WEF solidarity - Australia House guarded by police

12-09-2000 00:04

Picture - WEF solidarity - Australia House guarded by police
After anti-WEF demonstrators succeed in disrupting the first day of the meeting in Australia, UK police stand by at Australia House, London.

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Video - WEF solidarity - The Strand, London

11-09-2000 23:59

Shut WEF - Shut IMF!

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Video - WEF solidarity - marching to Australia House

11-09-2000 23:49

Protestors on their way to Australia House in London

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Picture - WEF solidarity action - The Strand

11-09-2000 23:41

Picture - WEF solidarity action - The Strand
Banner Pic

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WEF action in London report

11-09-2000 23:37

UK Solidarity with Australian protests

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A Tactical Vote Against Labour in 2001

11-09-2000 19:31

The time of year when electoral registration should be made is now: please consider breaking with the time-honored anarchist deed of faith, complete the register form, and vote against Labour when the poll is called.

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London set for spontaneous anti-WEF action... BE THERE!

11-09-2000 12:47

Where do you want to go today?

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World Economic Forum Blockaded!

11-09-2000 10:16

Activists winning!

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A city under siege

10-09-2000 21:39

MELBOURNE — The scene is now set for one of the most dramatic political confrontations between capital and the people in a decade.

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October 22nd Coalition's (end police brutality) Call for Endorsements

10-09-2000 18:47

Call for endorsements and support of October 22nd protests

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Defend the Chattanooga Three:

10-09-2000 05:52

The Chattanooga Three:
Lorenzo Komboa Ervin, Damon McGee, and Mikail Musa Muhammad (Ralph P. Mitchell) are facing jail. for violating Tennessee's disruption law

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tomorrow is s11....

09-09-2000 23:34

tomorrow is s11....
Thousands converge in Melbourne, a constant police presense is established at the casino, Dr Vandana Shiva arrives.. the vibe lifts...

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UNISON Scotland Date For Industrial Action

09-09-2000 11:53

UNISON Scotland Date For Industrial Action
Public Service trade union UNISON take further action against Local Government Employers in Scotland.

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Asylum Seekers Marching on London

09-09-2000 07:50

Asulum Dipersal isn't working, dispersed asylum seekers marching back to London

Full article to Begin Outsourcing Customer Service Operations to India

08-09-2000 04:30

Move reflects company's new focus on reducing U.S. labor costs.
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