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All the Prime Ministers men

01-02-2007 13:21

The cabinet are discussing House of Lords reform today, presumably to discuss lowering the membership costs. Not coincidentally, they also chose today to relase news that Tony Blair was again questioned by police in the 'cash for peerages' scandal last Friday. Perhaps Blair should convert to judaism rather than catholicism simply to ensure he has a safe haven to bolt to like Lord Levy has.

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Basic Income Strengthens Workers' Negotiating Power

01-02-2007 13:06

Basic income would be an effective instrument against the growing poverty, a kind of democracy package and a good vehicle for self-determined reduced working hours.. Some leftists have a hard time with the idea of basic income because they folow a certain work fetishism.

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Indymedia: Number One!

01-02-2007 12:24

As part of Corporate Watch's ten year anniversary, has been deemed Top Publication opposing Corporate Power

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Tower Hamlets New Labour vote...Evidence of 'significant fraud'

01-02-2007 12:10

Tower Hamlets New Labour vote...Evidence of 'significant fraud'

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The Miracle (of Propaganda) — Refashioning Goliath into David

01-02-2007 11:40

Our delusions of our underdog status would be laughable if they did not have such dire consequences for ourselves and the rest of the world. This David (read, the U.S.) versus Goliath (read, our ostensible enemies) story is told and retold to us to justify the worst crimes against humanity.

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Stepped up US preparations for war against Iran

01-02-2007 11:17

USS Bataan, steamed through the Suez Canal on Tuesday on its way to the Gulf
A relentless and unmistakable American buildup for war against Iran is currently underway. Military preparations are being accompanied by a daily barrage of propaganda against Tehran issuing from US sources and relayed uncritically via a compliant media. The chief accusation currently being levelled against the Iranian regime is that its agents are supporting and arming Shiite militias inside Iraq to attack US troops—a charge that has yet to be substantiated with concrete evidence.

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welcome energy crisis

01-02-2007 11:05

15 points to break with oil addiction

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Iran Blame Game Shifts into High Gear

01-02-2007 10:32

“The Pentagon is investigating whether an attack on a military compound in Karbala on January 20 was carried out by Iranians or Iranian-trained operatives, a U.S. official told CNN on Tuesday…. Some Iraqis speculate that the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps carried out the attack in retaliation for the capture by U.S. forces of five of its members in Irbil, Iraq, on January 11, according to a article published Tuesday.”

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Baptists stand by 'Jesus loves Osama' sign

01-02-2007 09:00

Even a holocaust in Iraq?
"[Jesus] said we should love our enemies as controversial as that may be," he said.

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SOCPA: AR activists due in Crown Court

01-02-2007 02:14

Next appearance Worcester Crown Court Friday 20th April 2007

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Days of action in the Midlands in memory of AR warrior Jill Phipps

01-02-2007 01:47

"You may have noticed that the police have a new "Pick n Mix" approach to the law where they choose which ones they want to enforce and ignore the others. Specifically they are choosing to ignore the ban on hunting ... so to remind them that they actually have to enforce ALL laws and hopefully to embarrass them into taking some action against hunting ... we are going to do a fancy dress demo outside their HQ dressed as various criminals - drug dealers, bank robbers , Osama bin liner etc. " Coventry Animal Alliance.

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The Triquis Inaugurate Their New Autonomous Municipality

01-02-2007 01:02

Despite Attacks, Another Popular Assembly Emerges
The Triqui indigenous community of Oaxaca declared its autonomy on January 21

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SOCPA - it didn't take long for police to attack barbara tucker yet again

01-02-2007 00:26

peaceful barbara tucker
the charing cross campiagn against barbara tucker continued again this morning when she did her usual peaceful protest outside parliament as part of brian haw's demonstration. she was attacked by four burly policemen, held at charing cross for another eleven hours and bailed on what eye-witnesses say are trumped-up charges.

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Lawyers warn on Illegality of Any Offensive Military Action by US against Iran

31-01-2007 23:49

Today European, international, and U.S. legal and human rights groups issued an open letter warning of the illegality of any offensive military action by the United States against Iran.

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Labour Party juggles with recycling rate in run up to local election

31-01-2007 23:16

leaflet 01

The Labour party has put an interesting twist on their work on recycling in Nottingham. In a recent promotional leaflet the Nottingham Labour Party claims to be 'committed to the environment' and that they will be 'prioritising Recycling and Climate Change for future generations'. Even more interestingly is the claim by the leader of the City Council Jon Collins that Labour has made the recycling rate grow at a fast rate: 'we are now in the top 3 of the UK's top cities'. However in a recent independent survey released by the Government, Nottingham City Council came an embarrassing 339th out of 393 local authorities, with a combined recycling and composting rate of just 18.6 per cent for 2004-05, less that 3 per cent higher than the worst performing authority in the UK, which is Tower Hamlets.

One resident of Sneinton commented on a previous article: 'Here in Sneinton we have been pushing local decision makers to get us proper recycling but they say we can't get it until 2009 or something. There is no cardboard recycling and there is only one place to take the recycling. Interestingly enough, the bins, especially the ones for the cans are nearly always overly full. This shows that residents want to recycle, but are just not given the resources to do so properly. The council has a mounth-full of how good it is on recycling but doesn't provide us with the facilities to do so, even after having been from meeting to meeting for months asking them for it. Where's the will to really sort this out?'

Links: Nottingham City Council Recycling .. .... Bottom of the Class again! | The released recycling league table

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Kent Union blocks Coke boycott

31-01-2007 22:46

Members of University of Kent Union voted against ending the near-monopoly on soft drinks held on campus by Coca-Cola at their AGM on Tuesday evening, and blocked moves to join the growing international boycott of the company, which is accused of human rights violations and environmental injustices.

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Anarchists lay seige to US Capitol, smash window at military recruiter

31-01-2007 21:57

click the link for an audio report

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State of the Onion

31-01-2007 21:46

State of the Onion Address January 23rd 2007

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The Trebanos Five - "Ramblers" arrested on route of National Grids Pipeline

31-01-2007 21:46

This morning ( Wed 31-01-2007 ) five people were arrested on the public footpath running through the construction site in Trebanos, South Wales.

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John McDonnell has a real chance of challenging Gordon Brown

31-01-2007 20:53

For the first time, Labour Party leadership candidate John McDonnell says publicly he's within striking distance of getting his name on the leadership ballot to challenge Gordon Brown.
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