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BADACA Statement On EDL March

29-06-2012 20:55


Statement On English Defence League March

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Fundrasier for the Cowley Club

29-06-2012 16:31

Support The Cowley Club and Party!!

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EDO in Brighton developing new generation of micro weapons for US assassinations

29-06-2012 12:03

Smash EDO have called for three months of direct action to close down EDO MBM

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Defend Our Right to Protest - Public meeting

29-06-2012 10:55

Defend our Right to Protest: The Olympics and Beyond - A reportback from the public meeting

Tuesday Harmony Hall, Walthamstow 7-9:30pm.


About 85 people attended.

We watched abut 15 minutes of Ophelia Coutures film about the marsh "Beginning".

The introduction by the chair was a brief history of the Save Leyton Marsh campaign and the legal and police repression experienced, as well as the repression suffered by students, trade unionists, activists and black and asian working class communities in recent years. She also mentioned the Olympic dispersal order zones in Stratford and in Leytonstone, as well as the use of injunctions in the run up to to the Olympics, against striking bus drivers and traveller families in Hackney.

Caroline Day spoke for Save Leyton Marsh. She spoke passionately about the history of the campaign and how the struggle there was a microcosm and macrocosm of the struggle against the Olympics. She spoke about the legal repression on anti-Olympic campaigners, how local councils/ODA etc aren't accountable to anyone except the corporate interests and how they treat local people with contempt and the importance of protest and solidarity. Caroline spoke of her love of the marshes, how much people love and need the marshes and the importance of green space in urban areas. She also spoke out against the corporate sponsers of the Olympics, asking us not to forget the victims of the Bhopal disaster and urged solidarity with Simon Moore, as well as all those criminalised because of protest.

Defend the Right to Protest activist Alfie Meadows: spoke about his experiences of protest, the police and police violence at the tuition fees demonstrations last year and the extreme police violence he and many students and protesters experienced and ensuing legal repression that resulted in 20 students going to prison. He spoke of the importance of collective and practical support such as helping those arrested and defense campaigns and how people are more likely to get a positive outcome if they have strong support networks. He also spoke about the necessity of showing solidarity with families of those who have died in custody, such as Sean Rigg and also in support workers who take industrial action. He described the Olympics as a "Spectacle of Wealth and Privilege" which provides an opportunity to protest austerity, capitalism and its impact on everyday life.

Brian Richardson, solicitor and author of Tell It Like It Is: How Our Schools Fail Black Children, questioned why the Olympics was a "once in a lifetime" opportunity to regenerate the East End and asked what the actual "Legacy" be: Westfield, full of shops no-one can afford and the migrant communites who had helped build the stadiums and who are a fundamental part of the fabric of the East End, being pushed out so that some rich people could come and watch some sport.? He also spoke about Olympic Myths, the myth that the Olympics is something pure, when actually it is an "orgy of nationalism, politics and commercialism". He spoke of the importance of collective organisation and solidarity, as well as the importance of protest against the Olympics and its connection to Austerity, poverty and class divides.

Kevin Blowe spoke about Newham Monitoring Project, the Network for Police Monitoring and also the Save Wanstead Flats campaign. He spoke of the necessity of monitoring the police. Newham Monitoring Project has already trained 100 community legal observers for the Olympics and may be doing more trainings in July. He spoke about the Dispersal Order Zones in Stratford for the whole summer and its effect on young people. The Dispersal Order Zone will also be in place during Ramadan, meaning Muslim people moving around these areas breaking their fast could be vulnerable to dispersal. He desribed how often legal processes are intended to suck an individuals or group/campaigns energy and time, also plans for 24-hour fast-track courts for over the Olympic period and its possible implications for protesters and local people.

Simon Moore spoke about his 2 year Olympic ASBO, his experiences of the struggle to Save Leyton Marsh and in particular his very positive experiences of community there.

All present recognised ASBOs against protesting as a dangerous precendent and a tool of repression that we will probably be increasingly used in the crackdown against dissent. Caroline Day read out the Solidarity with Simon Moore Statement which she asked as many people as possible to sign and we all held up our "We are Simon Moore" signs in a simple but visible act of solidarity with Simon.

There were lots of great contributions from the floor from the wide range of people present, including experiences of arrest and the judicial processes, of holding sustained and successful strike action, as well as of police violence against striking workers, the experiences and lessons of the Save Leyton Marsh campaign, the importance of resistance in defense of community and against the cuts.

The key messages seemed to be the importance of community action, organisation and solidarity and collective action. Clear connections were made between the Olympics and Austerity, poverty, oppression, expolitation with the necessity to defend the right to protest and assemble freely a clear priority. Community responses to repression need to include legal observing and police monitoring, as well as practical support and solidarity to people facing arrest/trial/prison etc in the form of legal defence funds, defence campaigns and prisoner support.

£70 was raised for the Save Leyton Marsh campaign, lots of signatures went on the petition. People were told about the Save Leyton Marsh Comedy Fundraiser on the 31st July and also the plans for the reinstatement celebrations in October and a request for people to get involved doing workshops, music etc

Their was a call-out for support and solidarity at the Stop the Missiles demo on Saturday. (PROTEST: Called by Stop the Olympic Missiles - .Saturday 30th June. Assemble 1pm at Wennington Green, Mile End Park, London E3 5SN)

Their was a call-out for support, solidarity and for lots of people to attend the Counter Olympic Network Demo on July 28th. (NO LIMOS! NO LOGOS! NO LAUNCHERS! 12 noon, Saturday 28 July. Assemble Mile End Park, East London. March to Victoria Park for People's Games for All. A family-friendly protest)..

Their was a call-out for support and solidarity on the 18th of August, when the EDL plan to march through the borough. We are Waltham Forest are co-ordinating resistance against the fascist group promoting division and hatred in our community.

Thanks to everyone who came to the meeting, particularly the fantastic speakers and big thanks to Bill and all who contributed to making the meeting happen. We are hoping that we will be able to organise some legal observing training in the borough as soon as possible and also the distribution of basic legal information. Please get in touch if this is something that you would be interested in or are able to contribute too.

The meeting was livestreamed by Obi from Occupy and the video can be watched here Big thanks to Obi from all at SLM.


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Bristol Indymedia Film Nights Present: Bulletproof Salesman

29-06-2012 10:55

Bulletproof Salesman is a documentary about self-confessed war profiteer Fidelis Cloer, who, in a career spanning two-decades of global turmoil, has supplied kings, presidents and the occasional dictator with the finest luxury armoured vehicles money can buy...
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Bulletproof Salesman is a documentary about self-confessed war profiteer Fidelis Cloer, who, in a career spanning two-decades of global turmoil, has supplied kings, presidents and the occasional dictator with the finest luxury armoured vehicles money can buy.

In his world, security is a commodity that can be bought and sold, and violence is something that boosts profits and saleability. With an eye on new opportunities for growth, Fidelis found himself the perfect war when the US invaded Iraq.

Whilst for most of us war resonates with death and destruction, for people like Fidelis it's a business opportunity, and entirely necessary to make money. Join us for an evening where we consider the implications of war profiteering.

Monday 2nd July, £4/£3 conc, but nobody denied entry through lack of funds. 8pm. The Cube cinema, Dove st. Directions in related link below.

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Anti-Deportation Campaign ‘Keep Elijah Safe’ in South Wales

29-06-2012 10:21

Blockage of Colnbrook in 2011 against charter flights
New group Cardiff Migrant Solidarity have set up an anti-deportation campaign for Chijioke Elijah, A Nigerian Activist who was arrested in Bridgend on Tuesday 26th June. Chijioke Elijah is currently being detained at Colnbrook IRC and has been given removal directions for the 5th July charter flight that is due to land in several African countries.

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Tory Story

29-06-2012 08:11

That controversial graffiti in full

In Brighton, our fair city, Conservative opposition to long-running anti-arms trade campaign Smash EDO is something of a given. They support the dealing of weapons to human-rights abusing regimes and we oppose them. Recent tactics from their side have included tabling motions condemning Smash EDO's (non-existent) plans to target Jubilee celebrations or Olympic Torch ceremonies. Nothing outside the usual hurly-burly of local politics.

But something nastier has bubbled up from inside the Tory cauldron. Back on April 30th Robert Nemeth, Deputy Chairman (political) of B&H Tories (and co-incidentally manager of the office of Mike Weatherley, Tory MP for Hove) posted a claim that Smash EDO had put anti-semitic graffiti on the inside of a squatted building (since evicted). The date of the 'revelation' was well chosen – the evening before a major demonstration outside EDO MBM's factory.

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An open Letter

28-06-2012 23:06

Here I ‘am in HMP frankland segregation unit fourteen weeks till release I’m in a high control cell getting fed through a hatch and on a six officer unlock

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EDO MBM and the 'Kill Chain'. R&D into New micro weapons for drones.

28-06-2012 22:50

15 May 2012. John Eaton, an EDO MBM Director and weapons system inventor gives a presentation to the National Defense Industrial Association in Washington about EDO MBM's current internal research and development work.

An abstract and PDF of a powerpoint presentation confirm EDO are at the heart of the global killer drone industry as developers of micro bomb racks for US parent company ITT Exelis.

ITT Exelis already supply the bomb racks for the MQ-9 Predator B/Reaper drone used by the CIA and US Special Forces to carry out extra-judicial assassinations. These attacks that have murdered hundreds of civilians in Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere.

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National Week of Action Against Workfare

28-06-2012 21:27

If You Exploit US, We Will Shut You Down!
Join the national week of action against workfare!

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Two weeks to go: Take Back the Land! 12-18 July

28-06-2012 20:46

In two weeks we’ll be setting up for 6 days of resistance to corporate rule in the Douglas Valley. We’ll be taking on the UK’s largest opencast coal mining company, landlord-aristocrat-banker Lord Home and South Lanarkshire Council – together they conspire to make a few people very wealthy, whilst communities are left disempowered, disenfranchised and to suffer all the impacts that living next to opencast mines bring. The Douglas Valley is a sacrifice zone for the ruling class – but don’t despair! Scottish Coal are in big financial trouble and there’s been no better time to hit them where it hurts. In fact, its time to Take Back the Land!

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Just Do It - direct action doc now available online for free!

28-06-2012 15:16

Just Do It - a tale of modern-day outlaws, the bold and inspiring direct action documentary charting the escapades of Climate Camp, Climate Rush and Plane Stupid is now available to watch online!

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Climate Siren activists scale Palace gates Rio+20

28-06-2012 12:55

Four members of the group Climate Siren, which included Occupy London supporters, chained themselves to Buckingham Palace gates on Saturday 23 June to highlight the biggest threat to our planet, climate change. The activists were there for over 4 hours and the stunt attracted national and international media attention. Their banners included a quote from Prince Charles that the ‘doomsday clock of climate change was ticking ever faster towards midnight,’ and called for 10% annual emissions reductions.

Climate Siren activists scale Buckingham Palace gates to highlight climate emergency

The action was timed to coincide with the end of the Rio+20 Earth Summit on Sustainable Development, which as predicted failed to deliver any binding agreement to put humanity on a path of true sustainability and peace. Unfortunately, we cannot rely on our elected officials to save the planet and the Rio +20 agenda was dominated by corporate interests bent on preventing any deviation from business as usual which will threaten their profits. People power is our only hope for saving the planet and all its inhabitants.

Climate Siren – we salute you!

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Earth First! Summer Gathering Update

28-06-2012 12:25

It’s only six weeks until the Earth First! Summer Gathering begins.
Five days of workshops, info sharing and learning new skills.

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Dissident voices from South Africa

28-06-2012 09:44

Spokesperson for Unemployed People’s Movement in UK in July

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Afraid of Police on Horses? Watch this!

28-06-2012 01:50

Repost via

Get those animals off those horses!

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Diggers2012: Two Week Anniversary At Runnymede

28-06-2012 00:13

An update on the progress of the Diggers2012 land action that started on 9th June.

See for more information and feel free to visit or join!

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Bad Music Demo - Smash EDO Summer of Resistance week eight

27-06-2012 20:46

A bad singer outside EDO
Smash EDO have called for three months of direct action to close down EDO MBM - From 1st May to 1st August 2012.

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RootsAction Sends 13,000 Emails to Ecuadorean Embassy Supporting Assange

27-06-2012 18:57

The U.S. online activist group RootsAction has sent emails from over 13,000 people to the Ecuadorean Embassy in Washington, D.C. in support of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's request for asylum.

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Bikes Not Bombs

27-06-2012 18:55

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