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UK Newswire Archive

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CNN reporting from Afghanistan or are they?

19-09-2001 11:16

CNN- our man in afghanistan..or is he?

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Update on Italy after Genoa

19-09-2001 08:21

Pinelli Destroyed
Raids on libertarian centers and homes
Prisoners need support

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US 'planned attack on Taleban' ?

19-09-2001 08:07

BBC news report that the US had already been planing to attack Afghanistan.

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The US continues to meddle in Colombia's internal affairs

19-09-2001 02:27

BOGOTA, Colombia -- FARC leader warned the United States on Monday of meddling in his country's internal affairs by sending ``hundreds of military advisers and mercenaries.''

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The Great Depression World War 3

19-09-2001 01:30

signs of the times

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CIA&FBI=Keystone Kops says Dan Rather

19-09-2001 01:08

Dan Rather appeared on David Letterman last night and said The CIA&FBI are like the Keystone Kops.

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Peace Vigil London 18/09/01 - crowd / banner picture

19-09-2001 00:38

Peace Vigil London 18/09/01 - crowd / banner picture
Picture from early evening of a section of the hundreds who gathered outside downing street in london this evening at a vigil for peace. "justice for all not vengeance"

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Peace Vigil - Downing street 18/09/01

19-09-2001 00:13

Peace Vigil - Downing street 18/09/01
More than 300 people crowded onto the pavement (too many for the small fenced off area) opposite Downing Street this evening to hold a vigil for peace. Some of the banners read 'No War' 'An eye for an eye and the whole world is blind' 'No More Victims' and 'We Are All Afghans'. Several speeches were made as candles were lit. More vigils are planned.

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Endless War ? by Walden Bello

18-09-2001 23:08

The assault on the World Trade Center was horrific, despicable, and unpardonable, but it is important not to lose perspective, especially a historical one. For a response that is dictated primarily by fury such
as that now displayed by some American politicians, while
understandable, is likely to simply serve as one more proof for Santayana's dictum that those who do not remember history are bound to repeat it

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News roundup

18-09-2001 17:34

your up to the minute source for the news that really matters

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Noam Chomsky on the prospects for war

18-09-2001 16:26

"If Pakistan does submit to U.S. demands, it is not impossible that the government will be overthrown by forces much like the Taliban -- who in this case will have nuclear weapons. That could have an effect throughout the region, including the oil producing states. At this point we are considering the possibility of a war that may destroy much of human society."

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SchNEWS on US attacks, war and DSEi

18-09-2001 15:14

Excellant info from Schnews on US situation and |DSEi Arms fair protests.

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No War / Peace Vigil : Parliament London : Pic

18-09-2001 14:54

No War / Peace Vigil : Parliament London : Pic
One week after the attacks in the US a vigil is being held outside parliament in London against war and for peace. Police at first pushed people with banners back from outside parliament. The vigil is expected to continue - another vigil starts at 6pm tonight outside Downing Street, with a larger one planned on Saturday 2pm (see

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The Importance of Oil in Afghanistan Region.

18-09-2001 14:17

Oil is not getting much mention in the news but research suggests that it is a very important part of the picture. Here are the facts.

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BBC story implies pre-plan prior to 911 day against Afghanistan

18-09-2001 12:35

According to a recent BBC story, a former Pakistani official has said that he was informed that the US planned an attack on Afghanistan well before the Sept 11 catastrophe happened in NY.

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An Afghan point of view

18-09-2001 11:18

just found this on my inbox:

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Peace and Anti-War Vigil, London

18-09-2001 09:53

Peace and Anti-War Vigil, London

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Bush tied to Bin Laden !!!

18-09-2001 08:38

Bush recieved money to make it in business from Bin Laden's dad the steel magnate. Must have taken alot of bribery to get the world to ignore this idiots English speaking skills.

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US involvment in the Middle East

18-09-2001 08:13

A brief introduction to the US history of involvment in the Middle East.

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Network of alternative resistance (spanish)

18-09-2001 03:50

In this text "libertarian" means Left Libertarian or anarchist.
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