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Interview with Professor Jim Fetzer of Scholars for 9/11 Truth

16-02-2006 17:28

Interview with Professor Jim Fetzer of Scholars for 9/11 Truth

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16-02-2006 15:34

First Prize: Justice
Second Prize: Survival

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On the Expanded Security Concept

16-02-2006 15:19

As introduction of the term social security has contributed to undergirding public security against private life risks as a legal claim of individuals visavis society, the new international security discourse has contributed to upgrading civil conflict resolution as a standard.

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Pictures & Report from Osaka Homeless Struggle!

16-02-2006 14:10

Practicing for clash
Here is a short report and selected pictures from resistance against the Utsubo Park eviction in Osaka, Japan!

All actions by homeless and supporters are self-organised and non-hierarchial - Victory to the Homeless Liberation Struggle

This is the real reality of Japan today - a place of economic division, brutality and exploitation.

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The US Propaganda Campaign Grinds On

16-02-2006 13:19

The US government is explicitly asking for funding for an intensive propaganda campaign. Now we shall expose their true intent.

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Urgent - More Repression and Arrests in Barcelona

16-02-2006 12:54

Freedom for Ignasi & Ruben!
There has been a wave of recent arrests in Barcelona, it is urgent we take action in whatever ways we can.

Against all governments, prisons and police everywhere.

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George Fox 6 Appeal - Lancaster Crown Court 13th March 2006

16-02-2006 12:52

The George Fox Six are to be given a new trial after appealing the guilty verdict last September.

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Policing of protests - The Times, 8 Feb

16-02-2006 11:59

From The Times, 8 February by Heather Brooke

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Day 3 of trial against Swiss police who nearly killed activists at Evian G8 2003

16-02-2006 11:38

Day 3

Supporters of Gesine Wenzel and Martin Shaw were refused entry to the court building this morning despite the near freezing temperatures and were told to ‘fuck of’ in the process by police. The first witness in the case- a police officer thanked Poget for his work during the G8 summit – these two events set the tone for the day…

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21 new community radio stations

16-02-2006 11:12

Ofcom, the UK regulator, has announced 21 new 5-year licenses for community radio stations.

This is great news for the community broadcasting sector and excellent news for grassroots broadcasting.

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This Friday - Rossport Solidarity Demo - Stop the Shell Pipeline!

16-02-2006 09:16

Meet 1pm in Liverpool city centre (meet-up point to follow) this Friday 17th Feb

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Poor don't Belong in Prisons. Fight the WTO!

16-02-2006 09:08

A call for international solidarity and pressure to continue derailing WTO: International Action Week Feb 27 – March 5th 2006
in solidarity with 2 anti-WTO political prisoners who stand trial in Hong Kong, and millions of prisoners of WTO-related policies. Join targetwto network now and for a common action front against wto.

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Khoodeelaar No to Crossrail hole rattles Council into Darling stunt

16-02-2006 08:30

The cabal of Crossrail-hole-plan-Bill that controls the Blairite Tower Hamlets Council in London's East End is fast losing support in the community. Even the sleazy front outfit they conjured up top deflate KHOODEELAAR has been exposed by the very elements the Crossrail hole-ers encouraged. The community is now mobilising a robust demonstration against Tower Hamlets Crossrail-hole-Council on 1 March. Here are some key observations on how the agents of Crossrail hole interests are losing their grip on Tower Hamlets Council.

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Injustice in Spain attempting to close down website Papa Huelva Org

16-02-2006 05:57

An attempt has been made by Spanish judges to close fathers group website Papa Huelva and newly formed political party Action For Justice (AxJ) Accion Por La Justicia is protesting for violation of basic fundamental rights of free speech and freedom of press.

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Art of War : Black History Month

16-02-2006 04:14

Black History Month
Black History Month

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Israeli President Moshe Katzav aids massive penny stock fraud,possible money lau

16-02-2006 02:47

One can say of Saddam Hussein what they wish but to my knowledge Mr.Hussein never aided a penny stock fraud of a mafia connected con artist who may well be responsible for tens of millions of dollars if not well over $100,000,000 + in frauds against Americans caught up in his penny stock scams over the years. Israeli President Moshe Katzav gets credit for that....

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vine and fig planters in Newbury 'court' Gig

16-02-2006 01:31

Post-Protest: Vine and Fig Planters take their 'turns' at Newbury Magistrates Court

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16-02-2006 01:18

KONHSP Public meeting

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Boycott Coca Cola - cambridge talk

16-02-2006 01:02

Ray Rogers, of the US Killer Coke campaign, will be speaking in Cambridge on Monday (20th of Februrary). The meeting will be held in the Munby room, King's College, at 8pm.

Also speaking is Andy Higginbottom (UK Colombia Solidarity Campaign).
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