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UK Newswire Archive

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9/11 Truth: We Are Change UK Hit the Notting Hill Carnival

03-09-2007 13:50

Here's the London We Are Change team at Notting Hill Carnival, the world's second largest carnival.

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Metronet Strike is On - Get Home NOW!

03-09-2007 13:49

Metronet strike is still on, how it's going to affect everyone in London and why you should support it.

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Trial in Agrigento: No to the criminalisation of solidarity

03-09-2007 11:35

Since August 22, 2007, seven Tunisian fishermen have been on trial in Agrigento (Sicily), accused of “assisting illegal immigration”. They risk up to 15 years imprisonment. Prosecuted as human traffickers, what they did was in fact just their basic duty of solidarity: on August 8, near the island of Lampedusa, they picked up 44 passengers from a boat in distress at sea and brought them to the harbour.
Without their intervention the shipwrecked people - including two pregnant women and two children - would propably have suffered the same fate as the thousands of migrants and refugees who in the last years have drowned while trying to reach the European coasts.

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Demonstrate tomorrow (Tue 4th) at Communications House

03-09-2007 11:29

Show solidarity with asylum seekers.
Protest against reporting and detention centres!
Demonstrate outside the UK Immigration Service

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Independent report into ICL plastics disaster finds health and safety regime 'da

03-09-2007 11:13

On 11 May 2004, nine workers were killed and more than thirty-three injured in an explosion at the ICL Plastics plant of Grovepark Mills in Maryhill, Glasgow. This was the worst health and safety incident in Scotland since 1988. An independent study into the health and safety regime at the factory before the explosion has now been released.

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Radiation Experts: The Next War will Endanger the Planet

03-09-2007 10:21

We cannot allow a war with Iran. This planet cannot stand another conflict. Our time as a species is rapidly running out.

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UK govt faces legal action over refusal to hold inquiry into London bombings

03-09-2007 09:14

The British government is facing legal action over its continued refusal to hold an independent public inquiry into the July 7, 2005 bombings in London that killed 56 people and injured 700.

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British surrender Basra

03-09-2007 08:08

Having helped to slaughter 650,000 people.

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Hector Cerezo: Prisoners Today, Forever Free

03-09-2007 04:27

One day they dragged them out of their house illegally without a search warrant. The Cerezo brothers were tortured and then were subjected to a gigantic media montage and thrown into maximum security prisons. The news media and bureaucratic inertia found them guilty although none of the charges against them have ever been proved and all the evidence has vanished.

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Australia: Coal Power Station shut down in APEC climate protest

03-09-2007 02:06

Activists have shut down power generation at the Loy Yang power station in Gippsland's Latrobe Valley in Victoria on Monday morning for five hours, as a protest against inaction on climate change by the Australian Government of John Howard, and policies that maintain the coal power industry and its contribution to climate change at the expense of developing renewable energy production. The action was undertaken to send a message to APEC leaders to take real action on Climate Change and the Kyoto protocol.

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Iran’s Nuclear Chess Game

02-09-2007 23:56

Larijani’s decision to clarify nuclear activities while under the Security Council sanctions has made grand wizard’s job tougher to get a unanimous support for yet another sanction. That is probably one of the reasons why the war mongering rhetoric from the White House has reached a dangerous level: The opponent does not like Iran’s latest chess move and wants to shake up the board. Bush’s incendiary speech at the American Legion was a clear indication of Cheney’s frustration with Iran and looking to find a way out of this juggernaut, by elevating it to a military confrontation.

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Tara: March to Navan, 15/08/07

02-09-2007 23:38

A short video of a march to Navan, the closest town to the Tara Valley, to drawn public awareness to the destruction of Irish National Heritage.

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Compassion needed for legals in the USA

02-09-2007 23:07

We at urge any expat currently living or wishes to live in the USA support our efforst for a compassionate visa an amendment to the CSPA as not all children are protected.

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Iran-Iraq first economic seminar

02-09-2007 21:20

Iranian contractors will soon be seriously involved in Iraq's oil refinery projects as investors.

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Workers Vs Workers Beer Company

02-09-2007 21:02

The controversial leaflet. Management dispute the second section.
Servers who work at events with the Workers Beer Company have set up a union, in an attempt to protect ourselves from the creeping further influence of profit margins on our conditions.

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A Dunkirk Spirit for the new Dark Ages

02-09-2007 20:46

In the middle ages uneducated fundamentalist Christian crusaders built castles deep in hostile Muslim territory while launching occasional massacres of the locals and suffering terrible defeats in pointless wars. Today we have Baghdads Greenzone and Basra Airport.

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Programme for the anticivilization gathering 2007

02-09-2007 20:33

SEPTEMBER 8,9,10 and 11, near Barcelona

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Worldwide support for Cuban Five grows

02-09-2007 19:14

The Cuban Five—Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González and René González—were prosecuted for defending Cuba from U.S.-backed terrorists. They were arrested in Miami Sept. 12, 1998 by the FBI and charged with espionage conspiracy, murder conspiracy and failure to register as foreign agents—a total of 26 counts...

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Spanish authorities have prosecuted a child for terrorism! Incredible but true!

02-09-2007 19:14

14-year-old Èric Bertran e-mailed companies requesting labeling in Catalan language, using the "Phoenix" monicker from the Harry Potter books.

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New Orleans After 24 Months: 'They wanted them poor niggers out of there.'

02-09-2007 16:42

“They wanted them poor niggers out of there and they ain’t had no intention to allow it to be reopened to no poor niggers, you know? And that’s just the bottom line.”
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