UK Newswire Archive
Street Medicine: Volunteers for Pepper Spraying?
01-11-2003 16:54
One of the legacies the WTO protests in Seattle, Wa. left behind is Street Medicine Organizations. First Aid is about what to do *first* in a medical emergency. Street First Aid incorporates basic first aid, but then expands it to include chemical weaponry aftercare and treatments for likely injuries at mass demonstrations...Whirl-Mart!
01-11-2003 16:48

'Guide to action' written by some posties
01-11-2003 14:45
'Guide to action' written by some 'uncontrollable' postiesPixies Target Cambridge CCTV
01-11-2003 13:20

When Killing Is Easy. BBC2. Sunday Nov 2nd.
01-11-2003 13:00
Silenced witnessesIn a seven-week period this spring, two overseas observers were killed
by the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip, and a third left brain dead. But
has the truth yet been told? John Sweeney investigates
indymedia films : Tuesday 4th November : Bath
01-11-2003 11:30

EU poll: Israel 'biggest threat' to world peace
01-11-2003 10:36
Over half of Europeans think Israel poses the "biggest threat to world peace," according to a controversial poll commissioned by the European Commission.Stop The Wall On November 9th.Worldwide Activism Update
01-11-2003 10:13 in a Weekfrom the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign
Friday, October 31, 2003
letter from La Paz
01-11-2003 09:31
taken from post on Imc Germany;
Scientists: "GM Nation debate hijacked by anti-GM lobby"
31-10-2003 17:38
Over 100 scientists have written to Tony Blair complaining about the way the GM Nation debate was conducted. But they've got a completely different complaint to most of those who took part - apparently it was "hijacked" by anti-GM groups.Story here:

Dayschool: Who will control Latin America?
31-10-2003 16:18
A workshop organised by the Cuba Solidarity Campaign: Saturday 8th November – 10.30 till 5St Mary’s Community Centre, Bramall Lane, Sheffield.
Stop Bayers GM crops noise demo at Bayer HQ in Newbury Thursday 13th Nov
31-10-2003 13:48
Noise Demo at HQ of GM crops company Bayer in Newbury Nov 13thPeace Network in Oxford - lets meet about BUSH
31-10-2003 13:48
We should call an Oxford Peace Network meeting/spokes councilto help coordinate demonstrating against BUSH (nov 19-21st)
Court Ruling: Police 'did not misuse terror laws'
31-10-2003 12:36
court ruled that the police did not misuse the Terrorism Act at DSEirepost of

31-10-2003 12:05
a little bit late, but I just found the announcement of the new VARIANT autumn edition being out.Short Report From A London Postal Picket Line
31-10-2003 11:57
Short Report From London Wildcat Postal Picket Line, 31.10.03Thessaloniki Hunger Strikers - Legal team press release
31-10-2003 11:29
Press release for the hunger strikers