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Burma activists 'lock on' to Total
16-10-2007 10:43
Under a banner saying “May all beings be happy – Free Burma ” the activists have locked themselves together and begun to meditate, locking together the hoses, turning off the power and blocking the entrance to the premises in London's Marylebone Road.
Bye Law Bobbies: Under Pressure
16-10-2007 09:15
“This is the most heavy handed policing we’ve seen outside this factory in over two years. EDO have used Sussex police as their rottweilers before and their efforts have ended in failure and humiliation for the company. This is a desperate act by a failing company. The community has shown time and again that this aggression will not silence us. We will continue to protest against EDO until it has been shut down.” - Sarah Johnson, spokesperson for Smash EDO
Treaclemail: don't put words into Gore's mouth, Justice Canute
16-10-2007 06:39
Realclimate weighs into row over judge's remarks on Al Gore filmBlount Inc. of Delaware trades with BURMA!
16-10-2007 03:40
Chartered Purveyors of woe and inaction?
16-10-2007 00:12
The RICS' formidably long payback times for home energy efficiency measures: what were they getting at?Edinburgh University Climate Campaigners Target RBS (Updated)
15-10-2007 21:55
Bilbao's redevelopment: Another side to the story
15-10-2007 21:31
Response to a Guardian article praising superstar architect Zaha Hadid's Masterplan for the Zorrozaurre peninsula in BilbaoExpanding the Frame: The Holy Land Foundation Case
15-10-2007 21:09
Don't Bank On Oil In Bath
15-10-2007 21:06
here below is Bath's contribution to the RBS day of action.Anti-war Play in Chester, Oldham, Leeds, Northwich....
15-10-2007 20:56
TOPOFF: Interview Schedule (w/ Urgent Update)
15-10-2007 20:49
Captain May Interview ScheduleThe Portland nuclear exercises have begun today, Monday, October 15, and they will last all week. I will be giving regular updates via broadcast and Internet radio on the scenario and any updates. I have two scheduled interviews for today, and one on Thursday, October 18. I give all times in Pacific Standard Time, as the exercises are of most interest to people in that zone:
Hunger Killing Millions in India on World Food Day
15-10-2007 20:44
The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations celebrates World Food Day on October 16th. This was the date in 1948 when the right to food was first formerly recognised by the global community as a basic human right. Yet there is massive malnutrition in India, which is still killing millions of children in India each year, an issue that is very much under reported in the UK press.student protest forces vice-chancellor concessions
15-10-2007 20:33
Manchester University student union staged a protest under the slogan "education not profits" today. 100 students followed the call and converged on the university's 3rd foundation ceremony headlined by VC Alan Gilbert. After scuffles with security guards, some 25 students broke into the conference centre forcing Gilbert to agree to a public debate.Legals aspects of domain names in France
15-10-2007 19:38
A domain name is judged according to its proper meaning (mark, action, etc.) and according to the associated activity (i.e. a web site) and as we are in a capitalistic society, every thing is property of some one, the domain name too.The big domain name battle, the only one linked to them, is of course the cybersquatting. Without staying too much on this point, we have just to recall that the domain name is not mandatory at all on the Internet, from a technical point of view, this is only a more ergonomic interface permitting to reach services (HTTP, ftp, email, etc.). Theses conflicts, exclusively linked to this technology can only be related to mark/label conflict and are usually purely capitalistic/commercial. One exception to this reflexion, the use of a domain name as a media, where the only concern is freedom of speech, for example, the URL: "".
Photos from today's RBS action in Bristol
15-10-2007 19:20
"Drum Them Out!" The NSA Menwith Hill demo, 13 Oct.
15-10-2007 19:18
Encounter of the Indigenous Peoples of America
15-10-2007 19:15
Anti-racism march! Defend all asylum seekers! 3 Nov 2007
15-10-2007 17:15
There will be an anti-racism march in Manchester on Saturday 3 November 2007, in defence of all asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants and all victims of racism.Last week's direct action news from Greece
15-10-2007 16:58
direct action report 7-15 OctoberCops Mount Costly Raid To Protect Rats
15-10-2007 16:47
On the land of the titled