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UK Newswire Archive

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Stop The National Front

18-04-2005 22:28

St.Georges Day

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June 25: no one is illegal conference

18-04-2005 21:35

On Saturday June 25, the no one is illegal manifesto group is organising a No One Is Illegal conference in Manchester. All invited.

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unseat a prime minister

18-04-2005 20:46

Candidate nominations for the upcoming general election close tomorrow, Tuesday 19 April. Veteran peace campaigner, Helen John, one of the founders of the Greenham Common women's peace camp, has registered a nomination and will be standing as an independent against Tony Blair in the Sedgefield constituency.

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ASBO used against peace campaigner

18-04-2005 20:39

After misusing the Prevention of Terrorism Act to intimidate a handful of people keeping vigil outside US Spy base Menwith Hill the Ministry of Defence Police are now trying to use an Anti Social Behaviour Order (ASBO) to restrict the freedom to protest of one woman and a flag.

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BP AGM Picture 'Story'

18-04-2005 20:37

Welcomer To the Oil Festival Hall
Pictures from last weeks BP AGM at the Oil Festival Hall
( next year it's at the Excel centre where they also have the DSEI arms dealer bash ).
Perhaps if they had it at the same time they could swap oil directly for weapons..... :-)

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Audio report: Traveller's voices: 9th April 2005

18-04-2005 20:08

Audio report from the traveller demo in London on the 9th April 2005. 4.01 MB MP3, 4:23 mins long.

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(BAYER) FDA Orders Levitra Ad Off the Air

18-04-2005 19:46

The Food and Drug Administration has ordered drug giants Bayer Pharmaceuticals Corp. and GlaxoSmithKline PLC to immediately pull a television ad for impotence drug Levitra, saying that the commercial does not adequately state the drug's potential side effects and that it cannot substantiate claims that it is superior to competitors such as Viagra or that it improves female satisfaction during sexual activity.

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Unite Against Fascism Event...Colne, Lancs

18-04-2005 18:35

Join the Unite Against Fascism rally in Colne.

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International campaign for "fire bulls" without cruelty in Catalonia

18-04-2005 17:55

Information about the cruelty traditions in Spain. Would you like to help Spanish bulls?

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Hulme Green Spaces Day - April 16th 2005

18-04-2005 17:06

We had a great day on Saturday, over the course of the morning around 50 people popped by to our event on the green space site opposite Hulme Post Office.

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Impact of superstores on local retailers

18-04-2005 16:37

fruit and vegetable shop Green Street Upton Park
Superstores have devastated town centres across the country. Occasionally it is possible to find a small oasis in the retail desert. Upton Park in East London with Green Street and Queens Market is one such oasis, but it is now under threat with the local mayor in collusion with property developers St Modwens bulldozing through its destruction.

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BNP talking in Knowsley- protest called!

18-04-2005 15:51

There will be a meeting of the various candidates for the general election held in Knowsley, one of which being the BNP. We call everyone to come and protest the event!

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The Political History of Shoes

18-04-2005 15:35

Shoes have long been used for more than utility. They are used as status. This article looks at some of the shoe history we share as humans. From 10,000 year old grass sandals, to women walking on 13" pedestal shoes and shoe "protectors," to laws regulating male shoe tip size...

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RESPECT launch manifesto

18-04-2005 15:32


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US Spooks Stirring Sectarian Rancor in Madain, Iraq?

18-04-2005 15:28

It's pretty obvious that the CIA, Mossad, or some other American or Israeli terrorist gang orchestrated this completely bogus story about a mass kidnapping and rape in Iraq. It falls perfectly in line with their united effort to sew as much discord and strife among Arabs as possible.

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325 - Anti-Prison zine issue 2 out now

18-04-2005 12:39

New issue of the anti-prisons / anti-repression zine out now

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Longbridge: Occupy Or Die!

18-04-2005 11:44

Working people caught up in the Longbridge disaster have been scandalously betrayed by their bosses, their unions, and the government. There is no time to lose. Drop those leaders. Look to yourselves, and take inspiration from the industrial occupation collectives in Argentina.

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Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth

18-04-2005 11:42

Interfaith group to challenge the mainstream 9/11 thesis which blames the success of the attacks on the combination of two factors: “angry Muslim fanatics” and an “overwhelmed or incompetent domestic security apparatus.”

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Does the Iraqi Resistance Target Civilians?

18-04-2005 10:15

While it is clear that the US and coalition forces have been killing more civilians than combatants and that more civilians have been killed by the US and coalition forces than by guerrillas, questions stilll remain.

First of all, do Iraqi guerrillas themselves in fact attack more civilians than combatants, as the corporate media regularly suggests?

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Does the Resistance Target Civilians? According to US Intel, Not Really

18-04-2005 03:20

the demonisation of the iraqi resistance .

Alam's piece also shows how Zarkawi is an invented propaganda tool
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