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UK Newswire Archive

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Prepration meeting on the Caravan towards World Economic Forum in Warsaw

31-03-2004 13:15

Our globalisation masters, so good in ripping off the people, have
decided this time to have their meeting in Warsaw. They have an
invitation from the polish president and with a weakly prepared
alter-global movement there, they expect to have nice & relatively calm

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Newcastle Leap Day Actions

31-03-2004 13:14

Free Shop
On Leap Day, people in Newcastle decided to have a day for something different.
A day that challenged the cynicism, resignation and isolation that supports the status quo.
We left the idea open, and this is some of the things that came out of it.

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Land Day In Palestine. Reports.

31-03-2004 13:07

1) Land Day in Beitunia_Perla and Gabriel
2) Land Day in Beit Duqqu_Neal
3) Football tournament in Budrus against the Apartheid Wall_Perla

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Dissent! speakers needed for SchNEWS tour

31-03-2004 12:51

SchNEWS at Ten Tour
SchNEWS are touring the country as part of their 10th birthday celebrations and want local people to talk about the Dissent! network at each of the events. Check the link for more details of the places and dates and for more on the tour generally.

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Protest against internment at Belmarsh Prison, Sun 4 April

31-03-2004 12:51

Come and protest at Belmarsh; let the detainees know that they have not been forgotten - with speakers, live performance & signing of expressions of solidarity which will be passed on to them by their lawyers.

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Police attempting to move Brian Haw, Parliament Sq peace protestor

31-03-2004 12:46

The Metropolitan Police have given Brian Haw until Thursday 1 April to move his peace protest from Parliament Square.

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Clashes in oilfields kill 17 soldiers and guerrillas

31-03-2004 12:06

15 government troops dead in fresh fighting in Colombia’s southern oil region. President Uribe seeks foreign help to beef up military muscle. US lawmakers promise more soldiers and mercenaries.

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Another world is possible - GM victory

31-03-2004 11:36

Pink Castle GM Action

The announcement today of the complete victory of the anti-GM campaign highlights that "another world is possible". And that an open, non-hierarchical and broad-natured support base is key to the organising of such successful campaigns.

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arafat and his discontents

31-03-2004 11:25

this article is by well known israeli historian benny morris, who did a lot to show that the palestinian refugee problem was created by the israelis. in this article written in february 2002, he explains why he has lost hope in peace

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Children with ME 'wrongly taken into care'

31-03-2004 10:55

Those who have been interested in the Roy Meadows - Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy row should also be interested in the following article in todays Scotsman.

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31-03-2004 10:46

Reacting to the announcement that Bayer will not commercialise its GM Chardon LL Maize in Britain, Greenpeace campaigner Sarah North said:

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31-03-2004 09:27

Bayer CropScience, the company responsible for trying to grow GM crops in Britain, has pulled out of the UK!

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International Day of Action and Solidarity with Jeff “Free” Luers-June 12, 2004

31-03-2004 06:14

Jeff at Oregon State Prison-Winter 2004
This is the call for an international day of solidarity and action with American Political Prisoner Jeff 'Free' Luers currently serving a 22.5 year sentence for burning 3 SUVs.
We are asking for our British friends to help us with this day.

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EVENT: Resistance and Solidarity Struggle in Occupied Iraq and Palestine

31-03-2004 03:56

Resistance and Solidarity Struggle in Occupied Iraq and Palestine
Monday 5 April 2004 7.30pm
London Action Resource Centre, Fieldgate and Parfett Street, E1, nearest
tubes Whitechapel or Aldgate East

Eye-Witness Reports from Jenin, Nablus, Rafa, Baghdad, Basra, and beyond.

Traditional Iraqi food, Palestinian fighter music, How To???.Solidarity
activism for Iraq and Palestine, Iraqi Occupation Propaganda Exhibition

This event is a fundraiser for the Organisation of Womens Freedom in
Iraq,an autonomous womens self sufficiency project in Basra and Project
working with young people in Nablus.

Suggested Donation #2 on the door or free if you're skint!

Despite all the misery and destruction being that is being inflicted
across the world, there are many things we can all do to make a
difference- so
get informed, make links and get active

London Action Resource Centre -
62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES. Phone: 020 7377 9088

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How the US Government Shut Down the Online Publication Stop Fascism!

31-03-2004 02:17

Detailed account of how and why the US Government shut down the online publication Stop Fascism!

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Thanks from Rob

30-03-2004 23:21

Rob at Sherwood Green protest site today.
Rob, who fell from one of the walkways at Sherwood Green protest site a few weeks ago, sends out thanks to all who supported him.

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... Still ... Burngreave Arts

30-03-2004 23:18

The Friends of Burngreave Chapel and Cemetery, are hosting an exhibition of local Burngreave artists work.

This is for one weekend only. 2nd April 7 - 10pm, 3rd April 10am - 9pm, 4th April 10am - 7pm
and includes paintings,installations, photography, projections, sculpture, film.

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'Terror' and tolerance

30-03-2004 23:01

March 30, 2004

The morning of Jan. 29, upon hearing about the attack on a bus in Jerusalem, I did not experience the expected emotion. It seemed such a "normal" thing, and I have not enough tears to shed for people I do not know.

The next day, on Jan. 30, I read an article about one of the victims — Avraham Belhassen, 26 years old, a young father — and realized that I could tolerate no more. I can no longer tolerate terrorist folly, Islamist hatred, the passivity of Muslims, the blindness of the West.

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Community activism - revolutionary or reformist?

30-03-2004 22:59

The recently formed Bristol Anarchist Network is pleased to announce it's first public event - an open disussion meeting on the pros & cons of community activism & involvement. There is no party line, and no pre-determined correct answers to the questions raised in the text of the flyer below. Come along.....
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