Articles on the Argentinean elections, life under US occupation in Iraq and othe
Frontlines Newspaper | 01.05.2003 22:58
Balance-sheet of the elections in Argentina and the role of the left organizations; Lessons of the war on Iraq; Life in Occuppied Baghdad and other articles.

Frontlines, the newspaper of the left
Just published!
Report from Argentina: Presidential election's results, the crisis of the
left and the future of the regime
DOSSIER: Assessment of Election’s Results, the crisis of the left and the
tasks ahead; "Historical Notes on Argentinean Political Parties and the
Left"; 2003, 2001 and 1999 elections' results and other background material
by Gina Alvarez
Left Party
Frontlines newspaper
Read the complete dossier at:

Life under US occupation: Massacre in Fallujah, 17 civilians killed, 100 wounded. In a related avenging grenade attack, 7 US soldiers are wounded
"I can't do anything now because they have tanks. But I will wait and I will kill Americans. I will take my revenge," said 14-year-old Ahmed Muthana
Read the complete article at:
Life under US occupation: Mass protests receive US officials at Aziziya,
torch their cars
* Special Forces with helicopters and tanks used to rescue officials and US
journalist after the crowd torched their vehicles
* Home town defies ban on Saddam birthday party. US forces attack the celebrations in Mosul, at least six Iraqis killed
* Baghdad: Iraqis demand restoration of utilities
* Close ally of the US in Iraq: Barzani says US forces should leave after
Iraqi government takes over
Read the complete article at:
Lessons of the war: US military hegemony, the national liberation struggle
and the tasks of the internationalist antiwar and left movements
By Sebastian Robles
* The military hegemony of the Empire:
The US tactical victory in Iraq is a victory against the world. The naked imperial purposes of the war and occupation. A future of an accelerated arms race, terrorism, turmoil, more wars, nuclear standoffs and continuous global mass opposition to the US Empire on the agenda.
* The war of liberation of Iraq already started:
The coalescing of a legitimate national liberation movement which is now the
enemy of the Empire. The rifts and splits between the US and European and
Russian ruling classes will continue. From low intensity confrontations to
more open conflict, both in Iraq and internationally.
* Iraq: the epicenter of regional and world confrontation between governments, classes and political factions:
The Middle East governments and factions, Turkey, the global antiwar
movement, the internationalist antiwar and left movements are all players.
The new economic, political and social contradictions created by the
occupation of Iraq.
Read the complete articles at:

Frontlines Newspaper