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European Housing action round-up 2007

20-10-2007 19:45

The fight for the Enforceable Right to Housing in the midst
of Property Speculation

Campaigning for Housing and Land Rights in Europe.

It seems when "free-market" is adapted to the places where people
live, love, raise their children and their vegetables, THE LAND, from a
pure financial asset is becoming a poisoned asset; "Poisoned" in
fact by the voices and souls of people fighting for their dignity, for
their right to live in peace in the place where their families died rather
than become subject (physical and economical) of Stock Market brokers
in their Private Equity business.

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A Talk with Indian Student Activist Kavita Krishnan

20-10-2007 18:50

A ten-minute introduction talk by Indian Student Activist Kavita Krishnan, President of the All India Students' Association and editor of the CPI(ML) Monthly Liberation.

Excuse poor video quality, heavily compressed to get it online and keep sound as good as possible.

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Councillor leads protest against Total Oil in Lewsiham

20-10-2007 18:04

20 protestors, led by local Green Party councillor Sue Luxton, converged on the Total petrol station near Catford on Saturday morning. They were raising awareness of Lewisham Council's investment in Total Oil and calling for Total Oil to pull out of Burma.

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Latest Offline Newsheet

20-10-2007 17:01

This is the latest Offline, which will hopefully be availble printed at the Anarchist Bookfair, but please feel free to download and print and distribute (that is why we upload it here btw)

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Guerilla Foresting in the hood

20-10-2007 16:37

milliona of mature & semi-mature trees die in the UK alone every year due to ivy starving the trunk of light. When ivy reaches the top of a tree or its crown, it usually dies & often falls over which is a serious health & safety risk.
Simply cutting the ivy off at the bottom with small pruning saw which takes minutes or less, saves the tree+local wildlife & helps stop climate change.
I saved 5 trees in less than 5 minutes today near woodborough park sherwood, you can save hundreds in a hour or so.
Be a Guerilla Forester,like Mr Hood!

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Democratic elections in Poland- i.e. how to "kick off the ladder"

20-10-2007 16:25

Postsolidarity movement is widely accussed by liberal forces of having "kicked-off the ladder" for new political forces. In Poland this movement managed to produce fake, illusionist democracy with facade-like freedom of speech, granted only for some groups.

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On Sunday elections in Poland: unfair from the very beginning

20-10-2007 15:54

Elections start tommorow, but they are non-representative and undemocratic from the very beggining. Is it a democracy, or just a fake, made to kick-off all the competitors? To these elections only 7 nationwide lists were admitted!

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Rolls Royce to close Merseyside plant

20-10-2007 15:52

Workers at the Rolls Royce plant in Netherton today claimed the company had given them notice to close the factory with the loss of 220 jobs.

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New pamphlet: Emilio Canzi: an anarchist partisan in Italy & Spain (Paolo Finzi)

20-10-2007 14:39

Just published by the Kate Sharpley Library, a collection of articles devoted to Emilio Canzi, Italian anarchist, who was a key figure in the partisan struggle against fascism in the Piacenza region.

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Mon 22 Oct talk: Moral and legal foundations for the right to the truth on 9/11

20-10-2007 10:36

In his lectures, Elias will outline the moral and legal foundations for the right to the truth, the obligations of states to thoroughly investigate mass murder, and will illustrate the extent to which US authorities have violated their international obligations to establish the truth about what happened on 11 September 2001.

Elias’ empirical approach, devoid of speculation, provides powerful conceptual tools to those who are committed to defend democracy and the rule of civilised law at both the domestic and international level.

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End Israeli Occupation: Lobby of Parliament 28 November 2007

20-10-2007 10:09

Lobby of parliament

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Livingstone and Brown join forces for Crossrail propaganda campaign

20-10-2007 09:42

London Mayor Ken Livingstone and Prime Minister Gordon Brown are involved in propaganda campaign to make rail scheme Crossrail sound like a good idea after agreeing to fund an expensive new money making scam for the City and big business - Crossrail will provide a lovely new line for City commuters and will also help make the City and other big businesses money in property deals along the route and they want farepayers and taxpayers pay for it all.

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Guantánamo’s ghosts and the shame of Diego Garcia

20-10-2007 09:27

A parliamentary committee is to investigate claims that the British colony - shamefully cleared of its native population to make way for a US base - has been used to hold "ghost prisoners" in the "War on Terror."

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Portugal - 200 000 protest against a "Constitution of Europe"

20-10-2007 09:00

Portugal, Lissabon.

EU leaders have begun a summit in Portugal that is aiming to create a constitution for Europe. However the start of the gathering was overshadowed by what is believed to be Portugal's biggest demonstration in 20 years and by renewed political disagreements over the treaty.

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Riots in Switzerland

20-10-2007 08:39

Switzerland, Bern. The conservative and right winged party SVP tried to do a "march to Bern" on october the 6th. This march was planned as a part of the racist and antisocialist election campaign of the SVP. Planned was also a celeberation on the central place of Bern. What u got 2 know: the fascist leader Mussolini and his party once did a "march to rome" and adolf hitler and the NSDAP did a "march to Berlin". So this march of the SVP was a clear provocation.-

Massive riots stopped the march. At the central place of Bern a huge stage, several vans, mics - everything belonging to the SVP - was destroyed by anarchists and communists. The marchers were not able to reach the place though police fought for them against the rioters.

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Punish The Poor. The new government of social insecurity.

20-10-2007 08:32

Video Informal economy.
The criminal justice policy (in the US, reluctantly followed by the EU) has turned out in more punishing.
See the attached video.

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Video of plinth occupation in Parliament Square.

20-10-2007 08:13

Following the forcible eviction of tents from the grass of the Square by Greater London Authority security guards on 17th October, protesters sought an alternative site, where they could not be accused of causing an obstruction. Video:

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This Week In Palestine - Week 42 2007

20-10-2007 06:14

This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for October 12 through 19, 2007.

This week the Israeli army escalated its attacks and invasions into various parts of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip while in the meantime, diplomatic efforts to hold a peace conference under American supervision continue, these stories and more, coming up, stay tuned.

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Yet Another Parliament Square Eviction

20-10-2007 01:14

Maria Gallastegui camped atop David Lloyd George's empty plinth for 30+ hours in an attempt to solve the paradox of where to put the tents in Parliament Square. The GLA will not allow them on the grass and the campaigners are being accused of obstruction now that they are on the pavement (where the GLA dumped them). A police operation evicted Maria from the plinth at around 9pm (Oct 19th '07).

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UK Security Assessment

20-10-2007 01:11

The government & media is supressing news that the UK's security assessment by the world's leading private intelligence organisation (ITS) classifies the UK as being 'uncertain' & 'susceptible to public disorder'
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