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selection and the systematic search of data bases

30-12-2001 02:31

selection and the systematic search of data bases

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Free Tibet Chinas Leader Visits Ireland 3rd Sept

30-12-2001 01:28

Video RealAudio 1min Ireland
China`s leader Zhu Rongji visited Dublin Castle for talks with Irish Premier Bertie Ahern. 300+ people protested at China`s poor human rights record. Amnisty International, Tibeten Solidarity group GR and Socalists attended the rally. Eggs were thrown at the 100 strong Chinese delegation

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Together people

30-12-2001 00:45

Together people
Together people

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29-12-2001 21:34

reports of swedish man banned from 14 countries.

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Palestinian students make it to University

29-12-2001 17:02

Despite teargas, three hundred human rights campaigners from Europe successfully assisted Palestinian students to cross an Israeli army check point so they could attend the University of Bir Zeit, in the Occupied Territories of the West Bank.

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Sangatte - what's the real story?

29-12-2001 16:04

Is there something sinister within the Red Cross organization?

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The battle of Buenos Aires, episode II

29-12-2001 15:46

The battle of Buenos Aires, episode II
by Indymedia Argentina 1>07 am Sat Dec 29 2001

A quick report while we still breath tear gas.

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More corporate media bullshit

29-12-2001 12:29

Yet more self-congratulatory guff from the poor old Grauniad in its review of 2001. Is anti-capitalism dead? You bet it's not.

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NSPCC calls for smacking ban

29-12-2001 11:37

The children's charity NSPCC last night claimed that the government's refusal to ban smacking will contribute to further suffering of children at the hands of abusive parents.

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Britons tear-gased as they escort Palestinian students to University

29-12-2001 11:14

Three hundred foriegn nationals including fifty Britons succeeded in escorting Palestinian students into the University of Bir Zeit, near Ramallah in the West Bank this morning. The army vehicles at the army check point drove off when they arrived. At 9.05 GMT soldiers started firing tear gas.

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High School Drop Outs in chicago

29-12-2001 01:06

Upon careful examination of the US drop out epidemic, one can find that Native americans, African Americans, and Spanish speaking Americans, along with other minorities, have the highest drop out rate. Since Michael Jordan left the Bulls, the "windy City" seems to be back peddling to the fame of the days of Al Capone, with Chicago now leading the USA in murders this year, though being far from being the largest city.

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The Lawyer's Secret Oath

28-12-2001 23:17

Have you ever wondered why there are so many secrets when it comes to Law? Could it be because they have a tremendous deception they must disguise??

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BBC censors

28-12-2001 21:59

bbc message boards censor lots of things

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The Thoughtless Mind

28-12-2001 21:00

You have been deceitfully indoctrinated into t system of concepts that enslave you to a treacherous elite. So wake up!

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Britons to escort Palestinian students past Isreali tanks

28-12-2001 20:34

Britons will confront Israeli tanks and soldiers who carry rifles, tear gas and rubber bullets at the University of Bir Zeit, near Ramallah in the West Bank. The Britons, part of about 300 foreign nationals [1] will try to escort 50 Palestinian students into the University past the tanks. Tear gas and warning shots have previously have been fired by soldiers at demonstrations on the checkpoint to stop people going into the University.

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Stop the war against the poor

28-12-2001 19:41

Stop the war against the poor
Over 80 % of the people are victims in this war.

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The Politics of Terror and Mass Persuasion

28-12-2001 18:22

I felt I was in danger. I knew I had accumulated enough evidence to prove that a silent coup had taken place in the country of my birth. The next day, on further reflection, I relaxed. I realized that the coup now grinning in our faces had taken place years ago - in places like Pearl Harbor, the Gulf of Tonkin, Dealey Plaza, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Long Island Sound and Oklahoma City

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28-12-2001 17:41

On December 19 and 20 the Argentine masses ousted the government of De la Rúa and his hated finance minister, Cavallo. In came the Peronist Rodriguez Saa, a behind-the-scenes manoeuvre aimed at stripping the people from their victory in the streets.

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British Empire is Back; Official

28-12-2001 17:24

Last year, a controversial posting on this site suggested British imperial power was re- emerging. According to Newsweek magazine (03; 12; 01), which usually reflects the USA offical outlook...

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EU studentprotests: newsletter number 7

28-12-2001 16:02

EU studentprotests: newsletter number 7
In this newsletter we give you an overview about the student- and pupilactions that took place during the protestweek. Not all the actions are listed but it`s enough to get a feeling about the scale of the actions. You can also read an article about how the actions went and future actions (Spain)and the build-up of an European network...
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