UK Newswire Archive
Total war: resistance, humanitarian aid and the media
03-04-2003 13:29
2003 is a year to live dangerously: of crimes against humanity and of heroic resistance; it is a time to reject the war and to extend our solidarity with the Iraqi people in this their moment of truth.Latest Russian Intelligence Re. Invasion; 2 April
03-04-2003 13:15
An interesting site to find out whats happening re the US/UK invasion of Iraq
2 Daisy Cutters used by US last night
03-04-2003 13:13
Today's Mirror reports that two Daisy Cutters were used last night by the US on Iraqi troops south of Baghdad. Yet there was no mention of this on today's 1pm BBC TV news.Assuming it is true, this is a cover up. Daisy Cutters are weapons of mass destruction, second only to nuclear bombs in impact on life forms, and cause a slow and lingering death to humans and other species over a vast area.
G10 Peacewatch one Month on
03-04-2003 12:42

03-04-2003 12:36
International release & protest letter requestTel-Aviv, April 3, 2003
ESSO fuelstation blocked for one hour in Amsterdam
03-04-2003 12:30

ARMENIA: Conscientious objector sentenced to three years labour camp
03-04-2003 12:02

03-04-2003 11:36
Amerika get ready, here come the flashbacks from Vietnam but without the saving grace of the soundtrack of the Sixties.Summary of tomorrows Iraq War news!!!
03-04-2003 10:39
Summary of tomorrows Iraq war news!!!Video: Paddy Riot Squad....are they for real?
03-04-2003 10:39

Never forget the lies
03-04-2003 10:29
Anyone heard the phrase "Weapons of Mass Destruction" this past week?Thought not.
Really Big Blockade Coach from West Midlands
03-04-2003 10:29
There will be a coach running from Birmingham to the Really Big Blockade at Faslane which is on April 22nd. This will be the biggest direct action against nukes for a generation, in this country. Please book your place now if you want transport from the west midlands.Big anti-war subvert in Manchester
03-04-2003 10:28

03-04-2003 10:27
AUDIO 11minSpeaches and Interviews Dail March/Protest
Noddy: a revolutionary education.
03-04-2003 10:23

Muslim v's The West
03-04-2003 10:15
This is a fight for Allah.. Forget what Saddam has done to us this invasion is a fight against Islam... or is it?