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'How Not To Teach' published

18-10-2006 14:53

How Not to Teach
If you thought reading Gervaise Phinn was like drinking a warm cup of tea this book will knock you over with the force of a vodka slammer. Mr Read survives the nightmare of planning, Ofsted and his headteacher... he also takes the class to Ireland, the House of Commons and wins a film award. We guarantee Christmas Lights, The School Trip and Stressbusters will make you laugh out loud. A searing assault on our joyless, exam ridden primary curriculum... 'it will take a bare knuckle fight to save its soul.'

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18-10-2006 14:48

latest news as of 18/10/6

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Journalist for Christian convert

18-10-2006 14:23

The abductors want the return of Abdul Rahman who converted to Christianity. Presumably to kill him. His wife reported him for changing religion because it was the only way she could get rid of a violent husband. Italians are not going to return him so unless a new deal is made Gabriele only has a few days to live. Gabriele travels and lives with locals to try and get the real story.

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Standing up against criminal fat cats

18-10-2006 13:10

CHODIEV, MACHKEIVICH, and IBRAGIMOV - Billionaire Kazak trio, owners of corrupt international firm Eurasian National Resources Corporation (ENRC), steal from the rich and the poor, sponsor organised crime circles and frighteningly are making progress in listing on the London Stock Exchange.

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Bosses of climate change research centre travel by private jet

18-10-2006 12:48

I thought you might find the news below of interest and like to share it with your colleagues and supporters. The bosses of the National Oceanographic Centre in Southampton, which undertakes important climate change research, recently flew to a meeting in the US in a private jet. Staff that I know who work on climate change at the Centre are disgusted by this, but there is little they can do from the inside. So we would really appreciate it if you could spread the word and anyone who feels strongly might like to write a letter or email as suggested.

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WTO Negotiations Collapse

18-10-2006 12:11

Liberalization in the style of the WTO damagers the developing world.. Trade can be a means for development. However the mechanism of the WTO subordinates development to free trade in the interest of corporations.. Alternatives systems and institutuions replacing the WTO would really help the poor.

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Demo Vs the EuropaBio conference in Greece (+video)

18-10-2006 12:03

Hundreds of protesters marched in October 7th against the 3rd International Biotechnology conference in Greece

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The Right manipulates the Left...again

18-10-2006 11:59

The Armenian genocide of WWI has been talked about in left circles quite a bit lately, much to the delight of reactionary lawmakers trying to whip up anti-Islam sentiment. Robert Fisk, a professional radical journalist, is just one example of the left doing the work of the right by reporting this story has a progressive triumph, since it addresses the issue of holocaust denial – the bigger picture is missed entirely, either because of naivety or underhandedness.

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Zapatistas defend village against violent eviction

18-10-2006 11:21

Zapatista families in the northern zone of Chiapas, Mexico urgently need solidarity in an important struggle to defend their community against a violent threatened eviction.

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Bush signs Military Commissions Act authorizing police-state tribunals, torture

18-10-2006 10:39

President Bush signed the Military Commissions Act into law Tuesday morning, establishing a system of military tribunals to try prisoners designated as “unlawful enemy combatants.” This category will include both those now imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay and anyone else, citizen or non-citizen, whom the Bush administration so designates.

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Antifa at the bookfair

18-10-2006 10:09

1pm, Meeting Room 3, Bookfair.
(not as advertised at

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Europe Moves To Kill The Internet

18-10-2006 08:55

The latest move to kill off online freedom and the spread of information
comes in the form of proposed EU legislation that would prevent users from
uploading any form of video, whether that be a hard hitting political
documentary film or your friends goofing around with diet coke and Mentos.

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LGCM - Press Release: 14.10.06 - Statement from the LGCM

18-10-2006 06:00

The publication of the Panel of Reference report on the diocese of New Westminster[i] is a significant moment in the ongoing Anglican civil war.

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Criminal Paradise is Government

18-10-2006 03:37

The answer is blowing the Constitution and Bill of Rights out the window – the Triads, Mafia, Latino, Cuban groups and various South American drug cartels all have something to learn from Cheney and Bush; in fact, they look positively tame in comparison. When confronted with accusations (and proof) of murder, torture, theft/plunder, illegal surveillance, etc, on levels traditional organised crime could only dream of, what is the recourse of neo-cons? Legislate and change the Law (it’s an ass anyway). Simply legalise activities that were once considered crimes and criminalise those who oppose or disagree! There’s nothing that compares to stealing government – computerised voting, subterfuge, lies, fabricated terrorist threats and THE POWER TO LEGISLATE – it’s just too damn easy!

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Torture is now legal in USA (by Latuff)

18-10-2006 01:08

Torture is now legal in USA
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

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The War in Afghanistan: Drugs, Money Laundering and the Banking System

18-10-2006 01:01

Control of Afghanistan is vital in deciding the future balance of power in Central Asia and Eurasia, thus whosoever controls Afghanistan has great leverage in the resource-rich Eurasian landmass.

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18-10-2006 00:31

Photos of Babies Deformed at Birth as a
Result of Uranium Weapons

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Major public meeting on African asylum situation in Leeds

17-10-2006 23:40

Leeds No Borders has announced a major public meeting for Friday 27th October on the critical situation facing African migrants living in Leeds. The meeting aims to uncover what life is like in Africa, why and how its people are fleeing to the UK to claim asylum or work, and how they are treated when here.

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Achin Vanaik on US Imperialism and Political Terrorism

17-10-2006 23:00


Achin Vanaik is an independent Indian scholar and journalist and Professor of International Relations and Global Politics at Delhi University. He was speaking at the Independent and Radical Bookfair in Edinburgh on Friday, 13th of October 2006, about Political Terrorism and the US Imperial Project.
Here are two audio recordings of his talk, which is about 30 minutes, and some notes on the talk.

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Weapons of the New World Order

17-10-2006 22:55

author: Beowulf
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