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UK Newswire Archive

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BREAKING NEWS: Hackney workers on strike

12-10-2001 14:36

Workers employed by Hackney Council in London's east end have gone on strike against further planned cuts.

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BREAKING NEWS: Estate agent office update

12-10-2001 14:31

So far there have been no arrests reported.

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BREAKING NEWS: Estate agent offices occupied in protest at Hackney sell-off

12-10-2001 14:27

Half a dozen Hackney residents have occupied the offices of corporate estate agents Nelson Bakewell to highlight the mass social services property sell-off taking place in the east London borough of Hackney

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The Danger of Christianity posing as Leftism

12-10-2001 14:24

Socialists and anarchists must take precautions to ensure that social religious groups do not infiltrate the movement.

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The Milan Agenda

12-10-2001 14:01

this was the questions and workshop groups that participated in the third PGA conference, milan. i thought it will be a good idea to publish and share some of the relevent questions with the indymedia community.

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March Against The DSEI Arms Fair

12-10-2001 12:51

Dur 3mins Video following the march against the DSEI Arms Fair, London 11th September 2001

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Pondering the Future of our Movement - from US corpwatch

12-10-2001 11:57

Where Do We Go From Here?
Pondering the Future of our Movement
By Joshua Karliner
October 11, 2001

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National Civil Rights Movement: Events 10/11 Nov

12-10-2001 10:37

National Civil Rights Movement: International Festival for Peace, Justice and Human Rights, 10-11 November 2001

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Ireland Indymedia

12-10-2001 10:35

Indymedia meeting tomorrow

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12-10-2001 10:29

The House of Lords has appointed the Select Committee on Economic Affairs to publish an inquiry into Globalisation. I was told the closing date is October 8 but I am not sure of this Highlight the destruction of the planet, the inequality between the rich and poor and the uncontrollable money go round - for what it is worth!

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Catholic Bishop Opposes U.S. War in Afghanistan...

12-10-2001 09:34

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Catholic Bishop Thomas Gumbleton of Detroit. Gumbleton, who has been an outspoken critic of U.N. economic sanctions against Iraq, proclaims his opposition to the war in Afghanistan and argues for a thorough examination of U.S. foreign policy to strike at the roots of terrorism

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12-10-2001 04:27

How can the people of the US come to grips with the knowledge that their leadership has been involved in some of the worst acts of terror known to the planet?

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Dublin Anti-Globalisation Protests

12-10-2001 00:19

Dublin Anti-Globalisation Protests
Police Batton charge peaceful protesters, Anti globalisation Protesters Stormed The Burlington Hotel Inside Bertie Ahern drinks champagne (£1600 a head) Entertains the Multinationals and plot ways of selling our national assets - Austrian protester Hospitlised

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Dublin Protests Video Multipul format

12-10-2001 00:09

Video 47 sec
Police Batton charge peaceful protesters, Indymedia Cameraman Arrested along with 15 Other Protesters. Gardai (Irish Police) accused of using unnecessary force when Anti globalisation Protesters Stormed The Burlington Hotel which was hosting International conference on Privetisation (article 1)

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Zapatista Action!?

12-10-2001 00:08

Zapatista Action!?
There has been a call for global action from Chiapas on 12 october.

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Friend or foe?

11-10-2001 22:50

Confused? Having difficulty telling the good guys from the bad guys? Use this handy Guide to differences between Terrorists and the U.S. Government:

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White Overall Block - Saturday 13th Oct

11-10-2001 22:41

White Overall block on anti-war demonstration (Oct 13th)

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Nottingham Stop The War Egroup

11-10-2001 22:36

Anti War egroup set up in Nottingham

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Global anti-War Information and coordination.

11-10-2001 20:12

On October 7, 8 and 9 hundreds of protests and demonstrations throughout the world said no to the war.There were actions in more places even than the weekend of September 29 and 30, and with only one day to prepare (see
list below). As on many other occasions, governments around the world didn't listen to all these voices asking for PEACE, NO WAR and which promote SOCIAL JUSTICE, the DEFENSE of HUMAN RIGHTS and DIALOGUE AS A WAY TO AVOID CONFLICTS.

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Peoples Global Action Caravan update from Ecuador.

11-10-2001 19:06

Magical Mystery Tour......

The third international gathering of the Peoples Global
Action (PGA) network has formed a peoples caravan which is crossing the Latin American continent.

Starting in Cochabamba, Bolivia, the caravan, made up of people from over 15 countries, has arrived in Ecuador after visiting a number of peasant communities across Peru.
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