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A Peace-killing Linkage, De-linkage

26-12-2007 15:12

Linking the “aliyah” to what the Jewish literature has been describing as Eretz Israel or Yisrael HaShleima (Greater Israel) to the Israeli colonial settlement of the Palestinian land, which the Hebrew state occupied in 1967, while at the same time negating the Palestinian Right of Return, is torpedoing whatever prospect is left for a peaceful solution for the Arab – Israeli conflict

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Job loss at Cadbury UK as Polish state plans subsidies for corporation

26-12-2007 13:31

Capitalist greed leads corporation to cut labour costs to the bone. Will workers and consumers fight back, asks Laure Akai?

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The History of Inquisition tells a lot about Good and Evil in the Roman Church.

26-12-2007 13:28

The Inquisition was the worst form of santified cruelty ever visited on earth.
It was sanctioned by the Vatican, and executed by the Dominicans.
No person was safe, even the great astronomer Galileo was excommunicated from the church when he stated that the earth revolved around the sun.
Burnings at the stake may be history, but how many innocent people and their Families have been left hung out to dry.

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At the Edge of Home

26-12-2007 02:32

A journey to Chad/Darfur to interview refugees.

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Potatoes to Heavy Industry - Xmas blockade in Iceland with video

25-12-2007 22:04

Xmas greetings and action from Saving Iceland, fighting Iceland's heavy industrialisation.

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Sombre Christmas in Iraq

25-12-2007 21:46

The Farid family is one of the relatively few Iraqi Armenian families remaining in the predominantly Shia area of Karrada. They moved from Basra to Baghdad during the Iran-Iraq war in the mid-1980s due to heavy bombing in southern Iraq.

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Xmas Eve ALF Action in Brooklyn

25-12-2007 21:10
Today, on Christmas Eve, a fur selling Brooklyn boutique was visited by the ALF at their peak shopping hours. One activist distributed liberal amounts of Liquid Ass, a product that, when sprayed, is the noxious and overpowering stench of rotting shit.

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Lakota Sioux - The Bravest Americans

25-12-2007 16:28

In September of this year, the United Nations passed a non-binding Resolution on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Naturally, Canada, the United States and Australia refused to sign, but this resolution paved the way for a move that has been waiting in the wings, so to speak, since the 1970s.

On Wednesday of this week, Russell Means led a delegation of the Lakota Sioux people to the U.S. State Department and the embassies of Bolivia, Chile, South Africa and Venezuela, declaring their secession from the United States of America.

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On ‘Israel’s Right to Exist’

25-12-2007 15:31

There is an enormous difference between "recognizing Israel's existence" and "recognizing Israel's right to exist".

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Bali: A Missed Opportunity

25-12-2007 01:47

Dr. Walden Bello
The gap between the urgent threat of global warming and the collective will to do something about it has never been greater. The recently concluded Conference on Climate Change in Bali was a grand opportunity to act. Instead, it was another missed opportunity. Unfortunately, the United States played a very negative role, standing in the way of consensus at every turn. And unfortunately, the rest of the world thought that seducing the US into a new agreement on climate action was top priority, resulting in a Bali Roadmap that was very sketchy.

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NORTHCOM: Constitution Not Important

24-12-2007 20:27

The United States government is now actively directing the attention of the U.S. military towards the American people. Using the phony war on terror, the Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM) are creating a militarized control grid specifically to enslave the American people.

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NZ Open Rescue - Santa's helpers rescue hens

24-12-2007 20:09

NZ Open Rescue Collective press release: The group’s members, coined Santa’s little helpers, rescued 15 emaciated caged birds from an Auckland egg factory and is urging consumers to boycott caged eggs for the coming year.

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Olmert Rejects Truce Offers

24-12-2007 19:36

In Germany, according to historian Richard Evans, in 1931-1932, if enough Germans of conscience had begun to say No -- history would have had an entirely diferent outcome.

If we go any further down this road the tears will be those of conservatives as well as progressives. They will be (Israeli) tears.

The time for weeping has to stop; the time for confronting must begin.

Adapted from "American Tears"

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NWASDG organising meeting, Saturday, 2 February 2008, 3pm.

24-12-2007 18:17

There will be an organising meeting on Saturday 2 February at the Friends Meeting House (Quaker House), 6 Mount Street, Manchester, from 3-5pm. All individuals and organisations are invited to this meeting to organise actions in defence of asylum seekers refugees and all immigrants. Everyone is welcome. Bring ideas and a willingness to take an active part.

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Anti-deportation/anti-racist protest/stall, Saturday, 12 January 2008, 12pm

24-12-2007 18:12

NWASDG is organising another protest and campaign stall from 12pm on Saturday 12 January 2008, on Market Street, Manchester city centre. All campaigns, organisations and anti-racists are invited to join us in buliding for the public meeting on 9 Febraury 2008 against British state racism and in defence of all asylum seekers!

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Meanwhile, In The West Bank

24-12-2007 17:58

ALERT: Annapolis a Charade: Israeli Extremists Plotting Massive Aggression

In Germany, according to historian Richard Evans, in 1931-1932, if enough Germans of conscience had begun to say No -- history would have had an entirely diferent outcome.

If we go any further down this road the tears will be those of conservatives as well as progressives. They will be (Israeli) tears.

The time for weeping has to stop; the time for confronting must begin.

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Anti-deportation protest/stall, Saturday, 29 December 2007, 12pm

24-12-2007 17:52

There will be another anti-deportation campaign stall on Market Street, Manchester city centre. All campaigns and organisations are invited. Defend all asylum seekers! No to deportations!

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Anti-Racist March, Newcastle, 19 January 2008

24-12-2007 17:43

March from General Hospital to Newcastle's Monument. Meet outside the Old Fire Station on West Road at 12.00pm.

NWASDG supports this anti-racist march and will be taking a van up to the demo. If you would like to come along let us know in plenty of time so we can arrange transport.

Transport available!!

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Nimco Mahamed Shire Detained at Yarlswood needs your support!!

24-12-2007 17:35

On Friday 14th December 2007 Nimco Mahamed Shire was attacked and wronlgy accused of assault by a house mate. She was arrested by Greater Manchester Police and taken to Longsight Police Station. She was then taken to a holding centre at Manchester Airport before being moved to the infamous Yarlswood detention centre

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Lies, Injustice and the Capitalist Way: We’re on the Highway to Hell—Don’t Stop

24-12-2007 17:29

We “Free World” capitalistic Westerners are a loathsome lot—or to put it more crudely, we suck. When one considers how degenerate we are from a collective standpoint, it is difficult to suppress intense feelings of disgust and contempt.
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