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Guilty plea bargin leads Enron court cases

30-12-2005 03:19

“Did you knowingly deceive the investing public?” Lake asked Causey, who replied, “Yes, your honor.” When asked if he knew that giving false public documents and statements was illegal, Causey said, “Yes.” He appeared relaxed during the hearing and before it began winked and smiled at his wife, who wept after it was all over.

Causey, had been scheduled to go on trial next month with former Enron chief executives Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling, facing the possibility of more than 20 years behind bars. He is now predicated to cooperate with federal prosecutors against his former bosses. Whether Causey will testify in the trial of Lay and Skilling is uncertain, but his deal with prosecutors calls for them to request a seven-prison sentence that could be reduced to five years if he cooperates fully.

Causey was a key figure in the huge financial scandal that drove Enron to bankruptcy in December ‘01 amid revelations the company had used off-the-books partnership deals to hide billions of dollars in losses and inflate profits.

Causey’s plea makes it 16 former Enron executives who have now pleaded guilty to crimes related to the scandal that opened a window on corporate accounting misdeeds and tainted the Bush administration because Lay had been a close ally of the Bush family for years and one of its biggest political donors.

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30-12-2005 00:46

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Cuba, and Russia.

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Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

30-12-2005 00:39

The fact that Bellador Inc. has been allowed to pump and dump SRI International shares and many UNAUDITED AND UNREGISTERED U.S. penny stock shares,both onshore,and offshore in terrorist suspect money laundering regions,is proof certain CIA , Mantas Inc. and SRA International employees and mangement are aiding and abetting the terrorists they warn us about.

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WSF Caracas: Shroud for Venezuela’s social movements

29-12-2005 22:44

* A member of the group promoting the Alternative Social Forum explains why the World Social Forum (WSF), taking place in Caracas during January 2006, is another attempt by the Chavez government to impede the autonomous development of social struggles in the country.

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Repealing SOCPA: can anyone help me write a letter to my MP?

29-12-2005 22:06

I've had a go at writing a letter to my MP. Is it OK? Can anyone improve it, or write a better one altogether? I've never done this before!

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How They Rebuilt Stonehenge 50 years ago

29-12-2005 20:08

Pictures from The Wiltshire Archeological Society and Christopher Chippindale

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Family Law + secrecy of draconian acts

29-12-2005 18:15

Further to our protests and conferences recently;

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Belarus Indymedia

29-12-2005 15:56

Belarus is called "Europe's last dictatorship", and things are certainly grim there, but Belarus Indymedia is alive and well, and here is a snapshot of what you can find on it...

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Bloggers publish secret UK torture complicity evidence

29-12-2005 14:54

Bloggers around the world are publishing damning documentary evidence of UK complicity in torture, in defiance of Foreign Office efforts to block their publication.

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The Fat Years are Over

29-12-2005 14:18

Hardly anyone today dares financing the social state by cutting the armament budget.. The fat years are over! Three cheers for dispossession! Expropriation instead of representation!

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Argentine & Brazil: more countries escape IMF garotte

29-12-2005 13:36

The World Bank, IMF etc. bring countries to their knees even by sending the 'jackals': "Jackals' are CIA-sanctioned people that come in and try to foment a coup or revolution. If that doesn't work, they perform assassinations, or try to." *[Important video below]

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Sick and disabled targeted in benefit reforms

29-12-2005 12:53

The plans for the coming attacks by the Gov't on those on disability welfare(and others such as single parents) some of the most vulnerable people in the u.k are now becoming clearer and they are pretty horrendous.

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Greenham Common

29-12-2005 12:04

Reconstruction of rare songbooks the women made in 1987.

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gas bills massive rises: but some rebates available...

29-12-2005 11:53

Perhaps to atone for the obscene price rises the gas companies are enforcing, (though more likely to get some good PR). British Gas, along with two other gas providers, have decided to provide a £60 "rebate" to some of its' poorer customers.

(see below)

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No M66 Exhibition ten years on.

29-12-2005 11:08

It will be ten years from the first eviction of the No M66 Campaign in February 2006. There will be an exhibition about the No M66 Campaign, From wednesday 22nd february to sun 20th march at the basement social center, lever street, Manchester.

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G8 2006 St. Petersburg

29-12-2005 09:58

Winter Palace St. Petersburg
A call out to protest against G8 summit of 2006
in St. Petersburg, Russia

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Converge on the Capital

29-12-2005 05:02

In the recent past an American grandmother demonstrating against the tyrant Bush, held a placard as she marched on the Capital, it read, “The Road to Hell is lined with Bushes”. It is now evident that this grandmother (who puts younger Americans to shame) was exhibiting prophetic or intuitive insight. In that period Bush was relatively tame. This American woman and true patriot is an inspiration to us all.

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NSA spied on its own employees, other U.S. intelligence personnel, and their jou

29-12-2005 03:21

The National Security Agency (NSA), on the orders of the Bush administration, eavesdropped on the private conversations and e-mail of its own employees, employees of other U.S. intelligence agencies -- including the CIA and DIA -- and their contacts in the media, Congress, and oversight agencies and offices.

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//// The Edukators //// rampART, thursday 8pm

29-12-2005 02:31

It's thursday and although we are still 17%, and an estimated 8 hours, away from fully downing it, we are pretty confident that we will be screening The Edukators at 8pm for the weekly rampART free cinema night.

So come on down for a little playful edukation...
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