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NSPM: Climate Change Solutions Conference a Sucess

14-02-2008 18:08

Despite the last minute cancellation of the centre for alternative technology as a key note speaker, Nottingham Student Peace Movement sucessfully hosted the first Annual Climate Change Solutions Conference at Nottingham University.

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The British ISPs have accepted Cleanfeed. (Internet filter)

14-02-2008 17:12

As of December 31 last, all UK ISPs dutifully responded to Home Office minister Vernon Coaker’s request to ‘voluntarily’ sign up for the Cleanfeed system.

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Unofficial "Memories" of Colombia's Armed Conflict

14-02-2008 16:41

el baile rojo
London Branch 19th February, 7.30pm.

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Palestine Today 021408

14-02-2008 15:26

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Thursday February 14th, 2008.

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14-02-2008 14:15

Each country has got its own Berlusconis, Blairs, Bushes or Popes. It is a kind of globalization thing and Blair may seem to have exaggerated recently in France whilst speaking about the current political situation. In reality he was just making another of his speeches on the "third-way" and that which he has really not been able to do; bring peace. Instead he has been able only to open discontent, the consequences of which he has sought to manage with repressive laws.

Has the Blair era been a soft-dictatorship?

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New social centre opening tonite!

14-02-2008 13:51

Having fought off raids by police and landlords, the new occupied social centre in Hackney is flinging open its doors for a great evening of food, films and friends...

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Spain:More than 100 immigrant farm worker on strike

14-02-2008 13:39

More than 100 immigrant farmworkers, who are organised within the syndicate of
immigrant workers (SOI) are on strike for an unlimited period. Amongst other things they claim better working conditions and a regularisation of all "sin papeles".

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Carmel Blockade photos

14-02-2008 12:38

12/02/08 Brighton and London Palestine Solidarity demonstrators blockade Camel Agrexcos main UK headquarters in Hayes, Middlesex but run into the violent workforce first.

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You need police permission to speak LOLCAT in a designated area!

14-02-2008 11:41

I submitted a number of applications under SOCPA to carry a placard or wear a t-shirt reading 'I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER?', 'I MADE YOU A COOKIE... BUT I EATED IT' etc. and the police decided that, yes, police permission was required.

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Brighton refuse workers on wildcat strike

14-02-2008 11:29

200 refuse and recycling workers from Brighton and Hove City Council walked out today over management bullying.

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Valentines Day Cowley Road Anticapitalist stylee

14-02-2008 11:13

graff #1
Loved up pixies seem to have added anticapitalist graffiti to bus stop advertising hoardings to celebrate Valentines day in an. Anticapitalist stylee.

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Powers (by Latuff)

14-02-2008 11:01

Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

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The two faces of Barack Obama

14-02-2008 10:36

Appearing before a packed auditorium at the University of Wisconsin Tuesday on the night of his victories in the “Potomac primaries,” held in Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C., Illinois senator and Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama delivered a speech that was notable for its populist demagogy, not only on the war in Iraq but also social conditions in America.

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London Screenings of Anti War Doc "Route Irish *Feb28 Ramparts *March10 Housmans

14-02-2008 09:59

"ROUTE IRISH" is a 90 minute essay film on the campaign(s) against Irish
facilitation of the US/UK invasion of Iraq.
"An excellent documentary. It deals very very well with the frustrations of a peace movement. It tackles some complex matters which aren't usually discussed or even thought about." -Alex Cox, Director of Repo Man

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Total's Gain Burma's Pain in French Total Oil's 4Q Results

14-02-2008 04:14

Whilst Total announced that its fourth-quarter profits had risen 62 per cent to 5.23 billion US dollars exploiting high oil prices, eighteen protesters at Total's London HQ on February 13th, announced the real results of Total's exploitation of the oppressed Burmese in Totalitarian Burma.

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Don't leave Burma to Rambo

14-02-2008 03:47

Rambo is just a fantasy hero, but the violence and villains depicted in the latest Rambo movie are a reality in Burma. At the UK premiere of Rambo, the pro-democracy Burmese community thanked Sylvester Stallone for helping to raise awareness of the genocide and atrocities of the Burmese military junta.

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Peaceful Climate Action Greeted With Heavy Handed Approach From Police

14-02-2008 01:40

Activists involved with The Student Climate Project are deeply concerned that the police's Special Branch has being monitoring their operations, and now plans to send over fifty police to a peaceful outreach event in Cambridge this week.

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A Catwalk Through Time: Charity Fashion Show

13-02-2008 23:36

A journey in couture and culture illustrating the history of French costume from the 4th Century to the present day. With replica Medieval & Renaissance costume, Marie Antoinette, 20s flappers, 50s age of couture and more.

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Hundreds of neo-Nazis march through Dresden accusing Britain of war crimes

13-02-2008 23:31

Hundreds of neo-Nazis (ca. 600 according to some reports) have marched this afternoon through the city of Dresden, Germany. They commemorated the anniversary of the bombing of the town in 1945 by the British Royal Air Force. The RAF, they say, is guilty of a 'Holocaust of Bombs' against the German people. Some 400 anti-fascists protested against historical revisionism.
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