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Sheffield Social Centre Injunction Hearing

06-10-2009 15:35

At around 1pm today notices were served at the Sheffield Social Centre, giving notice of an eviction hearing at 3pm today, Tuesday 6th October 2009.

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Palestine Today 100609

06-10-2009 15:27


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Tuesday October 6th, 2009.

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Towards a new anticapitalist party in Britain? Public Meeting Thurs 8 Oct London

06-10-2009 15:23

Workers' Power! - forthcoming events in London

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Demonstrate in Manchester against the racist hooligans of the EDL

06-10-2009 14:58

Sat October 10th, 12 noon, Piccadilly Gardens

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Protest against Arora's plans to turn hotel into immigration prison

06-10-2009 14:45

Six activists from No Borders London today held a protest at the Arora International Hotel near Heathrow airport against Arora International's plans to turn its four-star hotel at Gatwick, Mercure, into yet another immigration prison (see press release here:

After a 'friendly' chat with Tim Jurdon, Head of Planning at Arora Management Services Ltd., protesters unfurled a banner reading 'Arora Prisons International' and started to leaflet guests and staff in the lobby. After about 10 minutes, they were dragged out by security guards. Below are some photos and what *you* can do.

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global children's revolution proposed with kids leading climate marches

06-10-2009 14:35

some of the road protesters from the 1990s would like to see a worldwide children's revolution with the children of the eco-warriors leading the global climate change marches and demonstrations on 24 october 2009

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Timetable : A Gathering Against the Prison Society

06-10-2009 13:16

31st Oct/1st Nov 2009 - Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton, UK

2 Days of discussions & presentations about the struggle for liberation, inside and outside of the prison walls. Organised by random anarchists and the Anarchist Black Cross.

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Pisgah House Social Centre Eviction News

06-10-2009 13:05

Latest news from Pisgah House

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Sheffield Social Centre Eviction attempt

06-10-2009 12:18

Reports are coming that the new Sheffield Social Centre is having eviction forced

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'Failure is not an option' for Vestas. It ain't for us either.

06-10-2009 11:48

'Failure is not an option' for Vestas, according to their Business Strategy. It's not an option for the campaign to save the Newport, Isle of Wight factory either. We have the 'Will to win' that Vestas' CEO claims Vestas' have. The factory will reopen. Wind Turbine Blades will be produced in the UK, for the UK. Workers will be unionised. You never know, the factory might even be a workers' coop.

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"Human lab rats: they're only animals"

06-10-2009 11:46

My name is Michelle Julien, I am the author of a book about the people testing our drugs - the invisible, those whom consumers ignore or whose existence they'd rather ignore. I participated to about ten clinical trials in France and in the United Kingdom.

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Protest against University of Leeds Job cuts 12.30pm 8/10/09

06-10-2009 11:06

A joint day of action with UNITE, UCU and UNISON will take place on Thursday the 8th of October at 12:30pm on the Grass outside the Edward Boyle Library

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Internet CCTV Spies

06-10-2009 10:37

UK PLC corporate police state cont.- as video game

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More info on charter to deport former calias jungle residents

06-10-2009 10:27

Following the announcement of the Franco-British charter with Afghans

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Evaluation of noborder camp in Lesvos, Greece

06-10-2009 09:57

The infopoint
This summer saw two major bordercamps, one at the northwest of the Schengen-country, in Calais, France and one at its southern edge on the island lesvos, Greece. Many migrants who first arrived and were detained in Greece made their way to Calais, trying to reach the UK. A part from their obvious political purpose, both bordercamps became convergence spaces were activists and migrants shared experiences. This raised new questions and conflicts, but also brought some ideas how political and social struggles could be made to merge. Here is an evaluation of the Lesvos border camp by transact from October 2009.

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Arora International Hotel Occupied

06-10-2009 09:28

For immediate release:
Campaigners protest against plans to turn Gatwick hotel into a detention centre

* Because there is more profit in having guests who can't leave!
* Arora plans to turn its four-star hotel at Gatwick airport into an immigration detention centre.
* Campaigners vow to target the company unless the plans are dropped.

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Bristol-Copenhagen Mobilisation Meeting

06-10-2009 08:16

Following a well attended workshop at the Co-Mutiny, and a visit earlier this year by Danish Climate Activists...

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barclays cashpoints sabotaged

06-10-2009 07:29

barclays cashpoints sabotaged

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Shut down Pagani! Azadi*! An evaluation of the no border camp in Lesvos

06-10-2009 06:37

Never before have we experienced a noborder camp on the outer borders of the EU at which political protests and social struggles for the freedom of movement were as intertwined as they were in Lesvos. International press coverage about the detention centre at Pagani was considerable and we return with many new impulses for transnational networking. Even if meetings were characterised by strong disagreements, our evaluation of Lesvos is overwhelmingly positive.(1)

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English Defence League Website FAIL!

05-10-2009 23:27

Couldn't resist this after looking at the EDL site...
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