UK Newswire Archive
Pre-emptive Mayday Action
02-05-2003 07:41
May 1st - Dionysian Underground enter Bechtel's HQ in Hammersmith. But fail to find secret underground base!Bechtel Unveiled...
Wrexham Mayday Protest
02-05-2003 07:06

British bombers posed as peace activists
02-05-2003 07:00
British bombers posed as peace activistsneoconservatives seek to involve US in an endless series of proxy wars
02-05-2003 05:40
by pat buchanana controversial thought: that the neocons may have orchestrated sept 11 Witness their war like behavior in buchanans article
Against Social Darwinism
02-05-2003 03:27
"The conquest of Africa and large parts of Asia by invading European forces was not morally justified by anything. Only peace is morally justified. .Today social Darwinism appears in the guise of Anglo-Saxon capitalism..The interests of the environment and future generations must be protected..Ecology and pure market ideology are in conflictTell Ford to improve gas mileage!
02-05-2003 01:38
Cars and light trucks guzzle 40% of U.S. oil and emit 20% of the nation's carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution. Each gallon of gasoline burned pumps 28 pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere-19 from the tailpipe and nine pounds from upstream refining, transporting and refueling.M1 London Audio Report 17:12: Entire audio of TrafSq Section14 and deadline
02-05-2003 01:36

M1 London Audio Report 17:18: Trafalgar Sq Section 14 declared
02-05-2003 01:35

M1 London Audio Report 11:39: Selfridges action: why we're here
02-05-2003 01:33

M1 London Audio Report 11:24: Fur protester's report from Selfridges action
02-05-2003 01:31

M1 London Audio Report 12:15: Critical mass at Exxon
02-05-2003 01:30

Socialist Alliance Election Victory in Preston
02-05-2003 01:05
Socialist Alliance candidate beats Labour in Preston (just down the road from Burnley!).London - Mayday 2003
02-05-2003 00:15

Although I work in the media, it was my day off and I took my stills camera along. When I got home I was disgusted by the un-balanced reporting of the days events. I hope Indy media can go some way to redressing the balance. (article 1)
New book by Raoul Vaneigem
02-05-2003 00:11
The english translation of Raoul Vaneigem's new book 'A Declaration of the rights of Human Beings' has been published today. He has published a new, and I would say definitive account of his philosophical and political ideas. I personally believe this is the most significant anti-capitalist (more accurately post-capitalist ) book to be published since Society Of The Spectacle in 1968.Mayday: Pre-emptive strike against the fur trade.
02-05-2003 00:07

Mayday 2003
02-05-2003 00:04

Although I work in the media, it was my day off and I took my stills camera along. When I got home I was disgusted by the un-balanced reporting of the days events. I hope Indy media can go some way to redressing the balance. (article 1)
modem friendly video of cops pushing London Mayday protestors
01-05-2003 23:47

The cops under command of Andy (pig) Trotter were pushing people in all directions. This charge pushed people back into Trafalgar square from the Strand while other cops were trying to disperse people from the square. I was up a lamp post and glad of it.
Swiss workers need laws to prevent racial discrimination
01-05-2003 23:38
"Practically there is no legal way for workers in Switzerland to defend themselves against discrimination," said Galizia. "Someone who feels he or she is a victim of racial discrimination should be able to find help."Articles on the Argentinean elections, life under US occupation in Iraq and othe
01-05-2003 22:58
Balance-sheet of the elections in Argentina and the role of the left organizations; Lessons of the war on Iraq; Life in Occuppied Baghdad and other articles.