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Nottinghamshire twinned with Cyprus?

26-03-2013 20:55

A comparison that encourages anti-austerity solidarity.

Nottinghamshire twinned with Cyprus - FIVE similarities that encourage anti-austerity solidarity.

1. They share roughly the same size population. A basic point which gives some perspective to the bullying pressure the powerful EuroGroup are exerting on Cyprus.

2. The people in both places are undergoing severe austerity measures, a burden which they are forced to bare without, of course, causing the banking crisis.

3. Foodbanks are being set up in both places (if not already actively in operation) in order to deal with people going short of FOOD, as basic needs are not being met.

4. People are told, "we are all in this together" or "we all share the blame" (David Cameron, PM, and Averof Neophytou, DISY deputy chairperson, [dis]respectively). Significantly similar messages intended to encourage acceptance of responsibility from people who are responsible in no way what-so-ever.

5. Both communities have responded to attacks with concerted organisation against neoliberal agendas, fueled by compassion, rather than selfishness and greed.

So, what does this all mean? We're supposed to THINK these situations are separate and entirely individual, but when laid out like this the human realities are strikingly similar.

We don't need to be told.


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Disentangling the Delhi HM Conference from the SWP Crisis - Statement from Delhi

26-03-2013 19:20

Over the past few days there have been suggestions that the journal Historical Materialism (HM) is run by Britain’s Socialist Workers’ Party (SWP), that the SWP is associated with the Delhi HM Conference on 3–5 April 2013, and that in light of the rape crisis in the SWP, the Delhi HM conference should be boycotted or disrupted.
Both propositions underlying the boycott and disruption call are absolutely false. . . .

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World Water Day 2013: Teach-In on Palestinian water rights held outside Sodastre

26-03-2013 19:07

To mark ‘United Nations World Water Day 2013’ the weekly protest outside Sodastream’s Brighton shop, Ecostream, held a mini ‘Walk for Water’ and a teach-in titled ‘Palestinians are thirsting for Justice’.

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Local residents campaign against UK Coal at Great Oak

26-03-2013 17:17

UK Coal (Coalfield Resources) want to open cast Great oak – aka Diglake Colliery. This site is where the January 1895 Flooding Disaster killed 77 men and boys and is close to the villages of Audley, Bignall End, Red Street and Crackley.

Some 72 bodies are still in the old workings over which UK Coal want to open cast mine.

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Disentangling the Delhi HM Conference from the SWP Crisis - Statement from Delhi

26-03-2013 16:48

Over the past few days there have been suggestions that the journal Historical Materialism (HM) is run by Britain’s Socialist Workers’ Party (SWP), that the SWP is associated with the Delhi HM Conference on 3–5 April 2013, and that in light of the rape crisis in the SWP, the Delhi HM conference should be boycotted or disrupted.
Both propositions underlying the boycott and disruption call are absolutely false. . . .

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Activist’s Report from Palestine

26-03-2013 12:55


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End the WTO and the Stop the new wave of Free Trade Agreements

26-03-2013 11:18

Call to action of the Indonesian People's Movement Against Neocolonialism-Imperialism toward Bali WTO Ministerial meeting on 3-6 of December 2013

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Post-Prison Zine call out for submissions

26-03-2013 10:55

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How the grinch stole May Day

26-03-2013 08:55

About a year ago, Nottingham's May Day events became the source of much controversy after Notts Trades Council decided to invite New Labour MP, Alan Meale. The decision to invite Meale, an MP whose role in Parliament seemed to have been to facilitate the war-mongering, authoritarian and anti-migrant policies of the Blair government, was strongly opposed before and during the event.

In the aftermath, Notts Trades Council allies, such as Pete Radcliffe of the Alliance for Workers' Liberty, publicly sought to distance themselves from the Labour party. However, the Notts Trades Council were privately toadying up to Meale and the Labour party whilst slandering those who protested as anti-trade union.

In the run up to this year's May Day, it seems appropriate to make public the Trades Council's private statement to Meale, so that trade unionists and activists in Nottingham have an understanding of what kind of people and politics are running the show:

Statement from the Nottinghamshire, Mansfield & Nottingham Trades Union Council, regarding May Day 2012 to Mansfield CLP.

On behalf of the Nottinghamshire, Mansfield & Nottingham Trades Union Council, I wish to offer our apologies to Alan Meale, Diana Meale, and colleagues from Mansfield Labour Party, for the shameful conduct of a handful of individuals which attended this year’s May Day march and rally in Nottingham on the 5th of May.

This year saw the Trades Council take on the full responsibility for the arranging of May Day, and as such the Trades Council set out with the clear aim of seeking to broaden the event across the labour and trade union movement, in addition to also seeking to start to develop the event as a Nottinghamshire wide event as opposed to a Nottingham city event. In line with this approach the trades council agreed to therefore invited Alan Meale to speak, for which the trades council has no regrets.

For reasons which are only applicable to themselves, and to which we should give on relevance too, a small number of self-appointed individuals from a group called Nottingham Autonomous, who I would add have no formal or informal involvement with the trades council or the wider trade unions movement, decided to mar our day with actions that was indefensible, and which has quit rightly been condemned by all who witness it.

Sadly, this is not the first time that events arranged by the trades council which have also involved Labour MPs have been subjected to such acts, and it is clear that the trades council will now need to take stock of this and reflect on its stewarding arrangements for such events going forward.

The trades council, which is made up of trade unions which are both affiliated and not affiliated to the Labour Party have for some time now been considering how to establish closer links with the Labour Party at local level. Whilst the trades council is not an affiliate of the Party, nor does it support the position of the Labour Party on all issues, it nevertheless recognises our shared common history and values.

It is clear that a small group of unaccountable and unrepresentative individuals, who play absolutely no active role within the wider trade union or labour movement in Nottingham, and who are just as vile about trade unions as they are towards the Labour Party, but who nevertheless feel able to letch off the back of events arranged by organised labour are seeking to undermine these attempts between the local trades council and Labour Party to work together and build for the future on issues of common agreement. It is clearly hoped therefore that both our organisations recognised this for what it is, and are not deterred by such actions.

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Bradley Manning nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

26-03-2013 00:04

From 'traitor' to Hero - whistleblower Bradley Manning is nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

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School for Eco-Warriors Will Teach Teenagers How to Stop Global Warming

25-03-2013 21:46

The eco-warriors in Enfield who recently survived a terrible ordeal at the hands of the corrupt and crooked Enfield council which could have killed them, are planning to open the School for Eco-Warriors to teach young people and everyone else as well, about how to engage in direct action to stop global warming before it drives humanity to extinction this century.

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Oppose the March for England

25-03-2013 20:56

If you only go to one anti-fascist mobilisation this year, stopping the March for England in Brighton should be it. The fascists have been salivating about this one for months, whipping themselves up into a far right frenzy about their right to impose their homophobic and racist abuse on the people of Brighton. They are out for revenge against the ‘reds’ who comprehensively humiliated their hate-fest last year and are pulling out all the stops to do it, even inviting the most openly Nazi groups, like the Friends of Golden Dawn.

Anti-fascists from the East Midlands will be going down and we’d like to encourage you to join them.

Here’s the official callout from Stop MFE:

Last year thousands of people lined the streets of Brighton to drown out March for England’s message of hate. Let’s do it again. Racists and fascists have no place in our diverse city.

March for what?

March for England (MfE) is not an innocent celebration of traditional culture. March for England is a right wing, Islamophobic, racist and homophobic organisation that helped found the English Defence League (EDL) and is supported by EDL members. The fascist credentials of their annual outing to Brighton on Sunday 21st April has never been clearer. Neo-Nazis, Friends of Golden Dawn, supporters of the swastika waving Greek fascist party, have stated they will be attending March for England.

Islamophobia and English fascists

MfE and the EDL are just two of a growing number of English fascist groups that are violently lslamophobic. They state they are against so-called “Islamic extremists’ but this is the mantra of a growing anti-Muslim movement with European fascism that quickly turns into a wholesale assault on Muslim people, all migrants and any way of life that they think is not “English” enough.

Brighton: anti-fascism begins at home

The current economic crisis and the demonisation of migrants has created the political climate for fascist ideas and organisations to grow. Groups such as the MfE, EDL and BNP groups scapegoat those most affected by war and economic hardship, they discriminate according to their ideas of race and nation, they spread fear and hate of those people they believe are different to them, they attempt to intimidate community groups. When the people of Brighton made their collective stand against Mfe and EDL, they helped turn the tide against new fascism in Britain. Since we took to the streets to show our opposition to the rise of a new fascism, the EDL have been halted in Bristol, Walthamstow and Norwich.

We’ll do it again. Fascism grows if we let it.

See you there.

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Shakedown first part

25-03-2013 20:56

Not much to add to the previous articles in all honesty but hey I'll add a wee bit anyways.

Shakedown on Saturday was a bloody good night out, getting off to an admittedly slow start but after an hour or so it began to pick up nicely. I'd hesitate to guess at a figure in terms of attendance but the Polish Eagle Club seemed rather full by 11 with both the bar and the Veggies doing a roaring trade. The rather loud music was accompanied by the 1966 Czechoslovakian film 'Daisies' which made for a peculiar combination if you chose to pay attention. The first part of the evening ended with a slightly tipsy speech from Autonomous's Dom at around 1 which signalled the move onto the second venue and thr inevitable scrabble for taxi's. 

The admittance fee went to Stop G8 Uk, Autonomous projects in Nottingham and the NNRF.

Fuller and better articles can be found here:


Also the veggies blog is welk worth checking out:

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Bedroom Tax and Council Tax

25-03-2013 16:55

They way forward in the struggle against austerity is not to pay Council Tax

'Reposter' is correct in pointing out that Nottingham City Council's petition against the Bedroom Tax is completely cynical and self-serving. The same as all the other Labour-controlled local councils, NCC have rigorously applied the Coalition Government's cuts programme resulting in the loss of jobs and essential services.  Only a handful of Labour councillors in the whole country have voted against cuts biudgets.  Clearly, no real resistance will come from that quarter.

More petitions, peaceful pickets, etc. are not going to have any significant impact on national and local government.  The time for direct action is here and that means withholding Council Tax payments. The same as with the Anti-Poll Tax Campaign of twenty odd years ago, starving local government of funds is an effective way of forcing policy changes onto the national government.

Already thousands of people in the Nottingham area have not been paying their Council Tax payments simply because they cannot afford to do so.  At the Anti-Bedroom Tax demo on 16th. March many working class people present said that they are not going to pay up.  This step forward must be encouraged and widened.  It is an action which anyone can take today by simply cancelling your direct debit to your local council.

As with the Poll Tax, it is the working class - rather than middle strata petitioners - who are likely to take effective action.  Anti-Austerity Action will be campaigning in areas such as Bulwell, Clifton, Hucknall, Ashfield, etc. for non-pyment of Council Tax.  Cancel your Council Tax payments and come and join us.

Oppose the Cuts, Don't Pay Council Tax!

Anti-Austerity Action

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Shakedown 1: Preparations

25-03-2013 16:55

Saturday 23 - Sunday 24 March 2013. Nottingham

A fundraiser for the UK Stop G8 mobilisation, NNRF Destitution Fund and Nottingham based Autonomous Community Projects.


A long disused nightclub near the Showcase Cinema, Lenton Industrial Estates became the venue for the event.  Personally, it's the first time I've know a nightclub to be squatted for a party.  [Purpose built or what!].

On entering the building, we were confronted with a scene of extreme devestation.  I have seen previous vistas before in the aftermath of bomb explosions!  A completely uncared-for space. One that was crying out to be used though.

So, a squad of commited individuals arrived during the day and did some extreme tidying up.  Services for generating electric, plumbing in water and toilets, checking the place over for dangers.  Checking door for obstructions and fire exits. Heath & safety 'risk assessments' made. 20-30 people made a great team effort and I would like to add my personal thanks to all concerned in making this an entertaining, safe and enjoyable do!  Cheers guys!

Needless to say, with the event well underway, the police became aware that sommat was going off and 4 officers arrived. Pleasentaries were exchanged, they realised there wasn't problems that needed dealing with ..... a went away.



Shakedown 2013 was a two-part party:

- a big gig at the Polish Eagle Club, Sherwood Rise, Nottingham

- an after-party until sunrise at a secret location, to be announced on the night.

A loose collection of people coming out of the underground music and activist scenes in Nottingham to resurrect the spirit of the original Shakedown Party in 2005, a mega DIY, underground party that served as a fundraiser for the anti-G8 mobilisation in Scotland and other grassroots projects. See Veggies report.

From Nottingham and around the country Shakedown brought together the best soundsystems, party collectives, performers, visual artists and community groups for a big DIY all night party.

Shakedown is raising funds and awareness for:

- A week of action and information against the G8

- Nottingham Refugee Forum Destitution Fund

- Autonomous community projects in Nottingham


How to find out about these projects and get involved!

All the organisers, crew & artists did it for free!




Shakedown 'Crew Video'


A better set of piccys from the night:


Nottingham Shakedown is back! [Feature]


Shakedown ‘05 - Nottingham G8 :: The Pictures


EVENT: Stop G8 National Gathering in Nottingham

April 27, 2013 10:00



Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham.  UK



Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]


"It is not enough to curse the darkness.

                                   It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"




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Shakedown 2: Event

25-03-2013 16:55


Saturday 23 - Sunday 24 March 2013. Nottingham

A fundraiser for the UK Stop G8 mobilisation, NNRF Destitution Fund and Nottingham based Autonomous Community Projects.



A long disused nightclub near the Showcase Cinema, Lenton Industrial Estates became the venue for the event.  Personally, it's the first time I've know a nightclub to be squatted for a party.  [Purpose built or what!].

On entering the building, we were confronted with a scene of extreme devestation.  I have seen previous vistas before in the aftermath of bomb explosions!  A completely uncared-for space. One that was crying out to be used though.

So, a squad of commited individuals arrived during the day and did some extreme tidying up.  Services for generating electric, plumbing in water and toilets, checking the place over for dangers.  Checking door for obstructions and fire exits. Heath & safety 'risk assessments' made. 20-30 people made a great team effort and I would like to add my personal thanks to all concerned in making this an entertaining, safe and enjoyable do!  Cheers guys!

Needless to say, with the event well underway, the police became aware that sommat was going off and 4 officers arrived. Pleasentaries were exchanged, they realised there wasn't problems that needed dealing with ..... a went away.



Shakedown 2013 was a two-part party:

- a big gig at the Polish Eagle Club, Sherwood Rise, Nottingham

- an after-party until sunrise at a secret location, to be announced on the night.

A loose collection of people coming out of the underground music and activist scenes in Nottingham to resurrect the spirit of the original Shakedown Party in 2005, a mega DIY, underground party that served as a fundraiser for the anti-G8 mobilisation in Scotland and other grassroots projects. See Veggies report.

From Nottingham and around the country Shakedown brought together the best soundsystems, party collectives, performers, visual artists and community groups for a big DIY all night party.

Shakedown is raising funds and awareness for:

- A week of action and information against the G8

- Nottingham Refugee Forum Destitution Fund

- Autonomous community projects in Nottingham


How to find out about these projects and get involved!

All the organisers, crew & artists did it for free!




Shakedown 'Crew Video'


A better set of piccys from the night:


Nottingham Shakedown is back! [Feature]


Shakedown ‘05 - Nottingham G8 :: The Pictures


EVENT: Stop G8 National Gathering in Nottingham

April 27, 2013 10:00



Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham.  UK



Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]


"It is not enough to curse the darkness.

                                   It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"




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Bomb Diffused Close to Next G8 Summit Hotel

25-03-2013 11:56

According to the BBC in Northern Ireland, a bomb was found 'abandoned' a mere 16 miles from the hotel due to hold the next G8 summit in the UK.

Link to the article here -
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