UK Newswire Archive
anti-militaristic responses: cracked versions of us-army recruiting websites
25-03-2003 21:51 is a most popular recruiting website for the us-army. Since the war has begun it is'nt attainable. A new hack? In chicago there is a lot of protest actions against the producer of the websites. Here you will find some responding animationDistorted vision of the corporate media
25-03-2003 21:26
Extract from article on regarding misrepresentation of Iraq war by BBC ITN et al.Reuters report growing US boycott
25-03-2003 21:16
Opposition to US imperialism in the form of consumer boycotts of American products and services is spreading across the world.£3 million contract to run Iraq port
25-03-2003 20:06
A US company has been awarded a £3 million contract to manage the Iraqi port of Umm Qasr.Editorial Cartoon: "No Child Left Behind"
25-03-2003 19:54

support a "Uniting for Peace" Resolution 377A
25-03-2003 19:43
Please act now. Please read below and act now. Send it to all over the world so it can grow in millions of emails to UN a "Uniting for Peace" Resolution 377A
25-03-2003 19:32
Please act now. Please read below and act now. Send it to all over the world so it can grow in millions of emails to UN ambassadors.GLASGOW - Support those arrested at Saturday's demo!
25-03-2003 18:48
Come along to Glasgow Sherriff court and support the anti-war protesters arrested at the demo on Saturday 22nd!Seymour Hersh exposes British lies on Iraq
25-03-2003 18:04
In the latest New Yorker, Seymour Hersh, who took on Richard Perle last week, goes into the story of the supposed Iraqi attempts to buy uranium from Niger which, everyone now knows, was based on forged documents circulated by the British government.Peace Vigil at Machynlleth, Wales (20th March)
25-03-2003 18:02
Up to 80 people gather at the Clock Tower in Machynlleth to demonstrate against the war.Alternative Media resources on War on Iraq
25-03-2003 17:47
Some alternative media resources on the web, courtesy of Red Pepper and the electrohippies collective.ARE LATEST POLLS ON IRAQ A TISSUE OF LIES?
25-03-2003 17:43
Latest polls showing a majority supporting the war on Iraq could be pure BlairiteTaxpayers meet MPs' pension shortfall
25-03-2003 17:12
I don't really want to disrupt the flow of reports of inspiring anti-war protests.. but I really think people should see this report from the BBC:CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Saddam Paper Shredder Story A Lie Concocted by Moon/UPI
25-03-2003 17:07
Today's propaganda-busting report from Cheryl SealOne Global Economy to Rule Them All
25-03-2003 16:49
The U.S. war in Iraq is about oil, currency, "regime change"(i.e. swapping dictators) and most of all-enforcement of U.S. dominated economic globalization.Schoolchildren at anti-war rally talk about police brutality. Video
25-03-2003 16:10
